Top Ten Worst Lessons Learned from Disney Shows
Change is a part of everyday life.
He's at an impressionable age. Sure, growing in education, students can pay someone or a service to write papers to make them look good. This is known as plagiarism. The day will come, though, when the person who doesn't earn his keep will be the "Emperor" with no clothes.
Wait! Did they really say that? I wonder who in their right minds thought that would be a good moral for a show mainly targeted towards a demographic that consists of impressionable children. Imagine if they took that moral seriously.
My brother is so impressionable and he loves this show. He's only ten years old and he really thinks that if he posts a video on YouTube, he'll get a record deal. It's sad.
This show features spoiled brats who get whatever they want and are ungrateful. It teaches kids to be bratty, disrespectful, and ungrateful for what they have. It's sickening.
Yeah, wait until your partner finds out.
These aren't even lessons, they're anti-lessons. Except #7, that's not even a lesson.
I agree. This show makes kids think that when they're parents, they can neglect their children.
"We'll ignore him every once in a while. We're good parents." - Amy Duncan.
Translation: It's okay to never actually pay attention to my own child.
That reminds me of Fairly Oddparents.
Shallow, superficial. And my 8-year-old granddaughter would agree with these two witches!
Sadly, this was in an episode of GLC, which is one of my favorite shows. Curse you, producers! CURSE YOU!
So I guess it's saying it's okay to be gay, right?
Two people of the same sex can't reproduce.
The Newcomers
That's Teen Beach Movie in a nutshell. Plus, the movie is overrated and I think Zac Efron, one of those so-called "hot" guy actors, is in it. So you know it's going to be bad.
That's so not true. I mean, China isn't even that pretty, but their point is to make kids think that if you're pretty, you can have anything you want.
That witch, Ms. Chesterfield, is always flirting with and/or making sexual references to guys who are younger or richer than her.
If you can't keep a job for even one week, then you have a problem. I suggest you get help.
It really shows that you have a lack of talent.
There's so much bullying in this show I'm surprised there hasn't been any controversy about it.
Teddy on Good Luck Charlie was boy-crazy too. Just saying.