Top Ten Most Annoying Disney Character Cliches
Liv Rooney was not a dumb blonde. She just comes off really, really basic. But yes, I don't like this stereotype. Particularly because dumb blondes are typically shown to be more popular than their more intellectual counterparts.
Edward Elric beats that cliché! He's blonde and smart. He knows equivalent exchange and doesn't even need a transmutation circle for alchemy. Disney should really follow that example.
With characters such as Ariel, Giselle, Anna, and Willie the Giant, there is also the equally annoying "dumb redhead" cliche.
Watching Austin and Ally, I loved Ally Dawson. I just kept thinking nobody else in the show was good enough for her because of this cliche.
I would rather watch Fairy Tail (which emphasizes friendship) than put up with this cliché.
This is nearly every character on Disney now, especially in Shake It Up.
The Black Cauldron probably has the worst example of this with Taran.
As the eldest sibling, I hate when the youngest sibling is portrayed as the nicest while the oldest is the meanest. Not all older siblings are bossy and mean!
I'm a big brother, and I have a younger sister. We're both smart, so no sibling should be portrayed as better than the other. It's mean.
It always seems like the older sibling is just an idiot. In Good Luck Charlie, Teddy is better than PJ. In A.N.T. Farm, China is better than Cameron. In Dog With a Blog, Avery is better than Tyler. Ravi is smarter than Emma, etc.
I am a nerd/geek, and this kind of offends me the most. I am also offended by the diabetics are faking it stereotype.
If these stereotypes are combined into one character, I will get a mob to burn down Disney studios.
As a nerd, I am offended by the lack of smart, cool people. They're either dumb and the hero, or smart and an outcast. This is why I really liked Big Hero 6 - it's really the only Disney movie with multiple smart people.
This pisses me off because I'm fed up with nerds getting crap for who they are. I relate to them. Without nerds, this world would be stuck in the past.
This was actually mentioned in a video about why Disney Channel is dying, and this was one of the main reasons. Unrealistic and stereotypical dumb parents.
Parents, teachers, aunts, uncles, etc., are very intelligent and deserve respect!
Why is every single parent an idiot who lets their kid do whatever they want?
This gives the male gender a bad name. Luke is just Lubbock from Akame ga Kill! combined with Justin Bieber. Ugh.
Luke is a huge example. He keeps making jokes about touching Jessie's boobs or looking at her in a sexual way, etc.
One of my dearest friends is a cheerleader. She's a great person, too. These people are exceptionally talented and possess the physical and energetic ability to train hard and practice to do their best. It's wrong to judge a person based only on this stereotype!
Not all cheerleaders are rude, petty, arrogant snobs. Not all of them are mean girls who humiliate and embarrass others just because it's fun.
This is such a stereotype! Cheerleaders aren't all mean. I know why people believe this stereotype - these dumb movies are convincing people too much!
I'm a brother, and although I sometimes get on my sister's nerves, she doesn't say I'm that annoying. Sheesh, brothers such as Sasuke and Itachi are not even annoying to the audience as much as Disney Channel's annoying brothers.
I have a brother, and he is my absolute best friend. I would probably go nuts if my brother wasn't around. I love him dearly.
Matt McGuire is another example.
The Newcomers

King Candy: Woah! What a trick he pulled off!
Hans: Okay, what a surprise.
Yokai: Okay, this is getting old.
Bellwether: STOP!
Te Ka being Te Fiti: NO MORE!
Alright, who wants to bet that Yesss is going to be the villain of Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-it Ralph 2? Come on, people, place your bets!
Incredibles 2 had the absolute worst one, not counting The Good Dinosaur.
Mufasa and Scar are a noticeable example of this, and considering how they're color-coded, this trope is honestly kind of racist.
Hercules is the only character whose parents are still alive. They actually can't die because they're immortal!
This felt especially tired once The Good Dinosaur rolled around.
By far the worst message Disney enjoys sending out. I admit even Gravity Falls does this to an extent, even though I find Grenda lovable.
Disney has had a thing lately about making the fat character obnoxious and rude, such as Willow (Liv and Maddie) and Trish (Austin and Ally).
Very true. This is especially the case with Kaa. In the original Jungle Book novel, he was one of Mowgli's friends and mentors. However, in the Disney film adaptation, he is turned into a comic-relief villain. Wait, WHAT?!
If Disney ever dares to adapt any Nintendo game into a film - worst case scenario being Fire Emblem - they will likely ruin the characterization even more. One of the things that makes Fire Emblem a great game series, besides the anime-inspired art, is the rich characterization. It would be awful if Disney gets their grubby Mickey Mouse gloves on the series.

In actual Greek mythology, Hera is Hercules' evil stepmother. In the Disney movie, she's his nice biological mom.
Not only is Cinderella guilty of this, so are Snow White, Tangled, and probably also The Rescuers.
We're looking at you, Rey Palpatine!
Marlin annoys me, especially with his overt racism towards sharks (even friendly, vegetarian ones)!
As much of a brat as Ariel may have been, I think her father Triton probably took this trope way too far.
I would try to have the princess do something other than sit around and wait to be rescued.
Why? In some Disney movies, the girls just start school, and they already want to date jocks. But why jocks? They're always the most arrogant people in the movies.
There's also always a "popular" girl who says "hands off" or "he's mine" etc. Like, WHY? It's just messed up, to be honest.
Date a nerd! We are kind, accepting, smart, and we'll help you with your homework. Or better yet, you don't need to date anyone at all.
No more forced relationships, Disney! It should be natural or nonexistent.
Does Will Stronghold falling in love with Gwen Grayson at the beginning of Sky High count?
One of the few things that I don't like about The Lion King.
That's so narrow-minded of those Disney executives! No autistic characters should be used as comic relief because it's prejudiced and damaging. Those workers should be sued for it.
I'd feel especially offended if it was revealed that Gus Gus was supposed to be autistic this whole time.
True. As someone who is autistic myself, I hate this.