Top Ten Lies They Tell You About Middle School

At school, they warp your mind to believe false realities. Only after school will you realize you wasted at least a quarter of your life in a government-owned brainwashing system.
I guess if you call constantly shoving lessons down our throats and telling us we'll "need" it when we really won't "help," then be my guest.
I'm pretty sure that's a propaganda technique used by the US government to make kids think that teachers actually support them.

I totally agree with that. In general, in middle school, they tell you "everything is okay, you make your own choices," but when you actually MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES, they are like, "That's not right," and start preaching. Every time I'm late, teachers tell me that I should be there on time, and they always piss me off and get on my nerves.
I LOVE THIS LIST. I think it's a realistic view of what middle school is really about.
I got lunch detention for being five minutes late to class once.

Pizza is served in a pool of grease. The hamburger tastes like eating a sponge. The chicken practically isn't cooked. Soggy tater tots. Overcooked potato wedges. The end. Never eating at school again.
I always ate from the cafeteria until one day in seventh grade, the carrots tasted rotten. That made me want to switch to homemade lunches from then on, until college.
My school gives us one slice of cheap and burned pizza and one side. Hardly a lunch at all!

I see kids at my school smoke all the time, and they get away with it.
I saw someone smoke, and I told the teacher, and they didn't care!
The bathrooms have so much smoke in them that it looks like they're on fire!
I definitely don't look back on middle school and remember anything happy. When I was in middle school (especially 7th grade), I was bullied by a large majority of students. Now, does that sound like any memories anyone would be happy with?
They don't even have graduations in middle school. Why anyone would remember their middle school years is beyond me.
Let me see: in 6th grade, I fit in terribly until the end of the year.
In 7th grade, my school shut down after I tried to make a new start, and I thought it was over for me. Also, I was stuck in online school until the second semester of 8th grade.
Yep, very fond memories.
They expect less of us, actually.
Hah, hilarious. I went to the school guidance counselor last year, and when I told her about my problems, she literally laughed in my face. She sounded like she was high.
No, they're just available to ask you questions and not do anything to help.
Yeah...NO. Guidance counselors that I have encountered don't usually help properly.

It's supposed to be. The only problem I have is when my friends are waiting for me so we can walk to class together, and I swear they peek over my shoulder.
Then you have the people who make the mistake of muttering their combo to themselves (loudly, I might add) as they obliviously unlock their locker in front of everyone.
My new locker since I'm now in middle school is 20-42-22, but you don't go to my school so there's no way you'll find out.
All my friends: I know your locker combination.
It's a group of factions. There are the "cool" kids, who frequently form the subfactions of bullies and popular jerks. There's also the downtrodden "nerds," which is where I stand. These are the smart ones who have their own interests beyond the latest memes and trends.
Nope. Nope. Not at all. Do your family members call you little 6th graders or horrible 7th graders or big, scary 8th graders? No, they don't. That's actually all I remember about middle school, to be honest.
Not true. If you look around, you will notice there are different groups and classifications. Schools are actually really divided.

The principal is terrible. She banned bathrooms, called a whole grade a word that you shouldn't use, and banned girls from showing their bra straps.
No, I've had a ton of principals, and I don't like any of the ones I actually remember.
The principal is the warden, the teachers are the guards, and the students are the prisoners.
The Newcomers
The teachers say that, but then they berate you for getting anything less than 100 percent.
This advice is misleading because, as an adolescent, one is trying to find oneself. I'm in middle school and I'm trying to figure out who I really am. I am not a dancer, which I used to think I was. I am NOT popular. I am more committed to YouTube than dance. I don't have tons of friends, and I want to pursue a career in acting.
I don't know exactly who I am yet or where I belong, but I'm sure there's a place for me. Also, the teachers might only like the personalities of those who love the school, are devoted to it, are athletes, and seem perfect.
Every single teacher has a couple of "teacher's pets" that can get away with much more and tend to get slightly better grades no matter what.
Hahaaa, NO. This is most certainly not the case in my school. Popular kids seem to get away with almost anything. Why? Because they're angels in their book.
In my English class, I did an informative essay and my teacher criticized me for not "following the format" when she did not give one!
Because spreading false rumors about others and constantly bullying them, not even knowing what they go through at home, is so nice...
People at my school are mean to each other and tell each other to die.
My brother, Noah, was a bully that never got in trouble.
Well, my school allows us to bring electronics, and when we are done with our work, we can use them if the teacher says so. Since I'm really smart and like to compare grades with people, I always get to brag. School can be fun if you know all the loopholes, but if you don't, good luck.
No, it's not. People are bullies, they shove information down your throat, and expect you to get it all right in a test.
Yep, because sitting in a classroom with people you hate for hours with teachers nagging at you is so much fun! *Sarcasm*
That's right. Even in middle school, you will get consequences for doing something wrong. When I was in sixth grade, in computer class, I made a video saying my teacher Ms. Heard is evil. Ms. Heard got mad, called Mom and Dad, and gave me a form for them to sign. When I got home, Dad said I was evil, and Mom made me write ten nice things about Ms. Heard. That made me decide not to be naughty ever again.

Do not listen to the people that say this. It is a big fat lie, so don't let them convince you otherwise. Ignore the bully, and guess what will really happen? That's right. They continue doing it. You have to stand up to them.
My best friend is getting bullied behind her back on the bus, and she can hear her. She tries to ignore it, but it doesn't work for her.
Ignoring never works! They'll just keep doing it until they're satisfied. They can continue all day if they want to!

They do not get punished at all. In third grade (also happened later in 6th), a kid punched me in the head and stomach, and he didn't get punished.
I have gotten bullied several times, and all they did was make the student eat lunch in the office and miss recess.
No, they don't. And if the bully physically tries to hurt you and you punch him or her or something, you get in trouble.
It depends. Some are nice, and some are mean.
Nope! Teachers are pure evil jerks!
Some of them are, but most aren't.

Standing up to bullies is useless. Even if it works, you end up being the only one in trouble just for self-defense. Even worse, the teachers never believe you.
That's a lie. This is how it works in all the schools I've been in:
They think there are only two types of people: jerks/bullies and push-over wimps. If you give respect, everyone thinks you're a pushover and an easy target. But being a jerk won't always get you respect.
Then there's the matter of being "popular." If you're a "popular" jerk, they go and kiss your shoes or whatever you are wearing, I don't care. But if they hate you, they hate you.
It's true in my case, but it's not true for others. I see kids who try their hardest but still get in trouble or don't get the respect they deserve. There's the "Golden Rule," but nobody ever follows it, so it's pretty much pointless nowadays.
Yeah, one day, when I was in eighth grade, I asked my mom whether she liked elementary or middle school better. She said she liked middle school better than elementary because middle school students are much more mature, kind, obedient, and hardworking, and they cry less than elementary students. But what about the bullies in middle school?
What about their naughty behaviors? For example, I was punished in sixth grade for breaking a toy because I didn't do my work on the computer. I once called my computer teacher evil. I accidentally broke my English teacher's vase. My elementary school friend Madison told me in sixth grade that she wasn't my friend anymore. Many of my classmates called me mean names in history class in seventh grade. Those things never happened in my elementary school life!