Top Ten Things That Defines Facebooks Admins In a Nutshell

There's many types of Facebook admins that all have different traits but all of the each group's do the same thing over again but why?
The Top Ten
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Skocking Videos
Girly pages
Bullcrap stories
Fangirl page
GTA 5 news
Lets complain about todays society and how much this generation reeks

Stupid 90's kids…They will never learn that not one single decade is perfect.

Misleading titles
Creepypastas with ruined fanarts
I hate Justin Beiber but im going to go on and on about how much I hate him

Annoying. You are just giving him more attention. I hate these people. I'm not a Belieber, but the hate's going too far. I'm neutral about JB, but he's certainly better than Hitler, Miley Cyrus, Donald Trump, e.t.c e.t.c.

The Contenders
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