Top 10 Worst Things About Facebook
It really turns you to a computer addict who can't face people!
... And in the end they turn out to be someone who is making a prank!
why the facade? deception & deceit aren't meant to be trendy nor a fashion statement, being cool is systemically & universally understandable, betraying & betrayal aren't meant to be normalized in civilizations, the only thing acceptable & normalized in civilizations is tribalism joining tribes who share your identity & interests harmoniously with no worry/worries of anyone planting knives & swords in your back with no explanation as to why, no tribalism nor unification between users individual persons & or groups ends in more division than peace ending established families & friendships who should have never been compromised nor separated
The Newcomers
Oh that is why it is called Facebook get it lol
I just deleted my facebook today for being bullied I won't miss it
I got bullied on my old facebook account a few times it sucked
I was a victim f it for no parent reason and WAY too many racists to =/
They always added their supper on facebook and it was annoying
I had a few rude people sent me rude messages to me on my old facebook account it sucks
I was addicted to facebook I was on it all day I deleted it today and probably won't go back on
My dad LOVES Facebook. He is a bit addicted to it as well.
I had my ex girlfriend add me I declined the friend request
It was the worst when they invited me to join their apps and stuff I had 2 friends keep inviting me to play dragon city, and I got a notification everyday, until I blocked it
This seen on messages would drive me nuts and like when you try messaging someone say haven't for a while and it says seen 4:30pm and no reply, and sometimes their busy, but at the end of having my Facebook I always fwlt lije 90% of my friend's would ignore me when I did nothing, like I messaged someone something exciting that they would think they will say that's awesome, and you comeback 5 hours later they saw it no reply active now, or active 5 minutes ago, or didn't see it and active now, the group was the same I had a group at school I would ask a question and I would notice people would see it and not comment to answer my question, and I Would delete it because I would feel hated I glad k deleted my Facebook I don't miss this seen thing
At the end of my Facebook I felt like people kept blocking me I had someone have 1 hiden like on a photo and it always felt like people were blocking me, and one in a school group it had like 7 hiden comments and it made me feel really depressed because it felt like people were blocking me, and in the group it only seemed like 1 person blocked me and I also only had 1 blocked user on my account from that group, and it like almost every friends I looked always had a hidden comment or like, I deleted my account now I more happier and I an not blocked by anyone anymore