Top 10 Hardest Animatronic Robots In Five Nights at Freddy's 2

The Top Ten
The Puppet The Puppet, also commonly known as The Marionette, is an animatronic and the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 2. He stays in the Prize Corner. Jeremy Fitzgerald and Fritz Smith must wind up a music box, or else he will attack the player.

The Puppet is so annoying! The red warning triangle of the Illuminati comes up.

It happened when I was playing Night 6 in the second game. It was 2 AM, Night 6, and Withered Freddy was in my face. I put the mask on quickly, but I was playing on iOS, and the animatronics take longer to go away. I didn't know if it was safe or not, and the warning signal had been flashing for about 5 to 10 seconds by then. I took off the mask, and BAM! Withered Freddy jumpscared me. Thank you, Puppet!

Puppet: You're welcome.

Dismantled Foxy and Dismantled Freddy

Dismantled Foxy: The annoying little bugger makes you use flashlight power. Always standing at the end of the hallway, if you don't check, he does the most fatal jumpscare.

Dismantled Freddy: I mostly see him in front of me. If you don't put the mask on when he's at the door and look at the cameras, he will stand in front of you like Dismantled Bonnie and Dismantled Chica. The same thing happens if you don't put the mask on in time.

Dismantled Foxy is so darn annoying, the most stupidly overpowered character in the game. If he wasn't in the game, the Puppet would be the only problem. The Puppet is actually kinda easy compared to Dismantled Foxy. So screw him, burn in hell, Dismantled Foxy!

Dismantled Bonnie

Dismantled Bonnie goes everywhere, from the front of your hallway to the vents. He's a fast robot to manage and can surprise you if he is in your room. The problem is you must immediately put your mask on, if not... SURPRISE!

He is like a snake, slipping everywhere and hunting us like he's the Easter Bunny and he forgot his eggs! Every time I play, the first thing I do is worry about Bonnie getting at me.

I HATE Bonnie. Every time I start the game, he is the first one to move and I'm like, "Where's Bonnie?" Even if the phone guy is talking, that dumb Bonnie is up to find his bad Easter eggs.

Toy Bonnie Toy Bonnie is one of the newer animatronics and one of the antagonists in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. He is Bonnie's "redesigned" counterpart from the past who replaced Bonnie's own pre-rebuilt incarnation Withered Bonnie for improvement.

If you're talking about beating 10/20, forget it. This guy will ruin it more times than any other animatronic combined.

He works like any other vent animatronic, except he scoots across the screen much like the withered animatronics and Toy Freddy. However, he takes anywhere from 1 to 4.5 seconds to do so. If you have bad luck and he takes a long time after something was just in front of you, say goodbye to the run, unless you're seconds away from 6 AM. This alone can drain 80% to 100% of the music box, leaving you pretty much ruined.

If Toy Bonnie was not in this game or he worked the same as all other vent animatronics, 10/20 would be possible to beat consistently. This character alone adds a mountain of luck to the already insane challenge, and that is why I think Toy Bonnie is the most difficult FNaF 2 animatronic to deal with.

Dismantled Chica

Withered Bonnie and especially Withered Freddy weren't so annoying, but the reason why I'm voting for her is because she killed me twice (the others only killed me once). Two times isn't big, but she has killed me twice on Night 5. What's up with her, hm?

This godforsaken chicken loves to kill me every day. She kills me ten times as often as Bonnie. Seriously. I don't know how she manages to come to my office twice before Bonnie comes even once.

Dismantled Chica is incredibly similar to Bonnie, only a little bit easier. (But still hard.)

Golden Freddy

She (I say she because Golden Freddy's soul is a girl) is the most annoying little girl ever!

1. In FNaF 1, if you enter a certain code, she bugs the game.
2. She enters your office and immediately kills you in one second.
3. She keeps appearing out of nowhere!

I have to say, even though she's third on my list of favorites (2nd is Bon-Bon, 1st is Mangle), she's the most annoying character on this list. She was turned this way by the Marionette (aka the Puppet), so she's entirely messed up. And she's Freddy's sister...

You can't stop him, even in cheat mode! He is a ghost!

The way to summon him is by doing the following:

1. Close both doors (FNaF 1) left and right.
2. Stay on your monitor for 2 to 3 minutes.

Then the magic happens. It will say "IT'S ME" and he will kill you. Reminder: this only works on any type of computer. Sorry, iPad players...

Toy Chica

Toy Chica is by far the best, especially when she moves along with Mangle and Toy Bonnie. She may not always get all the kills, but she still makes me scratch my head and stress about where she's attacking from.

Also, her design and black eyes are a nice touch.

She is my favorite! I find her really cute (no, I don't have a crush on her). I just think her design is so cute and fab, and I don't know why, but it just appeals to me (NOT romantically).

I have a feeling her eyes could be in the cupcake, or she just hid them somewhere, possibly backstage. The same could go for her beak, or it could be in the Mangle.

Balloon Boy

He makes the game even more difficult because he legit turns off your flashlight so you never see what's coming. Of course, Dismantled Foxy always gets me when Balloon Boy does that since he only goes away if you flash your light at his face.

Why is he so low? People are always ranting about how hard BB is and he appears as often as Toy Bonnie and takes as long to leave. If Toy Bonnie made it to no. 6, BB should at least be 7 or 8.

One time, I was at a sleepover and my friend was wondering why he couldn't use the flashlight. He put his face near the screen and got jumpscared by Foxy.

The Mangle Mangle is a character from Five Nights at Freddy's 2. They have a yellow eye and a black eye. They are designed as a broken fox.

Mangle has an incredible jumpscare and is really fun when paired up with Toy Chica. Then they split up, leaving me unprepared.

It also helps other animatronics. Once, when Mangle got in and just stayed there, I got super nervous and used the mask. The next thing I knew, Dismantled Foxy leaped at me, and I could definitely see what looked like Toy Freddy behind him too. I got too nervous and let my guard down because of this tragic Mangle right here.

She is hard because when she is here and I use the mask for a long time, she still hangs in front of the office. I feel like, "Come on, go leave now. Are you blinking? I am wearing the mask, hello?"

But she still hangs around, and it makes me worry. I thought she would jumpscare me, but I won the game. It's weird, but it's hard to stay away from her, and she wakes up too early...

Toy Freddy Toy Freddy is a new animatronic and one of the antagonists in Five Nights at Freddy's 2, also being a titular antagonist.

He is more of a stress maker for noobs. When I first saw him in the hallway, I was stressed, trying to make him go away with the Freddy mask.

He doesn't leave even if I wear the mask.

The Newcomers

? Nightmare Golden Freddy
? Music Man
The Contenders
Dismantled Foxy

Old Foxy drains the battery in my flashlight and stops me from using vent lights and the hallway, which is worse because of Balloon Boy in your office taking your battery!

Foxy is the hardest character in FNaF 2 because he forces you to drain your battery by flashing him in the face like 50 times just to see him appear again 5 seconds later. He's so hard.

He kept killing me on Night 6 and he still kills me on "Golden Freddy." You always have to shine the flashlight at him. It's hard because the dismantled versions of Chica and Bonnie, along with the Puppet, force you to do something else. If Foxy wasn't there it would be easier (not implying I don't like him in-game). That's why I believe he's the hardest.

Springtrap Springtrap is a character in Five Nights At Freddy's 3, released in March 2, 2015. He's a green and gold bunny with another character named William (Purple Guy) in him. Purple Guy being the murderer of the 5 children murdered in the 80s. After the ghosts of the 5 children became free from their suits,... read more

The smartest out of all the animatronics, Springtrap uses the vents as well as the normal hallways and is very hard to detect after you lose him. He sometimes ignores the sound of the audio that lured him out of the room. He also runs and skips around 5 rooms if your ventilation goes out and the alarms play.

Of course, he is an actual human, so he is smarter than all the robots combined. It is very confusing for some reason when he uses the vents.

He is a human, so that makes him the smartest. He crawls through vents and sneaks up on you, like prey!

Ennard Ennard is a mix of the smelted animatronic endoskeletons of Circus Baby, Ballora, Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy fused together with their animatronic eyeballs scattered on his body. Ennard takes form of Molten Freddy in FNaF 6 and scoops Michael Afton using the Scooper Machine in Sister Location so... read more

It is impossible to beat. If he can stand all by himself and kill me so many times, he has to be at least #2.

Nightmarrionete Nightmarionne is a character from FNaF 4 who appears in a Halloween DLC added on October 31st, replacing Nightmare in Nightmare mode and Night 8. Nightmarionne appears in Five Nights at Freddy's 4, and Ultimate Custom Night. Nightmarionne is also a version of the Marionette from Five Nights at Freddy's... read more

The music box is playing, then I'm like, I'm going to listen so I can see if something is stalking me. So I listen, and then I'm like, Can't hear anything except for the music box, so we are all good. But then BAM! Knock knock! Nightmarrionete is coming for a visit!

Kills you no matter what! You can't even hear it because of the music box playing. It is also overpowered on top of that.

Nightmare Nightmare is an antagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and one of the seven nightmare animatronics (ten if the Halloween Edition animatronics and Plushtrap are counted) in the game. He is the shadowy incarnation of Nightmare Fredbear, and the final antagonist in the game.

I think Nightmare is the hardest. He is basically all the characters thrown into one and given a shot of adrenaline. It took me ten tries to beat nights 7 and 8. He also looks really cool. Not as cool as Fredbear but still scary.

I always forget to shine the light at Nightmare. No one else has this problem?

Shadow Freddy Shadow Freddy is a mysterious shadow purple variant of Freddy Fazbear that appears in Parts/Service on very rare occasions in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. Not much is currently known about this particular character. Viewing him for too long will crash the game (or freeze the game in the mobile version)... read more

Fans have made theories that Shadow Freddy is actually Golden Freddy.

Shadow Bonnie Shadow Bonnie is a minor antagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. She rarely appears in the office and crashes the game. She is a black, silhouetted version of Toy Bonnie with white eyes and teeth.

He crashes your game if you look at him for too long. So, if Dismantled Bonnie is in your room, you have to put on your mask, but if you do, Shadow Bonnie will crash your game. If you don't, Bonnie will kill you. So just hope he only appears on Nights 1 and 2 or something.

Purple Man William Afton, commonly known as Purple Guy prior to the official name being revealed, is the former co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment, Inc. as well as the main antagonist and catalyst of the Five Nights at Freddy's series. He was directly and indirectly responsible for numerous incidents and tragedies... read more

In the Give Life mini-game, he can just try to kill you randomly, so be careful Freddy!

Ballora Ballora is one of the seven animatronics (twelve if the Custom Night animatronics are counted) in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. She is the entertainer from her own gallery room, which is located from the west of Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental.

I know other animatronics such as Molten Freddy and Toy Chica are really easy, but Ballora...she not only plays a mental game with you in Sister Location, but she also plays mind games with you in FNaF UCN.

Sometimes you hear her, and other times, you don't. You only get a 1-second warning (by a flickering light) before Ballora kills you. One flipping second...

In UCN, Ballora is always so sneaky and I always close the wrong door so she jumpscares me.

Nightmare Foxy Nightmare Foxy is a character who appears in FNaF 4 on Night 2. Nightmare Foxy runs down the hall and sneaks in through your slightly opened door and hides in the closet, until you close the closet door for long enough. He will attack if you don't close the closet door long enough or it takes you a... read more
Freddy Fazbear Freddy Fazbear (originally known as Freddybear, as seen in the Kickstarter) is one of four main antagonists of Five Nights at Freddy's, who later appear as variations in the succeeding games.
Foxy Foxy is one of four main antagonists of Five Nights at Freddy's, who later appear as variations in the succeeding games.
The Cupcake
Phantom Foxy

You never know if he will be there or not. He could be, or not. If he isn't, HOORAY! If he is, it always catches you by surprise.

You never know when he will show up.

Nightmare Freddy
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