Top 10 Forgotten Video Game Series

It's been years since they made a Battletoads game.
The Battletoads are going to be in the new Ready Player One movie.

There was an image showing a figure of Crash Bandicoot with a date that said 11-24-2015, along with the quote "He will rise again." That image is totally fake, and Crash Bandicoot never showed up at E3 2015.
My last hope for Crash Bandicoot now is for him to be a DLC fighter in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. If that doesn't happen, I will lose all hope for Crash Bandicoot's comeback.
What happened to Crash? He used to be so big back in the late '90s and 2000s. Now he's completely irrelevant. I guess it just goes to show that nothing lasts forever.

When I saw the link to this page, I already knew who I was going to vote for, and I'm glad to see he's in the top 3! It's a real shame that Hudson Soft went under right before they were going to release a new one...

I've never heard of it, but I guess that's the point.

I miss Rayman so much. I did enjoy Origins, but it was not the Rayman game I wanted. For whatever reason, I just could not get into Legends.
Rayman 3 is my favorite game in the series, and I really wish he could return.
The only time I remember playing a Rayman game was on the Xbox 360. I forgot the name and the gameplay, but I just... well, remember it.
Rayman 2: The Great Escape was the first video game I ever played! Rayman is awesome, but now they've ruined it.

Hell yeah, Dig Dug! Whatever happened to that little blue guy?

Even though there are only three games (four if you count the 3DS remaster of the NES game), I still consider this one of my favorite video game franchises. And no, I don't have any nostalgia for it since I started playing only a couple of years ago.
The NES and GameBoy platformers in the series are amazing. Let's hope Nintendo ports Uprising to the Switch so people can see how incredible this series can be!
What happened? One of the greatest games for NES. Shame it's gone...
It's back, but we don't know if there will be a sequel to its reboot.

The Newcomers

Why does everyone crap on this just because they don't think it's a good mascot game for the Xbox? It's a good game.

I'm feeling that Nintendo actually cares, though. They finally approved EarthBound for Virtual Console, included Ness in Smash Bros., and tried their best to make it appeal to everyone. But they failed because of games like Call of Duty and others that pushed EarthBound to the side like trash.
Itoi must have been sad after seeing the results of the series in America...
I wish to play this one day, and I think it would be amazing and successful if Nintendo made another EarthBound game, considering that Ness is popular via Smash. Games like Lisa and Undertale have gotten tons of attention and are based heavily on EarthBound.
Think about how many people became interested in Metroid after the success of games like Ori and Hollow Knight.

These are the best games I've ever played, hands down. The free roam is excellent, the story is even better, and the gameplay is fun and fast, though challenging. The script is funny, the ideas are great (e.g., Dark Jak, desert missions, that impossible tank level in Jak 2!), and it's such a shame that they don't make platformers anywhere near as good nowadays as they did in 2001.
Ratchet and Clank? Still a great game, but nothing compared to Jak and Daxter. Thank God the Jak games are coming to PS3 in February (the best in my opinion is Jak 2) with 3D and trophies. But only 1, 2, and 3 are coming (Jak X and The Lost Frontier aren't included).
Why didn't Naughty Dog ever make a Jak and Daxter for PS3? Sure, Uncharted is a great game and more popular, but think about those poor platformer fans who are tired of Ratchet and Clank. I actually like Jak and Daxter way better than Uncharted. Here are my ratings:
1. Jak 2: Renegade - 10/10
2. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - 9.5/10
3. Jak 3 - 9/10
4. The Lost Frontier - 6/10
Haven't played Jak X, so I can't say.

This was a series about a gecko who was transported to the Media Dimension after he swallowed a transmitter that he mistook for a fly. With consoles taken over by first-person shooters, it would be great to have this series back on the run.
I used to love Gex. I loved his wisecracking dialogue and all the TV and pop culture references.
Gex should come back. He was such a beloved character.

This game really deserves a fully-fledged remake on the Switch.

If only Capcom wasn't treating it like trash.
Especially the Star Force series and the Battle Network series.

The game of my childhood. I loved it, but they left it on a cliffhanger. They should definitely do more, but don't make it all 3D - keep it classic!

The best game I have played yet... excluding Mafia 2 and 3, of course. They truly failed to capture the unique essence of this kickass game.

It would be more popular if it wasn't for Nuts & Bolts.