Best First Person Shooter (FPS) Franchises

Am I glad to see this on top of the list. Halo takes the crown. It's so unique and diverse, and the storytelling is amazing and exhilarating.
Combat Evolved was the one that allowed me to explore the beauty of Halo. Halo 3 was the one that let me finish the fight in the most thrilling way ever, with amazing voice acting and quotes from the Arbiter, Johnson, and even the marines! Halo 4 took another step. With the opening of the Reclaimer Saga, it introduced a new cast of characters, the Infinity, and the most amazing villain, the Didact.
As unique as Halo is, 4 was THE unique Halo. It is actually a love story, unfolding the companionship of Cortana and Chief and transforming it into a lifelong friendship. Cortana, the machine, teaches Chief not to be like a machine. That was a blast. This game set my heart apart, especially the parts where Cortana screams and Chief protects her. And also, who could forget the ending Cortana and Chief cutscenes?
These are the best games in the franchise and will remain the best in the FPS genre. That's why I think Halo is the best.

The story, the gameplay, the characters - everything is just perfect. Made many memories with this great game. From PC and console to even mobile, this franchise has grown successfully.
I hope it stays at the top.
The greatest FPS franchise in the gaming world. The Battlefield series is no match for this amazing FPS franchise, at least not in single-player.
Call of Duty should easily beat Battlefield because Battlefield is only known for its quality and multiplayer. Call of Duty excels in those aspects and has great single-player campaigns, which completely overshadow Battlefield. The single-player campaign of Battlefield is really bad (except for Bad Company 2).

What it lacks in a good campaign, it makes up for with amazing multiplayer. The amount of destruction in this franchise's games is simply jaw-dropping. For example, in BF4, the skyscraper in the map "Siege of Shanghai" can be destroyed. Not only that, but the vehicles add a challenging twist. In my opinion, CoD's multiplayer just can't compare.
Call of Duty prides itself on infantry warfare, yet Battlefield does infantry better (more skilled, more recoil, more headshot multipliers. There is even a negative multiplier for stomach and below).
And it offers so much more versatility. CSGO gets boring, yet in Battlefield, there is always something new to try and master.

People always remember Half-Life 1 and 2, but Opposing Force and Blue Shift are great too. I've never played Black Mesa and mods, but I'm looking forward to it.
Two of the most important FPS games ever made, plus it birthed Counter-Strike.

It's downright disgusting that the game that made the FPS genre isn't even in the top 3. It should be #1, along with BioShock. The best of the best in FPS. Every game in the franchise is iconic.
This is like the grandfather of FPS games, and it is still going strong with the new addition of Doom Eternal. It is fast-paced with very good graphics.
It should be in the top 5, if not the top 3.
Doom 1 and 2 are the fathers of all FPS games. Their mods and other similar Id Tech 1 engine games are always fun to pick up and play.

One of my favorite shooters of all time. People criticize it because it doesn't have sprint or iron sights like other shooters, but that doesn't make it bad. You could argue that most other shooters don't have any recoil. Anyway, it's a game that caters to more competitive players, and I like that.
Hard to learn, absolutely impossible to master. This game requires so much skill to play, and there's also an extremely competitive ranking system.

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
The franchise that got me to fall in LOVE!

Best shooter ever. Nice weapon handling and the best story. There is no shooter with a story even half as good as BioShock.
You know it's on here. The first was good, the second was meh, and Infinite was awesome.
The Newcomers
I love this game. Great graphics, very fun, and best of all, it is free to play.

Wolfenstein 3D broke the entire ground that FPS stands on. It wasn't just a ground-breaker in that mindset. It featured bosses that were extremely evil and sadistic, from the maniacal and diabolical Doctor Schabbs, who experimented on humans and created deadly mutated fighting machines out of them, to the menacingly demonic Hitler, who wore a battle suit and fought with brutal precision using dual chainguns and rapid fire.
The game was not just a breakthrough for FPS games, a definitive game for bosses, a controversial title for the Nazi enemies, and had a tremendous amount of levels and secrets. It was also the most powerful title that fed into the mainstream for decades to follow. Wolfenstein 3D is the legend of all FPS games, hands down.

Fallout 4 and New Vegas were my introductions to gaming. I love these games.

The best thing about Crysis is the nanosuit that you wear. That nanosuit gives you everything, from breathing underwater and nanocells that enhance your muscles and cell regeneration to being completely invisible and indestructible. The plot of resisting an alien invasion while at the same time fighting ruthless human enemies is the best an FPS game can give its player. That is in addition to realistic graphics and over-the-top abilities and physics. Crysis is for sure the best at what it does.

I think Doom 1 and Doom 2 are just Doom 1. Quake 1 is the true Doom 2 (engine-wise). Play Quake 1: a piece of history and very fun to pick up and play.
Set the standard for multiplayer games for years to come. If it wasn't for this game, Halo wouldn't exist.

One of my favorite FPS franchises of all time, with possibly the best enemy types in all of gaming history. Even though Shadow Fall was total crap compared to other games in the series.
Killzone has the potential to be the best with good graphics. Since Killzone 2 was released, it was ahead of its time in both single-player and multiplayer and continued its formula with 3 and 4. It's too bad it's one of the most underrated FPS franchises.

OK, so Metroid doesn't have as much popularity as other Nintendo franchises like Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon, but it still holds up incredibly well.

The originals were good games. There's been nothing like them that I've played since.

"Been a fan for most of my gaming life. It has had plenty of ups and downs. I got to know my friends playing this - my favorite FPS of all time."

An amazing franchise based on amazing movies.