Top Ten Worst Characters in Five Nights at Freddy's

Ok, here's the deal. I'm sticking up for a little kid who gets bullied everyday because people don't see the good stuff about him. Yes, he takes your flashlight, do you know why? He is a little kid, maybe he's afraid of the dark. After all, I would be scared if I was locked in a dark room full of killer animatronics.
Second of all, he keeps saying hello because he wants to make a new friend. With all those people hating on him, I can't blame him. He just wants to get your attention like a little kid would with a working parent. He can't with the other animatronics because they are too busy trying to kill the guard, and he wants to do the same. But he can't because he's so small and helpless.

I found a foxy is a good guy theory board. Here is the flaws on it.
"The reason he jumpscares you in the first game is because he's making sure you're safe."
You think someone just leaning into the doorway with jaw wide open, like he wants to bite you, is making sure you're safe?
"The reason he only attacks checks on you when you look at him too much or too little is because, if you do it too much, he will think you are trying to summon him for his help, and if you do it too little, he will think you are in trouble since he'll think you're not on the camera at all."
Really? Why?
"Foxy also bangs on the left door in order to either try to get in and save you or scare away any animatronics inside."
He wants to get in to attack.
"The reason he screams and you die when he checks on you is NOT because of his voice box being "broken". As we all know, his voice box is alright, and he can sing with it."
He screams to attack?
This evil idiot almost killed his poor brother by trying to crush him in fredbear's mouth, while he clearly said he didn't want to go in. He leaves him in the pizzeria and scares him every day, and If it wasn't for this douche then Fnaf wouldn't even be in this mess. Toy Bonnie, toy Freddy and toy Chica (I'm not including mangle because I like mangle more than the other 2.0 animatronics) are bad, but this guy deserves to burn in the pits of hell because of the bad things he's done.
Alright well I think that the brother didn't apologize so he could go back to being evil, he felt actual regret for his actions. Nobody can lose your ENTIRE family and not feel terrible. I have a theory where he got a job at sister location to find Elizabeth. He may of done those things for his own reasons. Maybe his father was neglectful to him but loved C.C (crying child). Maybe he was jealous of C.C and wanted to take his anger out on him but regretted in the end. Please play fnaf 4 to see the actual bite of 87 instead of the ones in your headcanons.

Toy Chica is beautiful I don't know why people would put her on the list or any of them there all adorable in my opinion and unique in there own way people. so why do people say that the top ones are the worst this is stupid people. And I think that Mangle and Foxy are my favorite and and all of them are so cute!
You know, Toy Chica is not a hooker! The reason why Scott Cawthon probably remade her this way, is to prove that Chica is a girl. Some people say Chica's a dude, and this proves she not! The chest, the clothing, and the hips are proving just that! She's not a hooker, she's making a point.

The Minireenas tick you off every time they appear in game. They should be higher up. They're worse than BB.
They are like mini puppets with pink skirts crawling up your suit screaming in your face! ):
They're just pests. I'd say they're the new balloon boy.

He's EVIL! I seriously don't like him at all, and in the 'you can't' minigame, he scares the living crap out of me. Not that there is living crap in me...YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! And seriously, even if he does have mental issues, that doesn't mean you just earn a innocent kids trust with a golden freddy costume, lure him in the back with cake or whatever, and MURDER HIM MERCILESSLY! I mean seriously dude, get a life! And stop stealing them!
Look up fan art of this guy and people will often draw him with midlength hair in a ponytail. Apparently going for the post-timechamber look Trunks had from DBZ. What I never liked about this fangirly design is that it was the exact hairstyle I had and made me look like some kind of moronic fanboy.
It sucks that you have to wind the music box and if you don't music will start and he'll jumps are you even with a mask on. In FNAF 3 his look is worse because he is green and black. In FNAF 3 you don't need a music box but he likes to stare at you when he's in your office.
The Puppet is one of my favorite animatronics alongside Foxy, Golden Freddy, Mangle, and Springtrap, but I think the Music Box is so time-consuming, and it's the main reason I get jumpscared by Foxy/Mangle/Bonnie!
He is my most liked character in the game but I agree that the music box is so annoying. But, I suppose you need something to keep an eye on as well as the animatronics.

Balloon Girl is harmless. All she does is sit under your desk. Stop hating on her.
No, not balloon girl, JJ. The name has been revealed in the source code files.

Bro pink gold peach is better than him and we all hate her wow!
The reason Custom Night is a living hell.
Hahaa! Yen see, Yen do! But seriously, Yenndo is hated for a reason.

He (yes, "he". I know, he looks like a girl) is absolutely the worst. His animation for when you put up the mask takes forever, nothing about him is creepy in the slightest, and he's even worse than Balloon Boy in my opinion. At least BB isn't too hard to get rid of. Also, Toy Bonnie is the only Bonnie that I don't like (*DESPISE), even though I love every other Bonnie. You know you failed if you make a Bonnie my least favorite character. Also, did I mention that he's annoying?
I don't think any more needs to be said.
Toy Bonnie looks to me like the pretty boy of the new guys, like the face of a bunch of high school students who knows there's a actual leader and it's not him but he doesn't care. He's not scary like Toy Chica or Mangle and isn't that interesting in his own right.
The Newcomers

Say what you want about BB, at least he's easy to fight in FNaF 2 and doesn't stay in your office in UCN. Dee Dee literally spawns in a completely random character into Custom Night and there is absolutely no way of knowing who she spawned. It's no surprise that she's become one of the most hated characters in the franchise. Definitely belongs in the top ten.
This girl is so annoying when she appears in Ultimate Custom Night and adds a new character that you don't even know about. She also sings that stupid song.

He's the most unnecessary character in FNAF 3! He attack you randomly and you can's stopping him. The original Foxy and the other phantom animatronics are way better than him!
I honestly don't hate him, I he's just the worst character on the list.
I mean I love normal foxy, but I'm going to have to agree eh is pretty bad. 1. because he doesn't look as cool as he was in the first game. 2. because he looks like garbage. 3. he can't kill you

He looks ridiculous, like, look at normal BB, then look at this! Also, how'd he manage to stay so clean?
Ah... He would be fine, except his teeth and his hands scare the heck out of me.
Nightmarionee and Nightmare Mangle are non-canon, how did this guy pass?

This child murderer is basically Springtrap. Cruel heart. Well I guess some of his kids also got killed like Elizabeth. Dark stuff.
He is not the confirmed killer (in the book, yes, but in the original story, that's still debated).
This guy killed (probably) 20 kids and his son had to pay the price! When will this guy die!?

People stop hating Freddy. You guys just hate him because you can't pass a night. Well you know what? Learn how to pass a night by just closing the stupid right door that is right in your face if Freddy is at the corner.
Also, I forgot to mention, that comment I mentioned is not only pathetic, but instead of saying you're, That person spelled it wrong and rather said your.
This kid that I'm friends with says he's better than everyone because we pretend that we are the characters because he is the lead singer and is more faunmous than everyone!

I got a story for you chica haters. It a school story. Here I go... Once in fnaf middle school there was a pretty girl. Her name was chica. And a ugly girl. Her name was mangle. Foxy just told chica he loved her. Now the pretty chica and foxy are shiped or dating. Mangle got mad. Super mad. As chica and foxy had to switch classes mangle jumped between them. Mangle pulled foxy away from chica. Chica stood there sad as she watched mangle and foxy kiss. Foxy looked over at chica with tears in his eyes. Chica stood strong trying not to cry. Suddenly mangle swept foxy away to the class they were all in. It was a day when tje teacher said they can switch seats. Mangle sat next to foxy. Chica tryed to get the other seat next to foxy but mangle blocked her. Then a new kid puppet sat in the other seat next to foxy. Chica sat down far from the two. Soon freddy and bunnie sat next to her. Chica looked up from her desk. Freddy saw her face. He asked her what was wrong. She said mangle and looked away. to be contiued...

This things fatter than all the animatronics (except nightmare Fredbear, he's seriously fat) so I call him toy Freddy fatbear instead of toy Freddy. I also have a theory: toy Freddy is so fat he can't fit through the vents because he eats too much pizza. Mangle is way better and you should feel sorry for her, because she gets taken to pieces each day and put back together in some weird mess (sorry mangle! Don't worry you're still one of my fave animatronics! ). Sadly, that's how some people treat mangle these days. Like some broken piece of cr@p that is complete junk and toy Freddy like a cute, cuddly little plush bear. Actually (sorry but I hate to say this also goes to mangle, but she ain't a cute cuddly bear, but she is awesome in my opinion) toy Freddy fatbear is trying to KILL YOU. Yep, don't let his looks fool you. He may be cute, (not in my mind, nor is he ugly, he's an overrated teddy bear) but he's lethal. So is mangle, but she is still sorta overrated, but has so much potential. Poor mangle never smiles, while that douchebag toy Freddy does and the other toys do. Mangle just sits lonely with no friends or people to cheer her up, like foxy, who isn't in the band performing. Don't get me wrong, mangle is my favourite character still, but I also like foxy just as much. Toy bonnie and toy Chica? Meh, they're fine. I just don't like it when people love toy Chica and call her... Yeah. And toy bonnie is overrated, but not to overrated. And to that guy/girl who said toy Freddy is so cute and not fat, try looking at toy Freddy AGAIN and then, I bet ya gonna change your mind. Yep, he's a plush teddy bear, and we didn't call Freddy fat, we called TOY Freddy fat. Whoever you are, next time get your facts right.
I mean, why do you hate this guy? I don't really believe he's purple guy for a few reasons
-they both died different ways
-purple guy was killed in a spring lock failure and how would phone guy know about this and the suit in the back if he was purple guy?
-phone guy mentioned about somebody stealing a suit. Sure you can say he did it to cover up what he did, but why would he tell you if he did it? Doesn't make sense.
-also, on a steam post, about mat pat almost getting all of fnaf 2 right so they said that phone guy is purple guy was confirmed and he replied,
*almost* everything right.

I LOVE FOXY but when you open that closet and he is so close to your face, he dose the really high and out of no were, this "RAAA! " and he is right at your face, it bearly gave me a heart attack, I fell of my chair and almost bashed my head open, I love foxy but, when you don't check him in a wile and you go to the closet, your going to see foxy's face up close, and you don't want to see it too close
We could have stopped this. WE could have stopped this. We could have stopped it at Withered Foxy. We could have stopped it at Phantom Foxy. But no. We kept pushing and pushing and WE PUSHED TOO FAR.
How can the Paper Pals be considered characters? They're just decorations. That's like saying that your favorite FNaF characters are the posters.
It is just a stupid Paper plate that withered chica steals.
Who the ef is he? But he sounds like he looks bad as hell..

For me the most annoying animatronic in the game series, foxy is cool, nightmare foxy is cool, phantom foxy at least is not annoying, but withered foxy! I can't beat 20/20/20/20 mode because of him, I flashed him like 8 times then some other animatronic comes, I put on the mask and he jumpscares me, then I flash him even more and then, guess what my battery is almost out and it is 12 am
I like normal foxy, but not this little piece of trash.
Like WHY does this thing not kill you, and secondly I want it to! It's not even in the AI list like what the hell just why!? This character deserves to be on the list!
How is this on the list? I mean come on! It doesn't move, hurt you, or even share a part in the story! (I mean the MAIN parts people) I just don't get it...
Why is this on the list it dose nothing.
How can you hate him? He doesn't do anything bad at all! He's also cute and unique. But I the thing that makes me frustrated with him is THE GENDER! I don't his gender but I use "HE" because he is most likely to be a BOY (don't mad at me okay just because I don't know the gender! ) and his name is "CARL" Isn't Carl is a boy name so I think he is a BOY!
In the fourth version/game, he looks plain creepy. But, that WAS Scott's job... But seriously, who thought THIS guy would show up?
I love Cupcake. He/she is a really unique addition to the game.

I like him, but I just read this fan art showing the kid possessing him killing his mom, torturing his little brother, etc. And the worst part is this is before Halloween, so I will get NIGHTMARES! Thank god we are allowed to have opinions, so I can be happy.
Golden Freddy is a stupid ugly rip off of freddy and I want him dead. In the mobile version he can kill you even if he's not in the room or hall. Making the 6th night or anything with him in it impossible
I hate this piece of golden junk you golden freddy fans are just complete idiots like look golden freddy he's just bland dull and stupid l so you guys love golden so much isn't that right!