Best Booze

Not best cocktails, this is a list for the hardcore straight up booze drinkers!
The Top Ten
Jameson's Irish Whiskey

I have been drinking nothing but Jameson's as my daily attitude adjustment for about six months. I like it neat, perhaps with a water chaser. I see it as something that could be mixed, probably over ice is best.

I've got a bottle sitting on top of the fridge right now. Great for the price.

I don't work for Jameson's. I just like whiskey.

Never was a whiskey fan till I tasted Jameson. This is an excellent drink. It's extremely versatile. Drink it straight or mixed with anything.

Simply smooth and comfortably warm. Best sampled by sipping from a snifter. Positively delightful.

Johnny Walker Black

I was skeptical about trying this bottle, but after reading some of these reviews, I gave it a try and I wasn't disappointed. The drink itself is smooth and relaxing. It's one of those liquors that I can just drink while leaning back and relaxing with some buds.

Nothing beats scotch on the rocks, and Johnnie Walker Black Label is the best scotch there is. How people even dare vote such crap as Tennessee and Canadian whiskey ahead of scotch, I don't know.

Johnny Walker is a brand that can be trusted and is the finest whisky.

Bombay Dry Gin

Bombay is the absolute pinnacle of gin, incorporating spices and herbs from around the world. It truly exemplifies pure excellence in outstanding spirits. Bombay Sapphire Dry Gin is simply in a class of its own, hands down.

The best for you gin drinkers, whatever the price.

Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum

After looking for the best straight alcohol, I noticed this was at the top of the list, and I've been drinking this forever. I'd have to agree and was hoping to find something new, but it seems Captain Morgan's fits the spot perfectly.

This stuff's pretty damn good and the only rum I drink. Easy to shot and mixes great with Coke. Not a bad price either!

Finished a whole bottle by myself. It was fantastic! I know it was fantastic because I don't remember a thing.


Best way to forget about last night!


It's an acquired taste, but once you're hooked, you'll drink it for life.

I agree, Laphroaig is definitely a must for all whisky drinkers.

If you are a whisky drinker, Laphroaig is the real thing (Scotch, that is).

Bacardi Rum

Torched cherry and coke were made for each other. It would be like if sex was a mixed drink.

Bacardi Rum Black. Smooth enough for shots.

It's my favorite thing to drink straight.

Gordon's Gin
Absolut Vodka

This is the only vodka I buy and drink. I have converted two brothers.

If vodka belongs on this list, it's THIS vodka.

Patron Tequila

I had never been much of a drinker until I tried Patron, and I loved it. Then my curiosity got the best of me, and I tried Don Julio, and it is so much better! My special margaritas taste so much better when made with Don Julio.

So, take it from someone who doesn't like change. It is SO worth the extra money to try. And it doesn't mess my stomach up!

One day, I'm going to try some of those other expensive tequilas that were mentioned in a previous post. But for now, Don Julio is my number one. Sorry to say, Patron is my number two for now, anyways.

If you honestly think Patron is the best tequila ever, then you're not a tequila drinker. Patron is the Macy's of tequila. Don Julio and 1800 are smoother and have more flavor.

If price is no option, Casa Noble, X.Q., and Alquimia Reserva de Don Adolfo are even better. Patron is overpriced and overrated.

The Newcomers

? Buffalo Trace Bourbon

To me, this is THE BEST whiskey out there. Picture a higher-proof Jameson, and you pretty much nailed it.

? Disaronno

It literally tastes like Coca-Cola. It's the best, smoothest liquor I've ever had.

The Contenders

Probably spelled wrong, but you know what I'm talking about, and you know it's the best.

Tastes so good and smooth. It's the only hard liquor I actually like the taste of.

Perfect for all occasions. You can drink it straight or with energy drinks.

Jack Daniel's Sour Mash

On the rocks or with some Coke, Jack's the winner that is no joke. The first shot you wince, the second you flinch, but after that, it's a cinch.

How you can put Hennessy or any kind of gin ahead of JD simply confounds me. You just cannot beat the best Tennessee whiskey out there.

If you aren't drinking Sour Mash, get a bottle (or a case) and enjoy it, chilled slightly.

Iceberg Vodka

Made from real iceberg water and triple-distilled. The purest form of hard liquor in existence.

The water used in making this brand "Iceberg Vodka" is actually from icebergs. How cool is that?

Awesome on the rocks, but my favorite is mixing it with Oasis Probiotic juice.

Grey Goose Vodka

Smoothest and best when ice-cold.

I love this vodka. It's so smooth you don't need to mix it with anything.

Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey

I'll drink this straight, with Coke, etc. I love this stuff! Not gonna lie, this is the drink that could make me an alcoholic, laugh out loud. It goes down smooth and tastes great.

Best if you dilute it slightly with water. So smooth going down that you could swear it's not even an alcoholic beverage. Best for the money, in my personal opinion.

This stuff is smooth like velvet, kinda like the bag it comes in. When it comes to Canadian whisky (rye), this is my hands-down favorite.

Exclusiv Vodka
Ciroc Vodka

Had this for the first time with Finest Call Loaded Bloody Mary mix. Five stars. Mixed half and half, couldn't even tell there was liquor in it! Nice...

Smoothest vodka on the list hands down because it's made from grapes and five times distilled. It should have been in the top five.

Straight water, one of my number one favorites. A bit too easy to drink, though, so be careful.

Southern Comfort Black Label

There is no other booze that I associate more blackouts with. I like this stuff too much!

The first hard stuff I ever had, and I will take this over all the others. Hands down!

Svedka Vodka

As smooth as Grey Goose, yet not as expensive. Always a good go-to vodka when looking for quality and affordability.

Isn't harsh, it's cheap, and it mixes well with non-alcoholic drinks.

Five times distilled (like Grey Goose) but not as overpriced.

Sailor Jerry's Spiced Navy Rum

Sailor Jerry's is WAY smoother than Capt. Morgan's will ever be. I was turned on to SJ about five years ago. Till then, I was a CM drinker for 25+ years, so I've wasted a lot of time drinking the wrong rum - if that's possible.

A little rougher because of the 92 proof, but the vanilla and spice make this a very good straight shot.

This is by far my favorite drink! Perfect for drinking straight and no chasers needed.

Ketel One Vodka

Right on par with Belvedere. I did a taste test and couldn't tell the difference. Great for Moscow Mules.

Makes Goose taste like swamp water!


I don't like whiskey, but this is the best drink ever. It tastes just like candy. Plus, it's cheap! You seriously can't go wrong!

So easy to drink straight from the bottle. Tastes really good and gets you plastered.

Goes down really smoothly! Great taste, especially with cream soda.


So smooth you'll drink until you forget without even realizing it.

Maker's Mark

Smooth and rich. Neat or on the rocks.

Johnnie Walker Blue
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