Top 10 Best Candies to Get On Halloween

Kit Kats are the BEST candy to get on any occasion! You can enjoy them on Halloween, birthdays, or even on a random day. They're always great to eat anytime! They're made of delicious chocolate and have a crunchy texture. They taste so good! You should definitely try them if you haven't had them before!
They're sweet without being too sweet. If you find candy bars made entirely of chocolate with gooey, sweet caramel or nougat inside too sweet for your taste, try Kit Kats.
Kit Kat is the ultimate Halloween candy. It's a crunchy chocolate bar with multiple flavor variations (white, milk, etc.). I always look for these on Halloween.

M&M's are really good, especially the peanut ones. Anyone who does not like M&M's might have a slight problem, but they are not my favorite.
These are the iconic holiday chocolate candies and should get the most votes.
These are my favorite candy! The milk chocolate version is the best.

Skittles are great to have on Halloween! They taste so good! I definitely recommend them to anyone who hasn't tried Skittles before.
I haven't had these in a long time, but I remember them as tangy and chewy. Sounds pretty nice because I love sour candy.
The best kind of candy. M&M's and Skittles are like twins. They're chocolatey and so sweet!

I've never tried these, but everyone is always obsessed with them and talks about how good they are. I'm going to try some to see what all the fuss is about. I know I'm missing out.
I love these things! Peanut butter and chocolate go together so well. They're my favorite, with Kit Kat being my second favorite. Yummy!
Reese's is my favorite candy to get while trick-or-treating on Halloween. I love the mix of peanut butter and chocolate.

Jolly Ranchers are really good. One Halloween, I ate almost a whole bag of them. That's how delicious they are. I could sit in front of the TV or anywhere, even outside, for 24 hours eating Jolly Ranchers. That's how much I love them. They are the best sensation candy you can get in the whole world. I would totally vote 5 stars or more. This is the best candy you can get for Halloween.
I very rarely get these, but I love them.
This reminds me of my childhood.

I love Twix so much! First of all, the cookie inside makes it taste just like one of grandma's. The caramel coat adds a creamy taste, and the chocolate on the outside is the perfect finishing touch.
It satisfies me just to think about biting down on delicious milk chocolate. Then, smooth, thick caramel greets me with a surprise, along with the cookies!
I always say that Twix is disgusting just to get it off my sibling so I can eat it. The ones I get just aren't enough!

I'm gonna be so sad when I get braces because these are my favorite candy, and I won't be able to have them.

So good! And if you eat them one at a time, they last for ages.
I'm eating them right now and I can't stop.
So good! Best candy, love them!

I absolutely love Candy Corn. It is my all-time favorite candy. Candy Corn is awesome, delicious, and even excellent in breakfast cereal.
Corn syrup, sugar, and food coloring. All horrible for you, but it tastes so good!
Candy corn is an awesome Halloween candy! They taste heavenly.

The price is unreasonable, so I never get to eat them. But hey, it's yummy.
The Newcomers

If I ever asked for the universe, I would mean that I want a giant box of these things.
These candy bars are awesome! They don't deserve 16th place!
This should at least be 5th, but they're my favorite.

You're not yourself when you're hungry. Here, have a Snickers.

I really love Ring Pops, and I would get a whole collection of them so I can have all kinds of flavors. Definitely vote for the Ring Pops because they are juicy, sweet, and delicious. They even bring out your inner child.

So good! Best on Halloween, Easter, Christmas, the Fourth of July - you name it. My point is, they're amazing and awesome.
I can't believe they are ranked so low. They are so creamy and crunchy. They're the bomb!

I love Sour Patch a lot. Sour Patch is my candy lord.

Oh my god, this candy bar is so delicious and brings back childhood memories. It brings out my inner child. I really love 3 Musketeers bars, and they even melt in your mouth. They are so good and delicious.

I love sour candy, which is why I'm voting for this one.

If you get one of these, consider yourself the king of Halloween.
If you take one end and shake it for a couple of minutes, it will get small and fat. (By the way, it has to be a big one.)

Gummy Bears bring back lots of childhood memories for me. I absolutely love Gummy Bears. This candy is my all-time favorite, and I am a Gummy Bear lover.
Give Haribo Sugar-Free to people you hate. Read the Amazon reviews and you'll understand.
That is the worst place! They are the best! Put them in first!

I like the strawberry ones, but I hate the cherry ones.

Smarties are good if you like sugary candies that taste like raspberries or cherries. Smarties are great for smart people! These candies are sweet and excellent to suck on.

I absolutely love peppermint, and I highly recommend these candies. This is my all-time favorite! It has the taste of peppermint that will literally last on your breath. I had these candies in school, and I literally couldn't put them down!