Top 10 Worst Combinations of Good Foods
These foods are fine as long as they are not put together. When they are, it's just icky.Super gross. Sweet cherries (which are lovely) paired with sour vinegar (which is disgusting)? I can't stand vinegar. It smells so bad Shrek uses it for cologne.
I am going to try all of these to see what they taste like. I'll probably only throw up, say, five times in between.
Gross. Mixing something really good (cherries) and something gross (vinegar) is just weird.
It's just like Among Us and Gacha Life, but fish and milk is better, but still extremely gross!
This combo can give you vitiligo.
I just don't know why people do this.
Sometimes I bite into what I think will be a delicious beefburger and find gross lumps of mayo hanging in the lettuce. They would be fine if separate, but not together.
I love pork, but I cannot stand pork pies or pork pasties.
The two diminish each other. And normally, mustard will go well with anything!
Both are good on their own. Not together. Pick one or the other, goddamnit...
Like salted slugs on lean and tender meat. Gross.
The Newcomers
I'm never going to introduce cucumber to Marmite. That relationship just wouldn't work.
... I don't think meat goes with chocolate. As a vegetarian, I don't really think I can say whether or not this would taste good. I don't know.
This one is so wrong. Who mixes peanut butter and ketchup? So gross.
Tuna is horrible. And with cucumber? Worse. It makes me want to puke.
I love tuna, but I am not a big fan of cucumbers.
This sounds disgusting, like in the movie Elf when Buddy was eating it.
I LOVE strawberries, but I am not very pleased with mayo.
My friend tried this. She almost threw up.
I imagine this tastes pretty good as well, unless the Mountain Dew is put on the Doritos...
Imagine eating Doritos with Mountain Dew on them.
This just sounds like a bad idea.
Once when my cousin was little, he had Doritos and party mix with milk, and he puked.