Top Ten Facts About Strawberries

The Top Ten
1 Strawberries are the only fruit that wear their seeds on the outside

And it looks cool too

2 Strawberries aren’t true berries
3 To store fresh strawberries, wash them and cut the stem away
4 Strawberries contain high levels of nitrate

I think that makes them acidic...

5 Eight strawberries will provide 140 percent of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for kids
6 There are 200 seeds in a strawberry

How did you count?

7 One cup of strawberries is only 55 calories
8 There exists a museum for strawberries – Le Musee de la Fraise in Belgium. They have a great souvenir shop for anything strawberry.
9 The French believe that strawberries have aphrodisiac properties
10 Strawberries contain high amounts of Vitamins C, K, B6, folic acid, and amino acids, making it a super fruit
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