Top Ten High-Calorie Foods to Increase Your Weight Quickly

The Top Ten
1 Pasta
2 Pizza Pizza is a yeasted flatbread generally topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It is commonly topped with a selection of meats, vegetables and condiments. The term was first recorded in the 10th century, in a Latin manuscript from Gaeta in Central Italy.
3 Potatoes
4 Cheese
5 Candy
6 Fast Food
7 Meat

Meat makes you very sexy

8 Soda
9 Chocolate
10 Cheese Burgers
The Contenders
11 Butter or Margarine
12 Yogurt
13 Soy Beans
14 Peanut Butter
15 Ice Cream
16 Nuts
17 Lard
18 Cereal
19 Fruit Juice
20 Bananas Bananas are elongated, yellow, edible fruits that are soft and rich in starch. They are native to Southeast Asia and Australia. Bananas are commonly eaten either raw or cooked, depending on the culture, and are often confused with plantains... read more
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