Top 10 Worst Candies

The Top Ten
Black Licorice

I have never tried black licorice, and I do not want to find out what it tastes like. Just about every person I have ever met thinks that it is the most horrible invention ever. The amount of hatred that this candy gets is crazy. Nobody likes it, so I will never try it.

Black licorice came first. What's so cool about black licorice is that its flavor comes from the actual plant, licorice root. It's also the most unique candy.

What were they thinking? Just because we love red licorice does not mean they should make it black. It insults the flavor! I mean, really, you people are nuts and crazy for this puking garbage.

Wax Lips

This is a candy product made of colored and flavored wax, molded to resemble a pair of oversized red lips.

My mom had this candy before. She said they're just pieces of wax shaped like lips.

You can't really eat them. It's just some stupid American junk.

Circus Peanuts

How is mint gum worse than circus peanuts? Circus peanuts are disgusting!

I hate these. Do not ever eat them.

Chocolate Gum

The only time that chocolate bubblegum was tolerable was in a scene from Invader Zim when GIR drank it.

WHAT?! Chocolate gum? Who would come up with this horrible candy?! It should be #1.

I love chocolate, but I hate gum. Sounds very gross.

Fart Flavored Gum

I never want to try fart-flavored gum again! Trust me, never try it!

I don't think my mouth will be touching that anytime soon.

Weird. Who puts fart flavor in candy?

Candy Corn Candy corn is a candy most often found in the United States and Canada, popular primarily around Halloween.

So disgusting. I will never try it again in my life.

Chocolate Skittles
Good and Plenty

This is one of the worst candies I've ever had in my entire life. I would never eat this again.

Blow Pops

The Newcomers

? Milk Duds

Why is this not in the top five? This candy is 10x worse than candy corn!

It sticks to your teeth and is just disgusting.

? Pocky

I've tried it, but it just isn't my cup of tea.

The Contenders
Necco Wafers
Mint Gum

I really don't like strong mint gums at all. If it's a sweet mint, I'll take it, but certainly not those strong varieties. They give me a headache. But I absolutely adore black and red licorice. Yum!

Whatever you do, don't drink water after chewing this!

Some mint gum is okay, but I only like the kinds that aren't burn-your-mouth strong or overly minty.

Chocolate Covered Bugs and Spiders

Chocolate-covered bugs and spiders taste gross.

They taste so nasty that they make you want to puke for real. It's a bad idea to make these things.

Chocolate Poo Poo

What is "Chocolate Poo Poo"? Is this really a treat?

What the hell is that? Is that really the name of the candy? I think that sounds disgusting.


More like doo-doo pellets because they look like rabbit poop.

They make me gag every time I try one. Horrible.

Do not buy these. If you get them while trick-or-treating, throw them at the house that gave them to you.

Chocolate Covered Jelly Beans
Almond Joy

I don't like almonds or any nuts, but since I never tried it, I have no room to talk.

Bertie Botts Every Flavor Jelly Beans

I love tricking people with these beans! I got my sister to eat vomit-flavored jelly beans, and she thought it was tutti frutti before she tasted either! Laugh out loud.

Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans are so unpredictable! You want a caramel-flavored one and end up eating a fart-flavored one.

I love the packaging on the ones from Universal, being a huge fan of Harry Potter, but I don't like eating them very much.

Fear Factor Candy

Some people actually eat insects. I think everyone here needs to calm down. I've never tried one, and it sounds disgusting, but I'm not going to go entirely crazy over a piece of candy.

I tried the scorpion ones once for a dare. The candy tastes like cough medicine, the scorpion is bitter, and the whole thing has a sawdust texture that gets stuck in your teeth. Gross.

Yeah, this candy is just gross. It has real insects in it. I wouldn't eat it even if somebody paid me a million dollars.

York Peppermint Patties
Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears

They sound gross, but they're actually quite good.

Lick Your Wounds Candy Scabs

I have never tried it, but from the images, it looks like fake blood on a scab stuck to a bandage. You put the bandage on, start licking, and cringe. It is even classified as one of the worst sweets.

Never had it before, but my friends have, and they say it's disgusting. Plus, it just sounds gross. Come on, who would be tempted to buy Lick Your Wounds Candy Scabs? Just gross. And by the way, licorice of any flavor is ten times better than this.

I grew up calling "candy" sweets. My grandma would tell me off if I called it candy. I still call it sweets.

Oh, and what the hell is Lick Your Wounds Candy Scabs?

Cherry Mash
Red Licorice

Twizzlers taste like cardboard with some sugar on top. They're sticky and hard to chew! Twizzlers are gross.

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