Best Sports Drink Brands

The Top Ten

Gatorade replenishes your body and hydrates you. This drink is very healthy, but it also helps when you are sick because it has electrolytes, which you lose when you have the flu, a cold, or any sickness.

This is just my opinion. No need to lose sleep over which type you think is best for you.

Gatorade is the best sports drink ever. It is also used when you are sick or when you feel like throwing up. It is really tasty and has so many flavors.

I go to skating class and always take Gatorade with me. I don't care which flavor - I like all of them!


Tastes great and hydrates well. I love the design of the nozzle, which keeps you from guzzling it too quickly!

Powerade is yum and hydrates you. Good on a cold day when you're doing heaps of physical exercise or just out on the water. Powerade is good and not too bad for you.

It's way better than Gatorade because it tastes better, hydrates you more, and is refreshing. It also doesn't make you thirstier after drinking it.

Vitamin Water

I drank this and saw that there were electrolytes on the cover. I said, Wow, this sports drink has lots of vitamins, carbs, and electrolytes! Gatorade is really bad for you because it is pretty much just sugar water with sodium and potassium, which can lead to high blood pressure. Powerade uses high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar.

This is the best! So many flavors and very healthy and refreshing on top of that! My favorite is Kiwi Strawberry. I drink this all the time.

I drank this when I was sick with the stomach flu and couldn't believe how much faster I was up on my feet!

SoBe Life Water

It is so tasty and it makes me feel refreshed. It comes in so many different flavors unlike Gatorade and doesn't taste artificial.


Mizone has more taste and variety of flavors than any other sports drink, such as lime, blackcurrant, mandarin, and raspberry. It also has 5 essential vitamins, electrolytes, and antioxidants to help you perform better. Choose Mizone. It is much more unique!

Enough flavor - no sugars and no crap - probably the best of the breed from a nutritional point of view.

It won't give you a sugar hit though (which is a blessing).

All Sport

Is it still around? It had the best taste and refreshed just as well.

Good stuff. Wish I could find it.


Simply awesome. Rehydrates the body faster than any other sports drink, with protein to help you recover better.


Staminade is much better than drinks like Powerade and Gatorade because it has more electrolytes than the others and also has calcium, which is an essential mineral when doing physical activity.

This is a product that made me feel very energized during my basketball game. I play high school varsity basketball, and it helped me play the entire state game, where I led our team to a championship.

This is by far the best drink for hydration. Although I miss the coconut flavor, I still love either lime or orange flavor.


How is this down at #9? It is the nicest drink ever! Powerade, on the other hand, tastes disgusting and fake and looks really terrible.

Lucozade is a large company and is recommended by professional footballing nation England. It is way better and is the biggest sports drink in the UK.

So well known and the flavors are amazing. Drink this and be revived!


This stuff is the best, bar none. Nobody can argue with that!

It tastes pretty good, and I think it's better than some other drinks, such as Powerade and Gatorade, because it keeps you going and hydrated.

It's a good sports drink! Highly recommended!

The Newcomers

? Maurten

Used by all the major marathon winners over the last two years. Seen with the world's greatest runners without even spending anything on sponsorships. That's something!

? G Fuel
The Contenders
Body Armor

Body Armor is mainly made of coconut water, which has a lot of potassium. It has tons of electrolytes and vitamins. It's all-natural. Tons of great athletes use it, including James Harden, Kobe Bryant, Andrew Luck, and Mike Trout.

Love this stuff! It's a wonderful option for health-conscious, naturally-minded parents looking for an alternative to the nasty ingredients in Gatorade for their kids. My kids enjoy the flavors, and the price is reasonable too.

Body Armor is the best sports drink I have tried. I deliver mail, which means I'm out in the weather. During the summer, I drink Body Armor to rehydrate throughout my day. It's all-natural and tastes great!

Pocari Sweat

I had this stuff over in Japan and fell in love with it! Way better than any sports drink in the States. It has a grapefruit kind of taste. I buy it anytime I see it in Asian supermarkets.

This is the best-tasting and lightest sports drink there is. It's made by a pharmaceutical company that also makes IV fluids and such. Kind of hard to find but worth it. I get it at a local Asian market.

Not as sweet-tasting as some sports drinks - just very refreshing. Makes you feel hydrated without leaving an aftertaste.


This stuff works well while cycling and running!

It works the best compared to others.


After I started drinking it, I have won 8 out of 9 5k runs this year!


I don't notice an increase in energy, but I do notice a huge difference in endurance. I have tested this product over a few weeks on my usual mountain biking loops.

These loops range from 5 to 12 miles, with 1,000 vertical feet on the longest. They take 30 minutes to 1 hour. I notice I don't get fatigued in my usual spots when I ride without it. Great product.

Rebound FX

Rebound FX is endorsed by former NBA superstar Theo Ratliff! This drink provides you with natural, sustained energy and will soon be the best on the market! With this drink, there is no crash, only natural, pure energy that replenishes the nutrients your body sweats out. What other drink out there will actually put back in your body what you lose? Not Gatorade! Do your research, people!


Fantastic flavor, excellent value, blows competitors out of the water and into the Osheen.


Discovered the drink in Malaysia. Perfect for hot, humid conditions.

Superb drink to date. Just try it once and feel the difference.


Innergize has been a great help with my asthma. In addition to the foundation nutrition that provides optimal nutrition to the cells, this is a great hydrator that opens the cells to absorb nutrients. It's great tasting and full of nutrients to hydrate the body and make you feel good! I wouldn't be without it!

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