Top Ten Best Ice Cream Toppings

The Top Ten

It melts in your mouth with a sweet taste that will go perfectly with any ice cream! My kids LOVE caramel and pile it high on their cups! We love caramel because it is so inexpensive and delicious!

I love caramel because my skin is that color. (Laugh out loud!) Caramel is really popular, and lots of people love it. They put it on apples, ice cream, and a bunch of different things. They also have a candy called "Caramels". It's really, really the number one.

I'm licking caramel while I'm writing this! Caramel is sweet and thick, the perfect combination with ice cream and an everyday pleasure inside chocolates. It goes on mochas, coffee, and especially frappes! Caramel is and always will be the number one topping in the world! CARAMEL TO THE MAX!

Hot Fudge

Hot fudge is the most perfect companion for ice cream in the whole universe! Its rich and luscious flavor complements the creamy, dainty texture of any ice cream flavor and is a necessity for any ice cream sundae! Anyone can agree that hot fudge is one of the only needed toppings for ice cream. It truly brightens your frozen treat and makes it well worth having!

Hot fudge is way more popular than caramel! This is a kid speaking, but hot fudge tastes better and goes with more flavors of ice cream. In my opinion, hot fudge is delicious!


Mm! I love the taste of yummy Oreos on top of vanilla ice cream. I also like them in bubble tea. Even though this is an ice cream topping, some people like to have them alone - tons and tons of Oreos! I love to eat Oreos anytime, anywhere. They are selling pretty well in stores. I LOVE OREOS!

Oreos are the BOMB! They're not just good on ice cream. They're great alone, ESPECIALLY double stuffed. They are also great because they're chocolate cookies and icing. I mean, who couldn't like something that combines cookies, icing, and chocolate?!?!

Chocolate Syrup

I love it! It's so delicious! Honestly, you should buy it! I prefer chocolate syrup over most toppings because it tastes yummy with the ice cream.

Way different from hot fudge... I don't think hot fudge tastes good, but chocolate syrup tastes great!

When I was little, I covered my ice cream in the stuff and mixed it.

Whipped Cream

This is the best! Creamy and sweet with great texture, this is a topping I always wish to put right on top of my ice cream, no matter what flavor.

I love whipped cream. It is sweet but not too rich. It is a nice way to cleanse the palate. Plus, it is yummy to most people with a sweet tooth.

Whipped cream has great texture and great sweetness. It is very yummy, and when put on ice cream, it melts in your mouth! I love whipped cream.

Cookie Dough

I strangely don't like it on its own, but it's amazing with ice cream. One of my favorite ice cream flavors - give me more cookie dough chunks in my ice cream, please!

I love cookie dough! Huge chunks piled up on a great chilled bowl of ice cream is the best!

I love it because I love cookie dough ice cream. Who doesn't like cookie dough, right?


Sprinkles taste great with ice cream! They just taste so good. I can't help but want them every second of the day!

I hate when sprinkles get stuck to the roof of my mouth, but I can't ever eat a sundae without them.

How is this number 7? Sprinkles are so colorful and, well, sprinkly. Sprinkles are definitely my favorite topping!


I love M&M's. They taste so good over almost all types of ice cream or even frozen yogurt! Love them! It's a great topping for all chocolate lovers!

M&M's are the best toppings in my opinion. They give a nice chocolatey taste mixed with sweet vanilla. It kind of changes the taste of the vanilla.

M&Ms are good too. It gives us milky goodness, especially the M&M's milk chocolate!


Okay, why are marshmallows down here and not at number one? They're so squishy and delicious! These guys need some more votes.

They're soft, and they have an amazing chewy feeling in your mouth.


Okay, who's idea was it to put strawberries on the bottom? You people obviously don't know what strawberries are. If you did, I think strawberries would be #1. So... yeah, vote for strawberries!

Strawberries taste the best with ice cream, especially chocolate ice cream! The sweetness of strawberries and chocolate mixed together... yummy!

Strawberries on ice cream are so awesome! This should be at the top of the list, so please vote!

The Newcomers

? Mint Oreos

Better than plain old Oreos. It adds that extra pop of flavor that everyone is looking for!

? Chocolate whipped cream

OH MY GOSH! I can't believe this is not number one! Chocolate whipped cream is the bomb!

The Contenders
Gummy Bears

Gummy bears are the best. I'd have them with anything at any time. They should be the #1 ice cream topping. They are the best ever.

My favorite candy of all time. I could eat it all day, literally. It's even better on ice cream, especially vanilla ice cream.

They help let your ice cream last longer because they take time to chew. Yummy!

Strawberry Sauce

In my opinion, this is really good by itself, but it still tastes good with other toppings. Have you EVER tried vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce, gummy bears, whipped cream, nuts, and Oreos?!

Strawberries are okay, but strawberry sauce is probably the only strawberry-flavored food that I like.

It's so good! It adds color and goes well with any flavor of ice cream.

Peanut Butter Cups

Mm... Thanks! I needed some ideas for a birthday party, and this is perfect for a fiesta sugar high! The peanut butter is so good blended with the chocolate.

Peanut butter cups are a classic! They are so delicious, and I think they go best with chocolate ice cream!

I love peanut butter cups in my ice cream because it makes my ice cream taste richer and creamier every time. So delicious.

Brownie Pieces

Sweet and chewy. Just perfect for ice cream and by itself.

I love a brownie in my ice cream.

Chocolate Chips

I love chocolate chips, especially on ice cream. I love vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips. It is so relaxing to kick back on a sunny day in the shade with vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips in it.

Chocolate chips add a nice crunch and texture to ice cream! Chocolate chips in vanilla ice cream are especially good for people who want some chocolate and vanilla (like me!).


This deserves to beat many toppings, including gummy bears and sprinkles. For those who do not know, butterscotch tastes similar to caramel but has a slightly salty taste, making for an astounding salty-sweet combination.

Butterscotch is totally my top favorite!


The best, especially with chocolate sauce. Yum!

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup, brown sugar, and adding cinnamon makes it really good!

Hmm, more of a pancake or waffle flavor, but still nice and sweet.


Maraschino cherries are the bomb with anything sweet! They are so incredibly delicious. I could eat them all day long! Just kidding, I probably couldn't. But they are truly super duper tasty and wonderful.

It totally completes the look of the perfect ice cream sundae! It starts to make your taste buds water, especially if it's a bright red one!

I love cherries on ice cream! It is the best! It feels like heaven in your mouth!

Coca Cola

The only way to have your ice cream!

White Chocolate

I don't love Skittles, but I am convinced that they taste good on ice cream.

Maybe not as popular as it should be.

Cherry Sauce
Golden Syrup

They have that perfect salty, buttery taste that goes so well with ice cream.

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