Top Ten Worst Things to Find in Your Sandwich

The Top Ten
A Small Firework

Your sandwich will surely go off with a bang. But if I want that, I just put hot sauce on it. Couldn't be simpler.

It really would taste quite bitter. And don't try to eat fire afterward.

Do small fireworks taste good anyway? How does it get so small?

A Wasp

I would freak out. I have really bad experiences with these bugs and have gotten stung by them twice.

Also, the pain does not get better on the second sting.

I'm petrified of wasps. They scare the life out of me.

If a wasp found its way into my sandwich, I'd run into the window with a straitjacket.

Someone should start a program to exterminate these evil things.

Dry Concrete

Call a dentist after this stone sandwich.

It would hurt more than your ex!

A Condom

Yes, sir. Especially if it has been used.

Hot Diesel

Vin Diesel? No... He would taste like baby oil and muscles! I don't want to eat a human! Plus, Vin Diesel isn't hot!

Hot diesel is not referring to Vin Diesel. It is referring to hot diesel gas that trucks use.

Is there anything worse than hot diesel?

A Miniature Harpoon Gun

You take your first bite and it fires the trigger. Now you explode.

You may also break a tooth even if you avoid the trigger.

You may be in the dentist's chair the next day, buckwheat!


I'm glad there was not a picture of that. It's disgusting and inappropriate.

The worst thing ever to be on a sandwich. It smells gross too.

Nuclear Waste

You eat it, you're done for. Maybe you could get someone to sue everybody living on Earth for your nuclear sandwich.

The Last of an Endangered Species

"Oh, man. You shouldn't be eating that. That's extinct in the wild."

Gulp "Huh? What?"

Which is an Abington Island giant tortoise, also known as Lonesome George.

Glad to see other people care about these things.


Cheese is the worst. I hate having varnished mucus hidden in my sandwich, then stuck to the back of my throat as if I had swallowed a live leech. It's the nasty surprise within most of these things.

If I sound strange for saying I have always disliked it, then fine. I'm used to that.

American cheese is the worst kind of cheese! How can anyone like it? It's literally just a few molecules away from rubber!

I thought that was from plastic. But I can't stand cheese! It is absolutely nasty and repulsive.

The Newcomers

? Marijuana
? Uranium Ore
The Contenders
A Bug

I really hate maggots because they are gross and can't be in the food. If you find it, don't eat it.

I absolutely hate maggots! That makes me want to puke on the spot!

A Taser
Your Testicles

Yeah... I don't want pubic hair in my sandwich or my chili. And I don't want to eat my parents' food if it has pubic hair either.

You don't know whose hair that was!

A Mini BombĀ 
A Tracking Device

Nuclear bombs are in the way. Eat this sandwich to start another world war.

A Rat's Head

Trying to steal the Krabby Patty, eh?

A Lost Letter from Your Birth Parents Explaining How They Put You Up for Adoption

How would this fit in your sandwich?

Leech Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like the oligochaetes, such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites.

These things are absolutely disgusting, and I cringe every time I see one.

A Spider

I love spiders and snakes, but if I found a spider in my sandwich I'd be like, "What the-"

Hot Metal

Is that why, in those cheesy ads, the sandwich always appears to be lit up? It's a bulb!

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