Top 10 Best Cities in Pocket Planes
What makes a city the best in Pocket Planes? A combination of factors like the number of jobs, population, and location all play an important role. High-population cities such as New York, London, and Tokyo tend to offer more jobs, while strategically located cities like Istanbul can serve as gateways between Europe and Asia.But there's a twist. What works well for others might not work for you, as your strategy is shaped by your available aircraft, level, and the regions you've unlocked. Maybe you prioritize hauling large loads of people and cargo across continents with Sequoias, or perhaps you prefer quick trips between closely located cities with Equinoxes.
The dynamic nature of the game, influenced by individual players' preferences and strategies, is what makes it so compelling. As the saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison. That's why it's so fascinating to explore the cities other players consider the best.
Great for transatlantic crossings for Class 3. If you are not in North America, then this is your gateway.
Great for transatlantic as well as a good start/end point for flights to South America.
In the middle of everything. Great for getting around Asia.
It is my gateway to all the world.

Great for that transatlantic crossing for Class 3.

Great for transatlantic crossings with Class 2 aircraft. Most will probably need an upgrade for range.
Needed if crossing the Atlantic to Recife. Very busy. Allows you to get a gateway to South America.
Allows you to go into South America and then North America until you get transatlantic planes.
Great for crossing the Atlantic with any Class 2.
I use Cebu all the time with the Class 1 aircraft going from Australia to Asia. I don't have many Class 1 left though.
Great for the person who is below level 8. Opens up Australia, Asia, and the Oceanic regions.
Not a vital port to own unless you fly a lot of Class 1 planes.

It's in the middle and on the way to almost every destination in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Russia.

A good Class 3 to connect Lagos, London, and Singapore. A must to connect Asia to Europe early on.
Always has bux jobs and is a great stopover for Asia-Europe/North America flights.
The center to everything: Middle East, Southeast Asia, Japan, China, Russia, Korea, and Australia.
The Newcomers

Los Angeles to Tokyo is great on Class 3 planes if you want to make money by leaving the game alone for an hour or so.

Good as a checkpoint for getting aircraft through Asia.

Center in Southeast Asia. Connects Southeast Asia to East Asia.

It's my hub for New Zealand. I drop off New Zealand goods at Sydney using Class 2 planes and pick them up at Sydney with Class 1 planes. It's a great layover stop for New Zealand.
I often do flights from Sydney to Jakarta with Class 2 aircraft.
One of my two layover hubs, the other being New York. Tokyo and Seoul feed Shanghai with jobs. Cyclones, when fully upgraded, can make New York -> Istanbul -> Shanghai, though they can't make it to Tokyo from Istanbul.
Couldn't be located in a better place! It's perfect for my Fogbusters and Cloudliners to take a rest. It's a connector between Australia and Europe.
A must-have for people who start in Southeast Australia. It's a great hub due to its central location in Australia.

Good, extremely low-cost airport for beginners trying to fly the Iceland/Greenland route from Europe. Belfast works too. The starting Griffin-C can make the journey with a few fuel tank upgrades.

Another connector between Asia and Europe.
Connects Europe, Africa, and Asia in one place! Very good airport.
Best place if you have only tier-three planes!

Good if coming from Berlin to go to Iceland. Also good for going to America via Iceland and Greenland.
An upgraded Equinox can fly from Melbourne to Singapore but cannot fly from Sydney to Singapore. Not vital though.