Best Call of Duty Maps of All-time

Out of all the Call Of Duty multi-player maps ever created, which one was the best map of all-time!
The Top Ten

Very balanced. Sniping routes mixed with close-quarter assault rifle and SMG fighting. Long lanes with flanking routes allow for unique Search and Destroy. A great map.

No competition. Best map ever. It has everything that anyone wants: long corridors for snipers, tight areas for SMGs, and open space for rushers.

This map is just perfect! I don't know why, but it's just right. Best Call of Duty map in history.


Whether you're playing 2010 or 2025, you can always count on Nuketown for non-stop action and heaps and heaps of kills. Best thing of all is that there is nowhere to camp.

Not too sure about zombies, though. It gets a bit dull after a while. All in all, a sick map.

Definitely the best map in the whole of Call of Duty. What noob would even think that Crossfire, Highrise, and Terminal are better than this?

It's so beast that Treyarch remade the map by saying Nuketown 2025. But the zombies get kinda hard and boring because you need to wait for perks to drop, like Juggernog at round 20-30.


Take Rust from MW2, halve it, and you get Shipment. It's just a square map with cargo dropped in it, yet it is so fun to play. If you were a good enough player, you could get a K/D of around 100-40.


Loved this map. Call of Duty 4 maps should rank from 1 and on in order.


I remember loving this map on Call of Duty 4.

I used to hate this map at first, but it grew on me and became a favorite.


My all-time favorite map! Fast action gameplay, dozens of attack options, air support galore, great for rushing, sniping, and assault rifles. It has everything!

What makes a great map is when you remember something special about it, a spark that you get whenever you play it: knowing exactly where to go and where to hide. Two base warfare? That hidden rooftop area? The crane on the side? Remember hiding from that AC-130 when it's in the air? That's Highrise!

Gustav Cannon

Great fun to be had here. Private football matches. Knives only. I wish all the maps could be made available to all the releases. That would be amazing.

Firing Range

Considered to be the best map of BO1 by many, Firing Range has just the right amount of action without the fear of being surrounded.

This map could play like Nuketown or Jungle, depending on how it was used. Perfect for every game mode.

I love this map! It's not big or small. It has openness to it, yet it has lots of close combat areas. I guess it makes sense. A firing/training range would really have it all!

I always go to a certain spot in the map and snipe everybody.


Nuketown doesn't even beat it for me! I really wish this was in later games.

1v1 me on Rust. Such a classic map that is always a welcome remaster.

The Newcomers

? Stormfront
? Freight
The Contenders
Nuketown 2025

Awesome. Should be top. The future version of Nuketown, what's better than that? Should be above the normal Nuketown. Better cars, Easter eggs, and all the best.


Made me feel like an actual sniper picking off scavengers of a wrecked airplane.


Good for snipers and short-range weapons! Awesome looking and just flows very well.


I think it's the most amazing and tremendous map ever created. It's a place where all classes can witness intense action, even with pistols!

If you ever play there, you will understand. The adrenaline rush is so high because there is a big road that separates the two teams, and there you can witness a range of gunfire, from pistols and shotguns to heavy LMGs and knives.

Every single second, there are grenades going off and RPGs flying across the road! It's just magnificent. This map deserves first place!


I'm assuming we're talking the WAW version here. The MW3 map by that name was fun also, but not my favorite or even in my top 5.

Dome is still the best 1v1 map ever, in my opinion. It wasn't bare like Shipment and more playable than Rust for non-1v1 matches. And no spawn trapping like Nuketown because there weren't sentry guns and such.

This map needs more fame. This map was always getting pounded by artillery strikes on World at War! Best map from that game.

My favorite map on MW3 and my favorite map in all Call of Duty games. MW3 gets a lot of hate. I never really understood why. I had a blast playing it, especially on Dome.

USS Texas
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