Best Plants vs Zombies Plants

Cattail rocks! She can pop balloons, which is really useful. She can attack zombies hiding in fog, which is helpful if you don't have plants like Blover and Plantern. She can attack anywhere, she is cheap (250 sun), and she is just cute. Overall, Cattail is the very best. It stinks that she's not in PVZ 2.
The pool is easier to defend than the surrounding lanes, so what if there was a plant that would be able to shoot projectiles that could damage zombies on all six lanes and pop balloons?
Cattail can shoot anywhere and can shoot any zombie, and it's so cute! It is so useful, and the only problem is they can only be planted on lily pads, so you can't use them on three of the two level parts on PVZ1.
One of the few day plants (in the original game) to still be useful after beating adventure mode. Chomper and Potato Mine aren't too overpowered. Peashooter, Snow Pea, and most of the other day plants get replaced with stronger ones later on. However, Sunflower remains useful in day, pool, and roof levels.
This is what you need to plant any plants! But sadly, sun buff (25 to 50) per sun is bad. The purpose is ruined, though you're never getting even a Repeater with sun falling!
I agree that Sunflower is the most important plant in the game. I take extra good care of my Sunflowers by putting Wall-nuts right ahead of them.
I really like Winter Melon because it does so much damage to a group of zombies. Plus, it slows them down too. It is my personal favorite plant in the entire game. Also, I love watermelon in real life, so it is awesome in both ways. Some people say it is too expensive, but I disagree. As long as you plant two rows of sunflowers, you will find this plant fairly easy to purchase with sun. Anyway, Winter Melon is definitely my favorite plant in all of Plants vs. Zombies.
Can kill a zombie in 2 shots. It's like a Snow Pea but in watermelon form (watermelon is already great). It also is way cheaper than plants like Cob Cannon, which takes a while to reload even if it can kill a zombie in 1 hit. Plus, it is also cheaper than a Cattail, which is worse because it does much less damage. It is also less expensive and better than the 3-headed Peashooter and Gatling Pea.

It is way better than Cattail! It's the most common and the best! How could some wannabe plant defeat Peashooter? Peashooter is the main plant along with Sunflower. Cattail? What are we, zombies with no brains? (Get it?)
Used for starting in the game. In PVZ 2, in most cases where Peashooter is desired, Electric Peashooter or Shadow Peashooter is functionally superior.
Peashooter is the best plant for the first wave. It's cheap and useful.
It was once said that the might of a titan always paled in comparison to that of a god. Cob Cannon's immense power reigns supreme, and even the greatest warriors tremble under his might.
One of my favorites. You can attack with a Cob Cannon in your desired area. It's just like a recycled Cherry Bomb. Most effectively used in Survival: Endless.
Why is the god of survival having such a low ranking?
The most powerful plant in the game. Leaves a crater and has long range, unlike other explosive plants. The best of all!
I save up sun for the Doom-Shroom to activate for the final wave. A huge wave of zombies is approaching. Dominate!
This plant is just awesome. PVZ 2 should add him as a premium. Of course, because of his radius and the fact he leaves a crater.
Okay when you only have the Peashooter. It becomes almost overshadowed when you get the Repeater.
Badass, powerful, and really good at taking out those pole vault zombies, the Snow Pea!
How is the Peashooter above the Snow Pea? The Snow Pea is way better. It can freeze zombies, and it looks cool.
Need to get rid of a pesky zombie that is too hard to take down? No problem, use a Hypno-shroom! The hypnotized zombie can even attack other zombies! This is a really cool plant.
I think it's amazing. It makes zombies fight zombies. I love it!
This is my most favorite plant.
Very useful against zombies in earlier stages, but it costs 200 sun.
Why is this lower than Peashooter?
I like this, but it's a bit pricey.
Chomper shares characteristics with dogs. Put it in the first slot, and if it doesn't eat anything, it scratches its head with its leaves like a dog. It's particularly useful against zombies because I won a Big Wave Beach Hard level with Chompers and Toadstools.
I love it! It eats every zombie. Just put another Chomper in front of each chewing one, and it would be endless. Watch out for the huge zombies, though.
The Newcomers
They don't cost too much, and they protect your most valuable plants. Not essential but useful.
A go-to on every loadout. Use on sun-producing plants and anywhere you need shoring up.
It is a very unique plant. It acts as a wall-nut when far from home, then a repeater when close to home, and a peashooter with a little forcefield when it is in between.
Red Stinger should have ranked between 10-15.
I think this plant is good enough, but when you get to the new premium plant Explode-o-nut, the regular Wall-nut is... well, just put it this way, you will NEVER want to use the regular Wall-nut again. I survived several levels using the Explode-o-nut. But I still like the Wall-nut.
Wall-Nuts are really cool, I think. I use them all the time. Every level, I use them. They block zombies, and they're useful.
Jalapeno usually isn't good for the first wave, but in the last wave, it is super useful. It can burn a whole lane of zombies!
Jalapeño does take a little while to refresh, but it is really cheap for the massive damage it does.
Jalapeño is very good and useful. Plus, I think his face is funny.
This should be #1. Not only is it essential to the game in multiple scenarios, but you can plant it ANYWHERE. It is the toughest plant in the game other than the insta-kill plants, and you can use it in every level, unlike my second favorite, Cattail.
Most of the players use this for a huge wave of zombies. It can kill door zombies and regular zombies in just 3-4 shots.
This should be higher. It's one of the most powerful catapult plants in the game.
You need pumpkins and/or garlic, but the damage more than makes up for it.
Highest damaging Peashooter, what can I say? By the way, people who voted for the normal Peashooter, there is a plant that is a Peashooter but WAY better, and that's Cabbage-pult.
The best by far. Have you tried plant food on this thing?
Really, REALLY useful in many situations. In the first game, it is good. In number 2, if you level it up, it does three squashes (level 3) (one smash, jumps back, squashes again), and so on. You can kill a new Gargantuar with ONE of these.
It can squash two or more zombies at once. This is much better than a 26 ranking!
Squash is super underrated here. Great to have to save yourself if you have a weaker lane.
Spikeweed is amazing. Anyone who disagrees has only used them to pop the tires of vehicles.
Dude, just make it a Spike Rock and boom! You got yourself a deadly ground trap!
Put these in front of a Wall-Nut or Tall-Nut, and the zombies get damaged while they are eating it.
Also, I found this: Kernel-Pult can attack Snorkel Zombies. What I meant is that Kernel-Pult can detect and attack Snorkel Zombies even when they're diving. The butter also hits too!
An awesome plant that has an awesome stunning effect. Kernel-Pult combined with Snow Pea = WIN!
Why is it so underrated?
Kernel-Pult is great, probably should be #7 on this list. People, vote for Kernel!
This should be in the top 10. Always helps to use this to clear out a large section of zombies.
I love that they give you an instant kill really early.
Cherry Bomb is good, but Grapeshot is better.
I like the attack when given plant food. It can push back and destroy zombies.
How is this so far under Wall-nut? I think this is super useful. It takes way longer to chew. And it recharges faster than Wall-nut. That makes it more useful. Yeah, you need three more sun. Three SUN, people. Seriously!
Keeps pole jumpers out and almost everything else.
It is very important in survival mode. If it were in the second game, it would be even more useful. Like Pumpkin, this is an underrated plant that is cheap yet useful. Just think, it could block thrown imps, stop seagulls, stop Zomboss missiles, stop Zombotany Cabbage-pult zombies, and protect surrounding plants, something it is good at. This plant has a fast recharge and a low cost, too.
This plant is more useful in PVZ 2, since there are a lot more flying zombies! It's even cheaper (50 sun), which makes it VERY good when you consider the fact Sunflowers now make 50 sun.
One of two mushrooms worth using in day levels with Coffee Bean.
This plant is so amazing that you just need to put them in the slightly high and bottom rows! Helpful in all stages.
I love Grave Buster, but it's only good at night. I love the look. It's my second favorite.