Top 10 Best Fallout DLCs
By far the best Fallout DLC. Go with naked level 1 survival mode, and by naked I mean you can only bring yourself. Use console commands to bring all your SPECIAL stats to a 1, and have all your skills at a 5. Use Nexus Mods to turn off fatigue, hunger, and thirst, because those are all just annoying busywork categories.
You'll be in caution (danger) the entire playthrough, and you'll die a few times, but if you're patient, this is totally doable for those seeking a good Fallout challenge.
My order for best to worst for the series goes as follows:
1. Fallout 3 (Even though Main Quest is way too short)
2. New Vegas (Best Story)
3. Fallout 2
4. Fallout 4
5. Fallout 1
6. Fallout 76
Lonesome Road is the final chapter in the Courier's story. You venture into the Divide after being contacted by Ulysses and have to fight all the way through until your final confrontation with him. The Divide is a great map for high-level players who want a new challenge and interesting enemies. 9/10
Seeing the different stages of this DLC was very entertaining and enjoyable. Definitely the hardest DLC also, very challenging. Fighting Ulysses at the end and picking a destination for the warhead.
Broken Steel is arguably the most necessary DLC. After defeating the Enclave at Project Purity and starting up the Purifier, you wake up two weeks later and are tasked with defeating the Enclave once and for all. This DLC gives Fallout 3 a nice wrap-up and allows you to keep playing after it finishes. 9/10
This DLC makes it so you can continue playing after the end. It allows you to level up to 30 instead of 20. It is by far the best. Very satisfying ending and quite long. It is great. Still love all the others, especially Lonesome Road and Mothership Zeta. Oh, I love them all so great. Fallout 3.
Point Lookout provides a fantastic new world to Fallout 3. The characters are very well-designed, and the story is amazing. I recommend playing the quests such as The Velvet Curtain, The Dark Heart of Blackhall, and Walking with Spirits. A very good DLC to have when you want to have more exploration.
Massive new open area, creepy residents, and awesome quests. Please do the Velvet Curtain quest, probably the best side quest. Make sure you go with tons of armor and stimpacks though. It is tricky.
This DLC is my favorite aspect of any of the Fallout games. It always gives me a sense of comfort. I don't quite know why.
Significantly better than OWB, story/new characters and equipment-wise. Once again, I don't understand the OWB love. It wasn't that amazing.
Another fun open-world DLC. Not as memorable as OWB, but it introduced Joshua Graham.
Follows-Chalk and Joshua Graham were my favorite followers in the whole DLC. I loved this DLC. It is the best one from any of the games in my opinion.
Far Harbor is the second major DLC in Fallout 4, and it brought a new world to explore outside of the Commonwealth. You venture into Far Harbor trying to make peace with the land's villagers and tribals. The world adds new enemies and very interesting side quests. Brain Dead is one you should definitely check out.
A very nice DLC for Fallout 4. However, it heavily copied Point Lookout from Fallout 3. 8.5/10
I really liked Far Harbor. All of the endings are morally gray, so no matter what you do, you will always be left with the thought that the ending you chose may not actually be the best. The story was so in-depth, and the new characters were well done. The only complaint I have about it is the one puzzle section.
The apocalyptic panorama and music are breathtaking! It shows the real horrors of the nuclear holocaust.
Best weapons out of all the Fallout 3 DLCs.
I am from Pittsburgh, so I loved it when I was walking on the bridge and killed the mole rats and sniper.
Best DLC in terms of story, especially the story with Vera, Dean, and Sinclair. Many instances of storytelling through set pieces. Not many unique weapons except the Holorifle. Also ties up loose ends with Father Elijah.
Harsh gameplay and intense atmosphere make you feel like you are in the game. The story itself and the characters are interesting and fascinating. Best DLC in my opinion.
While Lonesome Road is my favorite, this one is a close second. In my opinion, DM is the most overlooked and one of the more unique DLCs I've played in the series.
I haven't played Point Lookout, but I'll vote for this just because the 100 ingot mission in The Pitt was hell. Everything in Broken Steel should've been in vanilla, and Mothership Zeta has the weirdest level scaling ever, with massive bullet sponges that make it garbage to play at higher levels. Although the Chinese Stealth Armor does basically break the combat in the game if you use melee weapons because it's impossible to get caught lol.
Weakest of the Fallout 3 DLCs, but it did have a really good payout at the end.
Though the gameplay was repetitive and sometimes tiring, it was by far the most unique DLC in all of Fallout history. Completing the quest gave you interesting weapons and an endless supply of money (from selling rare alien items). Dead Money gave you money at the end, but you can only take a few gold bars (due to how heavy they are) and end up almost empty-handed by the end of the DLC.
I loved the theme and getting to battle aliens, but then again, it's not like you could join them. Also, it felt very repetitive.
The Newcomers
Of all the Fallout DLC landmasses, I feel Nuka World is the most unique while at the same time maintaining immersion. Even though the DLC was lacking in quests that allowed you to not be a raider, the attractions and their stories made up for that.
The return of the Mechanist! A fun but challenging short questline, and the robot-building aspect was much deeper than many expected.
Adds some really good guns and weapon mods. Fallout: New Vegas would be very different without this add-on.
Starts you off in FNV with some really good supplies.
A great DLC if you want to build massive houses, a custom vault, or scrap everything for a ton of useful scrap (especially nuclear material). I would recommend this DLC for people with Automatron who are low on scrap.