Top 10 Best Pokemon Seasons

The Top Ten
Indigo League (1) Ash Ketchum begins his journey as a Pokémon Trainer, traveling through the Kanto region with friends Misty and Brock. He participates in several gym battles and works toward competing in the Indigo League.

Such a great start! The most character development, such iconic characters and Pokémon. Not to mention the only season where filler episodes are actually enjoyable. Plus, the pace is much better than that of other seasons.

And my, did the creators know how to frustrate the audience! Team Rocket ruining everything, and Charizard disobeying Ash in the battle against Richie. They did these on purpose to show that Ash will have a lot of hard bumps. And can I just mention the 3-episode plotlines? Sabrina was amazing, the St. Anne was amazing, like wow. One of the best first seasons to a show.

XY&Z (19) Ash and his friends continue their journey through the Kalos region as they confront Team Flare's plans and meet the mysterious Zygarde. Ash also competes in the Kalos League, while Serena faces new challenges in her Pokémon performances.

This is by far the best. It might not be Indigo League, but it has better animations, better character development, and better action. Ash Greninja was an amazing mystery. Serena's crush on Ash was fun, especially at the end when they finally kiss. Clemont's famous line, The future is now, thanks to science, will always be there when I complete a science project.

The Team Flare arc is fantastic, with real emotion, action, and explosions. For having the most character emotional investment, amazing characters, story, animation, and mystery, I chose XYZ, a series that I will never forget, even when I am 20. I was up until 12:00 in the night on Thursday mornings, waiting to watch that episode in Japanese with English subtitles. That is how much this series meant to me. Therefore, Pokémon XYZ will always be the best Pokémon series!

Diamond & Pearl (10) Ash and his new companion Dawn set out across the Sinnoh region, each striving to achieve their individual goals in gym battles and Pokémon contests. Along the way, they encounter new Pokémon and battle the mysterious Team Galactic.

If you want development in characters, story, and plot, then this is the series for you. Pokemon DP is in the top 3 for the best Pokémon series of all time. Why? Well, first, you have Paul, who's Ash's best rival. Then Dawn, who is the most fleshed-out character out of all the girl companions. She is annoying at first but matures and becomes someone we love.

The Pokémon in Sinnoh are one of my least favorites, but there was something magical about them to the point I started to love them. I've had 6 friends give me an answer to what was their favorite in the series, and 4 out of 6 said Sinnoh (the other 2 being XY and Original).

Master Quest (5) Ash's journey in the Johto region comes to a close as he competes in the Johto League Silver Conference. Alongside Misty and Brock, he continues to challenge gym leaders and confront Team Rocket's schemes.

And of course, this season does have a lot of memorable episodes. Such as the Whirl Islands arc continuing from the previous season ("Fly Me To The Moon" is one of those episodes that stick with me to this day, plus the ones with the Whirl Cup, really brings me back to late 2002). The mid-season episodes, such as the Blackthorn gym battle and the Pokémon skateboard race, and finally the Johto Conference arc, where Ash finally beats Gary. Too bad he lost the final round. I was a bit disappointed when that happened upon the first watch, but hey, this is a great ending season to the original series and Ash's Johto adventures. This was at a time when I played that Tyrese album over and over again to help me go to sleep.

Orange Islands (2) Ash, Misty, and Tracey explore the Orange Archipelago, where Ash takes on unique gym challenges in the Orange League. During their travels, they face off against Team Rocket and encounter new Pokémon species.

They're not just putting the Indigo League due to nostalgia. The Indigo League builds the story, the characters, and Ash's team for the Orange Islands. The story of the Orange Islands builds on to the Johto region from season 3 to season 5.

The Orange Islands have some good points, such as an interesting new setting compared to the inland areas of every other setting until Sun and Moon, which had a beach style similar to the Orange Islands setting. There were also trials that Ash had to complete in both. While bringing something to some professor's plot, the Orange Islands were a bit contrived with the G.S. Ball, which was meant to be Celebi. However, the Sun and Moon series actually had a Pokemon egg that hatched into a Vulpix.

The Orange Islands certainly have merit, but just not enough to beat the original series.

Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors (13) Ash competes in the Sinnoh League, battling strong opponents as he reaches for victory. Meanwhile, Dawn continues to pursue her dream of becoming a top coordinator.

The rivalry between Ash and Paul was really one of the best rivalries in franchise history. It showed the moral of being a trainer as Ash and Paul had the same dream but took drastically different paths to get there. It was all worth it seeing them battle each other in the Sinnoh League.

This season also provoked different battle strategies to make trainers work outside the box and think differently. After that, Tobias just ruins the vibe, but the season was still great!

This season was amazing, no one can tell me otherwise. It shows how much they improved with graphics and effects in four years. The Grand Festival and Sinnoh League were unforgettable.

XY (17) Ash arrives in the Kalos region with his Pikachu, where he is joined by new friends Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie. Together, they face new challenges in gym battles while Serena starts her journey as a Pokémon performer.

The Original Series was great and all, but without nostalgia, it doesn't have much going for it. Ash won half of his badges, while the rest were either from pity or gratitude. It had a ton of pointless fillers (especially in Johto). I can excuse Ash's incompetence since he was just starting in Kanto. He noticeably improved in Johto but was still an immature kid. On top of that, Brock and Misty outlived their usefulness. In Kanto, they were Ash's mentors/guides, but come Johto, where Ash doesn't need them holding his hand, they're just there and don't do much.

XY, however, has an interesting and well-rounded group of characters. Ash is at the peak of his maturity/competence as a trainer. Serena, in my opinion, is the best Pokégirl, and I actually like Clemont more than Brock, who honestly got boring over time. The XY Gang feels like a family. Everyone has a purpose and fills it well. On top of that, XY has the best writing we've seen so far.

Johto League Champions (4) Ash continues his quest through Johto, battling gym leaders and training for the Johto League. Misty and Brock accompany him as they meet new friends and deal with frequent attacks from Team Rocket.

Alright, this had way too many filler episodes, but Bayleef was amazing. Turning Over a New Bayleef still remains my favorite episode. No other Pokémon's evolution got this much character development and exploration, besides Charizard's. Bayleef was so precious (and still is). Bayleef became my instant favorite in that episode, though Chikorita was pretty cute too.

Houndoom's Special Delivery was my favorite out of this season.

Advanced Challenge (7) Ash and May advance further in the Hoenn region, with Ash challenging more gyms and May competing in Pokémon contests. They continue to deal with Team Rocket and make new friends along the way.

Well, the Advanced Challenge introduced many new things like the contests, ribbons, and the Grand Festival. So it wasn't just Ash that they followed, since they followed May too. They went to the contests and Grand Festival for May, and that was pretty cool, and I liked that a lot.

I know they did that in Sinnoh too, but they just copied May onto Dawn. They even added cool starter Pokémon with awesome evolutions, which are so hard to pick for the trainers because it would have been for me. But I did make up my mind, even though it was pretty hard. But that's what's good about that.

Advanced Battle (8) Ash continues his journey in the Hoenn region, participating in gym battles to qualify for the Hoenn League. Meanwhile, May works toward becoming a top coordinator by competing in various Pokémon contests.

My favorite opening song. Both the Grand Festival and Hoenn League were fun. The beginning of the Battle Frontier was so good, but the Team Magma/Aqua finale was very disappointing and rushed.

Best theme song ever and the best story. Also introduces lots of cool Pokemon. The plot is the best and, in my opinion, the best season of Pokemon ever.

What is this? Number 18? How are Black and White and Adventures in Unova and Beyond better than this? This season is a classic!

The Newcomers

? Ultimate Journeys (25) Ultimate Journeys (Season 25) follows Ash as he advances to the final stages of the World Coronation Series, aiming to battle Leon, while Goh intensifies his efforts in Project Mew. Their journey concludes as they face important decisions about their futures.
? Master Journeys (24) In Master Journeys (Season 24), Ash and Goh continue their travels, with Ash advancing through the World Coronation Series and Goh working on Project Mew to capture rare and legendary Pokémon. Their adventures take them through multiple regions as they encounter new challenges and powerful opponents.

Best series. Most characters in old series return in this series, and Ash's Pokemon team is the best.

Best Pokemon season in this mega location. Ash's strongest Pokemon after Greninja.

The Contenders
Diamond and Pearl Galactic Battles (12) Ash, Dawn, and Brock face Team Galactic's growing threat as they travel through the Sinnoh region. They also continue to compete in gym battles and contests while encountering new friends and rivals.

I have to say it has the best Pokemon theme song ever. "Sometimes it's hard to know which way you're supposed to go." I can just keep jamming to this.

Fantastic season. The theme song was catchy, and the Team J and Team Galactic storylines were really thought out. There were not many filler episodes.

This season introduced Arceus. Its opening is very good.

Diamond & Pearl Battle Dimension (11) Ash and Dawn continue their journey in Sinnoh, facing new gym battles and contests while Team Galactic's presence becomes more threatening. Their paths cross with new rivals and Pokémon as they progress.

I love this series, its graphics, Ash's dress, and the heroine, Ash's Pokemon, and its song.

This one is cool because I was born when these were being made, and I like Dawn.

The Johto Journeys (3) Ash, Misty, and Brock begin their adventure through the Johto region, where they face new Pokémon and gym challenges. Ash works to qualify for the Johto League while confronting Team Rocket's schemes.

This was my favorite season out of all of them, besides season four. (I'm biased, though, because Cyndaquil is my all-time favorite Pokémon.)

All the Johto Pokémon were so cute, and this season's theme song remains my favorite to this day.

Alright, I am not a fan of the filler episodes, but I do really like the Pokémon we get here, like Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Heracross. Plus, the choice to keep the Kanto starters and original companions in this season was pretty smart and nice to keep the OG audience in.

The character development of Ash, from stubborn to dedicated Pokemon trainer, is the best! And the whole region is awesome.

Battle Frontier (9) Ash returns to Kanto to take on the Battle Frontier, a series of elite facilities run by the Frontier Brains. Alongside May, Max, and Brock, he also helps protect Pokémon from Team Rocket's continued plans.

Very unique and fun season. Ash's battles against the Frontier Brains were entertaining. May's contests were awesome. Her victory over her longtime rival Drew was a highlight, but her loss to Solidad took away a lot. She should have won the whole thing.

The new voices make this season difficult to watch sometimes.

I started the show on this season. It holds a special place in my heart for that reason.

The best season ever. It had character development for Ash, May, and their rivals.

Black & White (14) Ash travels to the Unova region with his new companion Iris and their friend Cilan, facing new gym challenges and competing in the Unova League. Along the way, they encounter the villainous Team Plasma.

Wow! Why so much hate on this one? It's definitely different, but in a good way. All the moves look way more epic because of the cool effects. And the characters are really awesome. Cilan never fails to put a smile on my face, and Iris had this sassy kind of nature that I've always liked (if that's how you explain it). Team Rocket was actually smarter than usual. They have always been annoying as heck, but not this time! Overall, super underrated season without a single dull or uninteresting moment.

I'm surprised this got so much hate, my favorite series being chewed up and spat out. The time and effort they put into this series was impressive. 40% of Galar Pokemon come from Black and White, and it holds the best of the best. Oshawott, Tepig, Snivy! All different! In Kanto, the starters were bland. All the same basic personality, that made it less exciting. Black and White was definitely the start of a change.

Tepig was a determined, warmhearted starter that showed its feelings very clearly.

Oshawott was a cute and caring starter that would do anything for its trainer!

And last but not least, Snivy was a sassy, powerful starter that helps a lot in the series. Its attacks are effective.

Before hating, think about all the memories Ash, Iris, and Cilan had! Now you can't rate a Pokemon series without Team Rocket, can you?

Team Rocket was impressive in this series. Their work may be weird and annoying, but they all worked together and had a good, smart strategy. They almost controlled all of Unova. That's why I loved this series. Not so much the bias as I grew up with it on all the time, but the overall development of the series. The Pokemon were either overpowered or cute. So, I don't know why people hate it?

XY: Kalos Quest (18) Ash continues his journey through the Kalos region, facing gym leaders in preparation for the Kalos League. Serena advances in her Pokémon Showcase performances while Clemont and Bonnie support Ash's and Serena's goals.

It is my favorite Pokémon season after XYZ out of the whole Pokémon anime. I love watching this series. I really miss Ash's look from this season in Sun and Moon. I want more episodes of XY and want to see Ash with Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie.

This is the relapse season of the sixth-generation anime. It's bad, but it's not the worst.

Majestic talents await! Ash in battles, Serena in performances.

Advanced (6) Ash arrives in the Hoenn region, where he meets new companion May and begins taking on the region's gyms. Together with Brock and May's brother Max, they face new adventures and challenges.
Sun & Moon (20) Ash enrolls in the Pokémon School on Melemele Island in the Alola region, where he learns new battle strategies and explores the region's unique Pokémon. He faces off against the Island Kahunas and takes part in island challenges.

Yes, the graphics have changed, and yes, the story too. But it's a completely new Ash in a world that is very different from what we (and he) used to see. It's my favorite because of the positivity, unique crew of characters - finally more than two or three, and every one of them has an amazing story to tell personally. Also, there's Lillie's story that really touched me. I agree every season has a heart-touching story, but for me, this is a more personal one that some of us faced but never talk about. Also, the 'Ultra Adventures' that took a more serious 'Moon' tone is a good mirror to the first 'Sun' season.

Many things have changed, but if you'll sit in front of this season with an open mind, leaving nostalgic thoughts and being capable of going really deep into the story, you'll be surprised how valuable it can be.

Sun and Moon: Ultra Adventures (21) Ash continues his studies at the Pokémon School while encountering the Ultra Beasts and the mysterious Aether Foundation. Alongside his friends, he works to protect the Alola region from various threats.

The show has literally never been better. It constantly strays away from a boring formula in order to further character and world development. The new animation style is always lively and expressive. It's no longer just about battle after battle, but about the endless possibilities of ways people and Pokemon live together.

It may be considered "heretical" to say this, but any one of Ash's new friends has more personality than any previous group he's traveled with - yes, even Brock and Misty (who were very one-note if you ask me). XYZ was good, but because it always had to stick to the formula of walking around -> Meet one-episode character -> Battle Team Rocket, it could quickly become groan-worthy. Sun and Moon: Ultra Adventures can have its serious moments, but also its funny and endearing ones. This show is not afraid to explore themes, settings, and morals. Even though we're college students, my friends and I truly feel for these characters and enjoy watching their experiences in this colorful world.

If you believe the show would never be good again after whatever season your nostalgia goggles deemed best, you were sorely, sorely wrong.

Ultra Legends (22) Ash and his friends confront the final challenges in the Alola region, facing the Ultra Guardians' missions and preparing for the Alola League. The season concludes with the resolution of Ash's journey in Alola.

Same as my opinion with Sun and Moon and Sun and Moon Ultra Adventures! I love this so much. Why did these series have to end?

Ash won the league in the season and became the Alola Champion. That alone is enough to make it the best season.

Journeys (23) In Journeys (Season 23), Ash teams up with Goh to travel across various regions as they pursue their goals of becoming a Pokémon Master and catching every species of Pokémon, respectively. Along the way, they encounter legendary Pokémon and participate in World Coronation Series battles.

This anime season is fantastic! It has great balance, and I think that it can be one of the best yet. I love Goh, and I love how this Ash feels like a Sun and Moon Ash plus the XY and Z Ash combined. The best parts! On top of that, his team is already looking really good.

Very good season so far. The whole regions thing is so nice. Koharu and Goh are quite interesting characters. And not to mention, Ash got a freaking Riolu, which is going to evolve into Lucario!

Ash got Lucario, the one Pokemon the majority of the fanbase wanted Ash to have, and they have an aura connection with each other.

Black & White: Rival Destinies (15) Black & White: Rival Destinies (Season 15) follows Ash, Iris, and Cilan as they continue their journey through the Unova region, facing new rivals and participating in gym battles. Ash's quest to enter the Unova League intensifies, while his companions also pursue their own dreams.

Rival Destinies is better than season 14. Season 14 has filler episodes.

I like Black and White, especially Rival Destinies.

Black & White: Adventures in Unova and Beyond (16) Black & White: Adventures in Unova and Beyond (Season 16) sees Ash competing in the Unova League, facing old and new rivals. Afterward, he and his friends take on the threat of Team Plasma and later travel to the Decolore Islands.

Unova is such a beautiful region. Honestly, it's the best if you're looking just for background art.

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