Top 10 Best Pokemon Abilities
What is Wonder Guard doing at number 9? It should be number 1! Imagine an electric-type with Wonder Guard. Only ground types would hit! It's a shame that the only Pokemon who has the ability is Shedinja, who only has 1 HP. But if other Pokemon had it that don't have 1 HP, they would automatically become overpowered, and everyone would use them. Instant Ubers.
So come on, guys! Why isn't this number 1?
It would be extremely overpowered if Pokemon other than Shedinja had it. So while it may not be the best ability in practice, theoretically, it is by far one of the best defensive abilities in Pokemon.
Attacking first in battle is very important. If you are first, you have two attacks on the opposing Pokemon in the time it has only one attack on you. So you can knock it out before it can do the same to you.
It's just amazing with Mega Blaziken or Blaziken if it has Hidden Ability. It's just overpowered, especially against Mega Sceptile. You know what's going to happen.
Always keep Protect in your Mega Blaziken, kids!
This ability saved my life. Blaziken had just 1 HP, and since he got faster, he attacked first. Then Steven's Metagross fainted! Then I won!
It surprises me that no one has talked about how this ability is extremely powerful with Mega Pidgeot. If the latter was an overall better Pokémon, it could have made it to Ubers with little effort. Hurricane is the most powerful non-signature Flying Type Move, especially when paired with STAB. The only drawback is a pitiful 70% accuracy. Pair it up with No Guard, and you've got yourself a team killer.
If No Guard was given to overall better Pokémon...
It makes all moves known by the Pokemon that has this ability never miss. This isn't to be confused with Wonder Guard, Shedinja's ability.
Why isn't this higher? Greninja has a very wide movepool, and Protean just complements it. STAB on every attack and no real counter to boot. It's just wonderful. Something feels like thunderbolting you? Use Grass Knot, Spikes, and burst out with laughter. It's further complimented by Greninja's base 122 speed, making it faster than Starmie and Alakazam, and one-hit KOing both with Dark Pulse.
A fighting attack? Aerial Ace, Extrasensory, or Astonish, then laugh at that something's High Jump Kick or Close Combat. Again, why isn't this higher? For making Greninja such a beastly 'mon, and for the general power, I feel Protean belongs at least in the top 10.
Azumarill with Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, and Huge Power. Get it in your next playthrough. You won't regret it.
Dude, Azumarill with Huge Power combined with Aqua Tail, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, and Play Rough is beast mode.
Yeah, I don't need to explain why this is strong. Double attack is overpowered.
Turns Medicham into an absolute beast and makes its Hi Jump Kick into one of the most powerful moves in the game.
I used Mega Medicham on Pokemon Showdown and I swept a whole team once. LOL.
My Malamar with Contrary used the move Superpower, which is a strong fighting-type move that normally reduces your Pokemon's attack and defense stat by one stage. However, with Contrary, it raised my attack and defense stat by one and it dealt massive damage! I literally destroyed everyone with it! The only downside is that it only has 5 PP.
Anyway, this ability is amazing!
I took down a level 100 Mega Rayquaza with a Serperior after having 4x special attack with Contrary and using Dragon Pulse. I also have swept so many teams. With Serperior's speed, it basically becomes unstoppable unless you have a fast fire, ice, poison, flying, or bug type.
Moxie is a great ability with a beneficial attribute. Imagine killing a Pokemon and suddenly increasing a level in Attack? Every kill makes you stronger, potentially making you invincible.
I like Moxie, but I also like Beast Boost. That boosts your highest stat, and if you use something like Celesteela, it will boost your special attack after each kill.
Yes. However, I still believe Super Luck is much better especially when combined with moves like Night Slash.
This thing. This thing. THIS THING.
Holy crud, technician is good. On a certain Pokemon... Scizor!
Bullet punch. Priority, but 40 base power. Now, Scizor has STAB, which multiplies power to 1.5... So 60 base power. But then, Technician kicks in! And that 60 becomes 90.
So... Let me get this straight. Scizor, a Pokemon with 130 base attack, and fantastic boosting moves, gets... A 90 base power, priority attack... At least it only deals super effective damage against fairy, ice, and rock.
Then, there's *shudder* bug bite from ORAS tutors. 60 base power. With Technician, it's 90. Throw in STAB, and we have a terrifying 120 base power move. Okay, fine, bug is not a good attacking type, but still!
Technician turns your weak moves into strong things... As seen by Scizor and co.
Safely to say, technician is OP.
This ability restores one-eighth of your health at the end of every turn that you are poisoned. Though the only Pokemon that can have this ability are the Breloom line and Gliscor, it is still very useful (especially because ORAS made Breloom relevant again). The Toxic Orb will inflict poison on the Pokemon holding it, and Breloom can learn through egg moves and level up Drain Punch (with STAB) and Leech Seed respectively.
Its low health and defense make pulling off the combo difficult, but if you can land Leech Seed and spam Drain Punch, you are immortal.
The Newcomers
Yes, exactly. In the right hands - like a Mega Heracross, for example, which has huge attack power and can learn many moves that fall right into this ability - Skill Link just can't lose.
My battle strategy is to bring out a Pokémon with Tailwind and then use Tailwind to double the speed of Heracross. Then I bring out Heracross, mega evolve it, and it's unstoppable (until the Tailwind effect goes away).
This is just so broken in the right hands!
This used to be like Sturdy, but better. Because of the nerf (which it totally deserved), it isn't as good as it used to be.
Though not as strong now, it's still an extremely viable ability. The fact that it's in the top 10 worst abilities on this list (around number 66 or 68 out of 72) is baffling. Do people hate this ability now?
I strongly agree. I raised a Tynamo with Levitate and made a killing machine! It swept a team of a few Arceus. They all kept on using Earthquake on me. It was such a good Pokemon. I definitely suggest it.
I'm surprised this is not number one! Like dude, Tynamo is an electric type, so its only weakness is to ground. Well, this is where Levitate kicks in. It keeps ground attacks from even hitting! Talk about a great ability! If you want a Pokemon with no weaknesses, get a Tynamo. A strong Pokemon with no weaknesses is Eelektross, and it's all made possible by Levitate. Vote for Levitate!
Originally limited to Wobbuffet, Shadow Tag is a noteworthy ability. When Wobbuffet is in battle, if it's not facing a ghost or another Pokemon with Shadow Tag, the opponent can't escape. Mega Gengar loves to spam it with Perish Song, switching on the last turn and one-shotting the opposing Pokemon. Shadow Tag is quite powerful, and it should be ranked higher than just six.
Well, it turns Wynaut and Wobbuffet into a nightmare to defeat. Basically, it prevents escape and switching. Ugh, the fact that the Pokemon that can learn it are the incarnation of karma makes it worse. Yup, Shadow Tag. Screwing you over when trying to farm since the release of Gold and Silver.
No, you put a fighting type in the last slot so when a psychic move is used it's not effective. Then you can at least Swords Dance twice with a Focus Sash.
Put a Gengar at the back of your team, send out Zoroark, and watch your opponent wonder why their Mewtwo isn't affecting you.
Super troll. Hack it on something with Absorb and you have something overpowered.
Us ghost trainers are screwed now. What if a Normal/Fighting knows Dark Pulse? Okay, I'm out now.
Ghost isn't as good as it might be able to be because of Scrappy.
This is an excellent sweeping ability, basically Guts but with poison. This ability makes my Zangoose really overpowered. Toxic Boost + Facade sweeps everything.
It is one of the best abilities in the competitive doubles format. A permanent minus two attack on opposing Pokemon just by existing. It ensures that your team can survive a physical move from the opposing team, and it can throw off your opponent's team's calculations.
There's also this strategy where you switch between two Intimidate Pokemon, so each turn you switch the enemy's attack decreases more and more. This is also a good opportunity to try and jinx them when the opponent predicts another switch. Not to mention, it's an extremely common ability for Pokemon to have, with so many good Pokemon having access to it, which is why it's technically the best Pokemon ability in competitive doubles.
Actually, a pretty great ability. It provides immunity to Stealth Rock, prevents poison, and avoids recoil (including Life Orb) - a better Rock Head and Overcoat. If the user gets poisoned, it can't be burned, paralyzed, or put to sleep, just like Poison Heal.
It even makes my Clefairy immune to poison or burn damage.
I just love to set Life Orbs on Magic Guard users. With Calm Mind, I could evolve a Reuniclus into a wall that still hit hard as hell.
This ability is great for everything: setting up hazards, increasing stats, and acting as a check for sweepers by using paralysis or Will-O-Wisp. Most overpowered ability of all time.
This should be in a higher position, guys!
Prankster is the one thing that keeps Volbeat (or sometimes Illumise) on my team, even up to UU.
Bad ability to be honest. There are other ways to cripple your foe similar to poison, like Leech Seed, Rocky Helmet, Spikes, Burn, Hail, etc.
Since you should always be trying to make use of STAB along with a super effective type, Adaptability further enhances the damage to a ridiculous degree, turning even a relatively tame attack into a one-hit knockout.
Mega Lucario can sweep anything. A Close Combat at 120 base power with Adaptability times two and a four times weak Pokemon. The base power becomes 960!
Singlehandedly brings Mega Lucario into uber tier. STAB moves do more damage? Yes, please!
On a fast Pokémon, Serene Grace can make opponents flinch non-stop (like Togekiss with Air Slash), paralyze extremely quickly (like with Body Slam), and do so much more with just one ability. This deserves to be in the top 10.
Easily more overpowered than a good 50% of the abilities above it, any competitive player would agree that Magic Bounce is amazing. The reason it doesn't get as much recognition as it should is because Mega Sableye is the only Pokemon who can use it viably, but the concept is outstandingly overpowered.
Better safe than sorry, so it is best to have a Pokemon with Magic Bounce on the team than to use Defog or Rapid Spin. The ability prevents every stall or entry hazard based team. If the opponent uses a non-damaging move, it's like you have two moves in a turn, and they lose the turn. Perfect.
Luxray may not be the best physical attacker, but give it Guts, a Flame Orb, and Facade, and watch it sweep whole teams without breaking a sweat! (Crunch, of course, for Ghost types).
Guts ignores Burn's attack drop. Plus, Burn damage got nerfed so even better! Throw a Flame Orb on your favorite Guts user and watch them wreck house.
Guts is an ability where if your Pokemon has any status condition, its attack goes up 50%.
Use it on a water type and you're just immune to electric moves now.