Top 10 Best Halo 4 Weapons
All the other snipers are overpowered. The Binary Rifle is perfectly balanced. Besides, what's more fun than shooting someone in the head and watching them dissolve into little tiny pieces? It's hilarious.
Best sniper in the game. 10/10 would snipe again.
One-shots anything that it hits. That's why I think it is the best.
It has more ammo than the Binary and Beam Rifle, which makes it the best sniper. It also has a one-shot kill to the head and a two-shot kill to the body. This makes it the best weapon in Halo.
Absolutely overpowered. Good scope that allows good vision, one shot in the body and head, and good ammo.
I hate it because I can't aim it, but it is good.
The SAW has an amazing fire rate with enough ammo to go along. Also, it has stupidly long range for a gun of this type. It literally saws people down.
I know this is more than ten, but really, the SAW is the best in the world of Halo. If you don't have the SAW, it's like trying to go somewhere without your head, and you can't do that. Peace out, biches.
By far the best gun in the game. It literally got me like halfway through the entire game. It has the best machine gun damage, speed, and ammo.
A more civilized weapon, the Sangheili Blade cuts sharp with a long lunge or can be used as a melee buff to negate lunge recoil. Be wary, as the sword can now be drained by contact with walls (no doubt a blessing for machinimators), and it takes a bit more skill with the newer, weaker Model IV's. However, with practice, the art of swordsmanship can be one you have mastered!
Being truly honest, this is one of the most staple Halo weapons. It's iconic, it's overpowered, and it looks cool. What's not to like? Don't ignore the one-shot kill.
This is truly one of the best guns in the game, as you can one-shot at point-blank, two-shot at a short to mid-range distance, and it looks great with its pump-action.
One of the best if you like to get up close and personal. The shotgun is a one-shot kill at point-blank, making it an ideal weapon for those hardcore Spartans.
Amazing, but the Scattershot is better because it has longer range.
I found it useful against Promethean Knights. Overall, a great weapon.
Just got done carrying my team with this. I went 31-7. It's overpowered as hell if you know how to aim. If not, then you think it's trash. It is probably the only gun in H4 that can hang with any other gun in a fight. Best all-around gun in H4 by far.
The only weapon that can defeat any other gun with skill.
Slow bullet speed, so not good at long range. Good at close range or for pressuring enemies to go to places you want them to go.
The Newcomers
Ah, this beauty. She one-hit kills the Wraith in its core, but is, ironically, better as a stationary slaughterhouse.
Great stopping power, but it fires too quickly.
Trapped on a high bluff. Out of ammo for your Light Rifle. Heroic difficulty. All seems lost. "All I have ammo for is my Scattershot, and I'm fighting at long range!" Oh, but you are very, VERY wrong. "All you have ammo for is your Scattershot," you said, and that is by far enough to win! The Scattershot's shots ricochet off the walls and ground, dramatically increasing its range. Three kills and an ammo pickup later, you will be permitted to kiss it.
This rifle is very accurate, and it has a faster kill time than the BR. The DMR beats the BR at long range. The DMR is a mild to long-range weapon, but it is also good at close range if you are skilled with it.
Automatic weapons beat it, as does the BR in close range. Most people think this weapon is useless, but it isn't. Oh, and if you are wondering what beats it at long range, it is the Light Rifle.
The DMR may not be as powerful in Halo 4 as it is in Halo Reach, but it is still good. It is a five-shot kill weapon and has a long-range scope. It is great in SWAT and is rather powerful. Plus, it is very accurate, even in close range.
I'm known as War Wolf 18, and I'm able to place a few well-placed shots, so I'm unstoppable if I get my hands on it.
I love the Sticky Detonator. I have a lot of reasons I love this weapon.
Wanna send your opponent soaring hilariously through the sky? Blast them away with the Concussion Rifle! This mango packs one hell of a punch and has huge splash recoil. Any enemy shot directly will fly a short distance back, allowing for, ahem, Concussive Concussive Attacks. As an added bonus, you can use it to boost a jump should you lack a Jet Pack. Be wary, as it lowers your shields, and you could knock yourself out if done recklessly.
The railgun is good for when you need to puncture a hole in enemy defense, or just when you want to kill something fast, as its shots are one-shot kills.
The railgun is really good if you are jet-packing because it shoots explosive stuff, and if you are accurate and lucky (like me), you can snipe with it.
The railgun can destroy almost every enemy in the game with just one shot. It also has an extremely long range and is very accurate.
Standard semi-auto rifle. Two to three shots and your enemy is dead.
I'm surprised this honey is so low! The good old reliable Magnum can actively replace your automatic weapon, as it has the speed, accuracy, and stopping power to score knockouts in a snap. Her fire rate is excellent in close-quarters combat and has the capability to go mid-long with enough practice. When deciding your secondary weapon, Spartans, never forget the classic Magnum.
Honestly, if you have a fast trigger finger, this is a close to mid-range gun that you definitely want to use.
The only reason it's good is because it does way too much damage when it hits the head.
The fact that the crystals explode and their ability to target objects and become homing bombs is amazing!
This is one of the top weapons! It's Halo's signature weapon, and in Halo 4, it is super overpowered.