Top 10 Best Namco Tales Games
What is your top favorite mothership title? This list does not include the escort titles or Tales of the World.
This is by far the best "Tales of" game I have ever had the pleasure to encounter. This game has all the qualities that make it not only a classic but a monumental achievement in RPG history. Although I may be biased, as I have played this game since I was young, I have never failed to discover more reasons to love it as the years go by.
Character development that forces you to love the characters, an awe-inspiring and in-depth storyline, and loads of side quests and little Easter eggs keep you entertained. The storyline and relationships in the game change with the choices you make. There are so many other characteristics of this game I could ramble on about, but the short version of it is simply this: This game is a must-have for those who love timeless stories and not just fancy graphics that look good because they're in new wrapping paper.

I enjoyed this game so much! It was my third Tales game, after Symphonia and Vesperia. I was a hardcore Vesperia fan, who was very reluctant to play another Tales game because I'm never sure if they'll live up to the games I've already played. Well, I'm REALLY glad I played Abyss.
The story was absolutely amazing and intriguing. I fell in love with all of the characters and their little quirks. The ending scenes made me cry, but that's probably because I finished the game at 4 in the morning, and I was tired and loopy. The character development was really great. I became so attached to the characters. Abyss is by far my favorite Tales game!

This Tales game simply made me say wow. This is my favorite for many reasons. For one, it has one of my favorite casts of characters in any video game. Also, the music is phenomenal. The battle system is fast, and it rocks. Each dungeon is creative in its own special way.
The story was fantastic. It explained everything, there were epic moments, and moments that almost made me cry. I never expected one major thing in this game. Also, you can experience the magic with your friends just like every Tales game, but when you play this one, it feels different. That epic moment when you beat a super tough Giganto Monster or when you beat a major boss is so satisfying. Also, every time you think the game is going to end, it keeps on getting better. This is and always will be my favorite Tales game of all time.

An amazing cast from top to bottom, excellent overall voice acting, and smooth, well-paced combat make the story quite enjoyable. This really makes it special.
I like the fact that you can choose two different perspectives from the very beginning of the game.
It has great drama scenes, twists, and reactions to death scenes.

I love this game's reference to older Tales games, for example, the card game and the Easter eggs like Anise and Presea. It has the character chemistry that makes these games great, and the combat system that I never seem to get bored of. Maximum difficulty, GO!
Great characters! Lots to do and see (Xillia felt a little small). Big cities. Costumes. Exploration. Length. Epilogue. 'Nough said.
My favorite PS3 RPG. The graphics are subpar, but the story is very good, and the gameplay is awesome.

I love this game for a number of reasons. First off, the characters, the whole team, and "the swords" have a lot of personality and diversity, resulting in a fantastic group dynamic with seriously funny and charming dialogue. Secondly, the intro and the pace of the story. Starting with Stan as a stowaway trying to escape the ship, waking up paperless in a foreign land, there is always something that makes you keep going.
I stopped playing the "Tales" series after Tales of Symphonia. It was so mundane in comparison.

Tales of Phantasia had a classic story. The music was amazing, and the game was just great overall. The replay value was excellent, and the bosses were quite a challenge. It is an amazing classic with endless fun and tons of side quests.
Yes, this game was amazing. Even the bad port (GBA) was quite nice.
First Tales game, easily the best Tales game.

Extremely underrated game. I'd place this above Symphonia. It covers everything from love (pretty much every character is in love with the main character), friendship, family, human-pet relationships, and parenting. It's also extremely funny and has my favorite cast of any Tales game. You get to delve deep into each character, as they all have sections of the game heavily focused on them. All are amazing, especially Chloe and Norma.
Honestly, Symphonia was my least favorite. Legendia was highly addictive, with a perfect length and an addictive battle system.

My favorite video game of all time. This game made me fall in love with JRPGs and sparked a gaming addiction which is nearly 20 years strong and still going. I hear so many people complain about the graphics, gameplay, etc., but you have to think, it's nearly 20 years old and it's not fair to judge it by today's visual standards.
It has a solid and deep storyline, rich characters, and authentic character development and relationships.
Tales of Eternia is my favorite game of all time. I love its story, its characters (except Reid), its world, and its gameplay to bits. It upsets me to see this so low and to see it as one of the lesser popular Tales games when it truly is outstanding.

By far my favorite in the series now. The characters are extremely entertaining, and many of them are also very deep, with very involving character development. I also really enjoy how it took a lot of fantasy conventions and turned them on their head. The legendary hero is actually the villain, and a party of rogues, pirates, and demons have to stop him before he can remove all of humanity's free will in his quest to save it from itself.
There were many times when I laughed out loud at the banter between the characters, and there are some very heart-wrenching and emotional scenes that I just haven't seen in other Tales games. Velvet is officially my all-time favorite Tales character.
The Newcomers

Fantastic story that left me in tears because of how it ends (actually, it has 3 endings) and a great battle system, which is not as good as Graces f's but is really fast-paced and offers a lot of different combinations thanks to the linking mechanic. Ludger is one of my favorite characters ever, and the rest of the team brings back some memories of Tales of Xillia.
An interesting, darker story with some amazing character interactions and personal choices, along with more refined combat, makes this a must-buy for a Tales fan in my opinion.

A magnificent game and a step forward for the series, with a well-written story and engaging characters, the best combat in the series, and amazing presentation values. It's everything I could hope for from the series. My favorite Tales game and my favorite game.
I heard all the negative comments about it, but honestly, I took it as its own game and I'm really enjoying it! The characters are fun, and I'm happy to see female characters not designated to the role of 'romantic interest' for the main character.
It was the first of the Tales series I played, and I loved it! I liked the story and graphics.

Great sequel to Tales of Destiny. This game made me fall in love with Tales games.

I don't know, I just really love this game! I love Emil's personality. I love how the other Symphonia cast came into the game! It's just amazing! The story didn't bore me at all!
Although everyone says bad things about it, it is one of my favorites!
This game is boss. The fights are epic.

I like the characters, the skits, and the battle system. I also like the guild quest system. The dungeons were bleh though, since it was just an endless walk through a massive, confusing place. It was a bit painful for someone like me who couldn't remember roads, and there aren't even any switches, hidden rooms, or mechanisms to make it interesting.
The story is simple and straightforward, not so great, but I guess it suits my taste. I only played the DS version.

I play both Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 and 3, and so far I mostly enjoy 2. Tales of the World lets you control past Tales characters and even make them your primary character by tailoring their dress so you can control them. The story is not as good as other Tales games, but if you like to control characters from other Tales games, you should play this one. I am currently playing Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3. This game has the same aspect as Narikiri Dungeon and is very nice to play.