Ten 10 Best Zombie Video Games

Games with zombies, some sort of zombie, or anything that has to do with one.
The Top Ten
Left 4 Dead 2

Everything that was good about the original is made GREAT here. Everything is fast-paced. The newly expanded weapons system allows for a more badass, military/high-tech zombie shooting experience. The journey through the South is fun, scary, depressing, dark, gritty, lonely, and 110% zombie. And the melee weapons. GOD, do I love that katana. 9/10.

Oh my god, this is my favorite game. I do love it. I have a suggestion for everyone to try it: Battlefish is a funny and best free zombie game. Battlefish is an awarded strategic game which has won several national game awards. In this game, you will be equipped with diverse and cute weapons, warheads, and equipment and will discover the secrets of the world of underwater!

The Last of Us

Must keep self from writing a paragraph. Just trust me. This game is awesome. Play it.

This should be far above Call of Duty. Those aren't even zombie games.

How is L4D2 better than The Last of Us? The Last of Us had everything. It is like the perfect game.

The Walking Dead

I agree with the person who said Left 4 Dead is the most fun zombie game, but this game is incredible. It might even be better than the comic books and show it's based on.

You find yourself getting connected to the characters right off the bat. You really feel like it's your duty to keep Clementine safe. You have to make choices that affect your relationships with others and, in some cases, who lives and who dies. This game is story-based and NOT about how many zombies you can kill in three seconds.

While I enjoy Dead Island, Call of Duty, and Left 4 Dead, this one gets my vote.

Dead Island

Honestly, the only negative I have about this game is the difficulty is annoying at parts, and ammo could be a bit more common. But overall, this game is phenomenal.

Big world, lots of zombies, gory effects, and infinite replay. What else could you ask for?!

In spite of lag and a weak storyline, the gameplay is beyond phenomenal. Take some movie-inspired zombie gore, a massive variety of weapons, weapon modifications, and sandbox-style gaming, and you have a perfect zombie game that you will play over and over.

Resident Evil 4

Leon is the man. I'm serious. Where would we be without him? Resident Evil 4 is my second favorite game, losing only to Dark Souls.

It's the best game ever in my opinion, but it's not a zombie game.

The best zombie game, and Leon is awesome!

Call of Duty: World at War

Call of Duty Zombies should be an entirely different game, in my opinion. It is very fun just to simply survive, but in most cases, it is very easy and gets boring pretty quickly.

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Left 4 Dead

The dark atmosphere and that level at the church scared me for decades.

Dying Light

How is this not at least #3? This game puts other free roam games to shame. It's been compared to Grand Theft Auto, and Plants vs. Zombies is a better game?

A mix between three of the greatest games ever: Mirror's Edge, Dead Island, and Far Cry. What else would you want?

The perfect parkour zombie mass slaughter simulator out there. 10/10.

Dead Rising 2

Bloody brilliant. Dead Rising was great, using anything as a weapon, but Dead Rising 2 is phenomenal, using anything as a weapon and being able to combine objects into the most original and inventive weapons imaginable, e.g., chainsaws with a paddle, bows and arrows with dynamite, fire axes with a sledgehammer, boxing gloves with fire, and a shotgun with a rake.

The story is also great, and the main protagonist (Chuck Greene) is way better and more badass than Frank West from the original.

Best zombie game I've played by far, and I've played a lot of zombie games. There is so much content and replayability in this game. This game does a great job of being a truly original experience in a genre that is full of unoriginal shoot 'em ups. 9.0/10.

The Newcomers

? Project Zomboid

This should be number one. I think it will get there when it reaches its official release.

? The Walking Dead: Final Season
The Contenders
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

Very good. It should be higher on the list because it's open-world, and it's the only zombie game I know of that takes place in the Old West. Biggest map I know of too.

What?! Cowboys and zombies in one game isn't in the top 5?! This is one of the top 5 best games of all time. It should be at least #3.

The gun that fires zombie parts has to be the best!

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Needs to be higher! Mob of the Dead and Origins are so good!

Great and brilliant storyline! Must play!

State of Decay

Known as "DayZ for Xbox 360," this is an open-world zombie survival game where you have to scavenge for resources and weapons in a big 16km map. A flawless game apart from occasionally poor frame rates. The game is only £20 because you download it off Xbox Live Arcade.

P.S. My second favorite zombie game would be Telltale's The Walking Dead because it was the only video game that got me upset if a character died.

A great game. It's basically a third-person Dead Island but survival-based. No respawning guns, ammo supplies, etc. Permanent death, limited vehicles, great graphics and visuals (at the cost of frequent frame drops), characters with their own abilities, hundreds of different weapons, and frequent bug fixes. It's the zombie game you always wanted.

Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 4 and Doom are awesome, but now I vote for Resident Evil 5. This game isn't that popular among Resident Evil fans. Why? It's just a brilliant game with superb graphics. Underrated game.

Resident Evil 5 is the best of all Resident Evil games ever made.

Doom 3
Dead Rising

Very underrated for such an extremely fun and challenging game. This deserves to be ranked much higher.

The only reason this is ranked so low is because it's not as popular as the other ones at the top, such as Left 4 Dead 2. Don't get me wrong, I like those games as well, but Dead Rising has a special place in my heart. This game is absolutely amazing in my opinion, with all the abilities, leveling system, psychopaths, characters, story, and various different endings. This absolutely trumps any other zombie apocalypse game I have played.

Plants vs. Zombies

I love that game so much on my computer! I love the Gatling Peas! I love to do the survival endless! The best mini-games are It's Raining Seeds, Beghouled, Portal Combat, Whack a Zombie, Pogo Party, Walnut Bowling 2, Last Stand, Zombie Bobsled, Zombie Nimble, Zombie Quick, and last but not least, Dr. Zomboss's Revenge!

This takes such a bloody, scary creature and turns it into a family-friendly game to play! PopCap, we love you.

Not a super bloody and graphically violent zombie game for once. Cool.

Resident Evil
Half Life 2
The House of the Dead
Zombie Estate 2
Beast Busters
The Walking Dead: Survival Instisnt
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