Top 10 Best Caster-Class Servants in Fate/Grand Order
When it comes to Fate/Grand Order, picking the right Servant can make all the difference in battle, and the Caster class has some of the most iconic and game-changing options in the roster. These magical specialists are known for their ability to turn the tide of a fight with powerful buffs, devastating Arts chains, and strategic utility. From legendary supports who keep your team alive and kicking to destructive nukers who obliterate enemies with flair, Casters have something for everyone.
Only 32 summon tickets and 60 Saint Quartz, and I managed to get Merlin right off the bat in preparation for Solomon early the morning maintenance ended. He may not be as strong as the NPC version of him in Babylonia, but trust me, I couldn't have done my one-shot kills of all those Demon Pillars in Solomon with my trusty Jeanne Alter if not for this guy.
I feel like I've robbed Merlin of his much-deserved top spot in the top three along with Waver and Medea. So, I'm going to make it up to him by placing him higher on this list and explaining why he's such a grandly exceptional Caster. Basically, he's Waver Turned Up To Eleven when it comes to being the support for your party.
His first skill adds 20% NP charge and a 20% increase in Attack for your team. His second skill grants invincibility to your entire party along with increasing your party's star generation rates and decreasing your enemies' chances of delivering critical attacks with a moderate cooldown. His third skill gives your team 50% Buster up, 3000 Max HP increase, and a 100% Critical Damage bonus for three turns.
In addition, one of his passive skills includes being able to generate 5% NP per turn. At NP1 for Garden of Avalon, he provides 1000 healing, 5% NP charge, and 5 critical stars to the party per turn for five turns. With all the statistics of what is actually a nerfed playable version of the NPC Merlin played in Babylonia, Merlin is truly a game-breaker and worth seeking after when he's first released for the Solomon Chapter Release event on the NA server.

Need all the buffs your team can get and all the debuffs your enemies can handle? Look no further than this 5-star Caster-class Servant, also known as Waver Velvet. His NP gain is pretty efficient in terms of skills (not only for himself, but for the entire team), allowing you to rack up enough charged-up Noble Phantasm attacks for the final battle of a quest. His debuffing Noble Phantasm, Formation of No Return, is especially overpowering.

Mikon! Since Tamamo no Mae (or Casko, as Nero refers to her) is coming out next week for the US Halloween campaign, let's take a good look at what makes her a fearsome Servant (and waifu). Naturally, as a Caster, her card set is Arts-based, so not only is it easy to build up NP charge, but she's especially vital if you use an Arts-based party of Servants (ex. Tamamo no Mae, Zhuge Liang, and Vlad III). Her skill set is quite capable as she can drain an enemy's NP gauge by one bar, increase her defense for three turns and also increase her defense by 30% for one turn only, and increase one ally's Arts card performance for three turns (and heal an ally's HP post-interlude).
Probably what makes her stand out the most is her Noble Phantasm. Using her Noble Phantasm, she can help refill all allies' HP gauges and reduce all allies' skill cooldowns by one turn. It may not sound like much, but considering it's easy to spam her Noble Phantasm, you can make pretty good use of using skills on a more rapid basis if you use Tamamo no Mae wisely and patiently. I wouldn't exactly roll for her until she becomes permanent after the London chapter release, but I'm not stopping anyone from rolling for their waifus.

He is Gilgamesh and really fits well in other Arts teams. Can't wait to roll for him during Babylonia.

The Newcomers

Her regular attacks are not that powerful, but her skills and her NP make up for it.

Although not having much damage capability compared to El Melloi or Helena, Hans' Noble Phantasm offers the team a 20-40% offensive and defensive buff and a 1000-3000 heal per turn. With good NP generation per hit and his Rapid Casting skill, Hans is able to spam his NP fairly quickly.
Due to his deck and skill set, Hans will usually find himself in teams that are built around a crit dealer or teams that have servants sporting triple arts decks. Although you won't be using Hans to deal damage, he allows his teammates to do so through his immense utility. His low rarity means that his party cost is relatively low, giving more headroom for better servants or CEs. An NP5 Hans is easily attainable compared to higher-rated servants.
Hans is definitely a must-have servant for those looking for a cheap Waver or Helena alternative, especially for NA players and newcomers since he offers such a wide array of tools in his set.

You just HAD to spook me when I was trying to go for Waver during the Fate/Accel Zero Order event. Well, at least you'll have some use for me in the Prisma Causeway collaboration event and the Christmas 2018 event.

Xuanzang Sanzang, as the English localization puts Genjou Sanzou's name, is without a doubt one of the best offensive Casters in Fate/Grand Order. Her Single Target Noble Phantasm's sheer power output is only second to Illya. Even then, Xuanzang racks up massive damage, going all-out Star Platinum on her opponent.
Her skill set isn't too bad either. She can fill up more than half of her NP gauge along with increasing NP damage for one turn, tank enemy attacks with a self-inflicted taunt protected by damage reduction, and boost the party's NP generation rate, critical star generation rate, and debuff immunity. To put it simply, her first skill is great for unleashing her NP on the first turn if needed, along with the right Craft Essence like Kaleidoscope or Imaginary Around. Her second skill is great for taunting and tanking, and her third skill is pretty decent for the party overall.
I won't roll for her now since she'll be added to the Story Summon later after Camelot, but she would definitely make a great offensive Caster to have around.

Although I don't possess her (much to my misfortune), she's an extremely good support for an SR. Being basically a SR version of Waver, she provides a good charge of NP (10-20% depending on level) and a command card effectiveness buff, as well as a crit star gen skill which has a chance at charging her NP gauge. If she's on your friend list and you need a support, she'll do.
And if you have her, imagine what you could do if you had a Lancelot (or any other AoE wave clearer) paired with a second Lancelot support, especially if you both have a Kscope CE. Even if you don't, it would help her teammates a lot. While not being better than Waver, she's one of the best NP gain supports.

Man, if you have a servant that buffs her NP or Arts skill, you might be able to wipe out the whole enemy even if it's not in her class affinity strength. I have her right now at level 50. I haven't ascended her yet, and her Noble Phantasm deals over 100,000 if used with team skills.