Best Units In Command and Conquer Red Alert 3

These are the strongest, the best and also the fan-favorite units from Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3. NO UPRISING UNITS and NO BUILDINGS/DEFENSES.
The Top Ten
Yuriko Omega

She can lift over cliffs, levitate submarines while they are underwater, and tear apart every unit and building in 1.5 seconds when upgraded. This doesn't count air units, which die like flies within Yuriko's range. If you do not have an anti-infantry horde in your base, Yuriko devours it within a minute.

She is just a ruthless, unstoppable killing machine with monstrous powers that bring bases down in a matter of seconds.

Unstoppable: the only commando that can attack air targets and is effective against all targets.

Apocalypse Tank

The classic Apocalypse tank is back, now with stronger armaments but without the anti-air turret.

Undoubtedly, the best land unit.

Shogun Battleship

If you can build naval units, this battleship can wreck bases from a long distance. Just back it up with anti-air units.

When fully ranked up, a handful of these can decimate armies and bases in seconds.

Close range, long range. It doesn't really matter.

Kirov Airship

Unlimited ammo for bombing bases from the sky. Just be patient with its speed, though.

Kirov Airship mass attack is just awesome for base destruction.

Harbinger Gunship

Can bribe even the strongest units in the game. You can save 3,000 credits just by bribing an enemy Shogun Battleship instead of making one.

Akula Submarine

The best underwater unit for destroying even the best ships.

Giga Fortress

Most powerful air unit in the game.

Super destructive. Really scary to find flying toward your base.

Aircraft Carrier

A more practical way to destroy bases from afar. Also, much faster than the Shogun Battleship.

Can distract anti-air defenses.

Century Bomber

Another strong and fast bomber, but always goes back to the airfield for more ammo.

The Newcomers

? Mecha Tengu/Jet Tengu
? Natasha Volkova
The Contenders

The best anti-aircraft unit. Can go on both land and water.


Good counter for air troops, including the all-powerful Giga Fortress.

Shogun Executioner
Assault Destroyer

A great and heavy unit when on land. Also great against bases.

Future Tank

Probably the best tank and land unit in the game. Its firepower with one tank can destroy up to five tanks with just one shot. The riot beams can destroy the Apocalypse tanks, the former best tank, and the future tanks are computers, meaning Natasha can't snipe them. The only weakness is air.

The tank is very strong in durability and is a great frontline unit.

Terror Drone

Amazing anti-armor for a cheap cost, and it works in the air as well.

Cryo Legionnaire

If you have an army of these things, they're good for crippling enemy bases.

King Oni
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