Top 10 Custom Mario Power-Ups That Should Be Introduced
Got an ideas for new Mario power-ups? Here are some. This list will exclude items that are exclusive to Mario RPGs, party games & other spin-offs.
Care for a thunderstorm? Bad guys beware! Thunder Mario is about to stun you with his thunder power.
I think stunning enemies would be a great idea.
Mario could stun enemies with lightning balls.
A Phoenix is a mythological bird. I looked it up on, and I had an idea of what Mario can do with it. A Phoenix Suit can help Mario fly and shoot fireballs. It's like having a Tanooki Suit and a Fire Flower at the same time.
Cape and Fire Flower combined is awesome.
Mario will be able to fly and throw fireballs. Also, if Mario dies, he will keep the power-up (it works one time per power-up).
Paper mushroom could also have a floatier jump and maybe glide.
It turns Mario into Paper Mario.
He will turn into Paper Mario. Abilities are gliding and hammer swing.
This one works like the Metal Cap from Super Mario 64.
You could plant a bomb, and you can kick it as well.
According to the Fantendo wiki, the Classic Mushroom turns Mario into his classic self, allowing him to "let blocks appear everywhere he jumps." I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound useful unless you need to reach a high platform. My suggestion is that Classic Mario should play just like his NES counterpart. That should sound better. Of course, I am thinking that the Classic Mushroom should give Mario the ability to do both. It's hard for me to choose, so go ahead and decide which power you think the Classic Mushroom should give to Mario.
Wind Mario can blow away enemies.
I made this one up. The Fice Flower allows Mario to shoot both fireballs and ice balls. Pretty cool, huh? There's something you should know. Mario can't shoot a fireball and an ice ball at the same time. He can shoot them one at a time. He shoots once, and out comes a fireball. He shoots again, and out comes an ice ball. He shoots a third time, and out comes a fireball. And the pattern continues.
Maybe it shoots Freezeflame that kills by freezing enemies and then exploding them. It would also kill Dry Bones and those lava guys that bounce out of the lava.
The Newcomers
Elemental Flower Stars give their user or users the power to control all the elements (Ice, Fire, Water, Earth, Electricity, Weather, Poison, Gravity, and Sky).
If Mario gets one of these, he will turn into Blooper Mario. He can swim better and shoot ink balls.
Underwater has a lot of power-ups already. Giving him ink might work, but what does it do?
Sets Mario on fire for a limited time. Acts exactly like the star, but sets things on fire in the process, damaging them even more.
Like a star, but burns everything in your path. Maybe it should be called the Burn Star.
Lava is like sand, and lava guys won't hurt you.
You have a Luigi as a partner next to you at all times until you get hit.
When Mario has this power-up, he is able to create a small black hole that sucks up enemies and slowly kills them.
Makes Mario or Luigi a little crazy! They can kill bad guys (even Bowser!) by throwing cats at them, like the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons.
Better underwater movement, belly slide, better traction, can climb up walls, and throw fireballs.
Swimming speed, wall clinging, and throwing poison balls are just some ideas.
Water mushrooms turn Mario into Water Mario, allowing him to shoot water balls that can put out fire.
Mario gets a Yoshi mushroom, turns into a Yoshi, and then Yoshi can ride Yoshi.
It works like Inkling in Splatoon.
When Mario crouches, he becomes an ooze puddle, similar to the squids in Splatoon. He can also throw short-range ooze balls but not while in ooze form. Enemies caught in the puddle when in gloop mode or hit by ooze balls will dissolve into gloop. He must dissolve enemies to keep his ooze levels up, or the power-up becomes useless.
Mario can turn into Bowser Mario, allowing him to breathe fire and go into Bowser's shell like the blue shell!
Throw fireballs and hammers, hide in a shell that will kill enemies that land on it, and shell slide.