Top 10 Most Disturbing Video Game Characters

The Top Ten
Snowdrake's Mother - Undertale
Giygas - Earthbound
Dr. Andonuts - Radiation's Earthbound Halloween Hack
Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2
Mother - House Of The Dead: Overkill
Super Dimentio - Super Paper Mario
Metroid Prime - Metroid Prime
02 - Kirby 64
Spore Spawn - Super Metroid
Majora - Majora's Mask

The Newcomers

? Seaman - Seaman
? Chuck - Earthworm Jim
The Contenders
Master Core - Super Smash Bros.
Deviljho - Monster Hunter
Flowey - Undertale
SA-X - Metroid Fusion
The Great Mighty Poo - Conker's Bad Fur Day The Great Mighty Poo is a fictional character appearing in the 2001 video game Conker's Bad Fur Day. He is a giant, opera-singing pile of feces that appears as a boss in the sloprano chapter.
Slenderman - Slender
Handsome Jack - Borderlands 2 Handsome Jack is the main antagonist of both Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands and the deuteragonist of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
Waluigi - Super Mario Bros. Waluigi is a lanky self-centered, brusque young lad as he is considered evil and the main rival of Luigi. Waluigi is shown causing local havoc in most games he appears in alongside his partner Wario. Waluigi is not instinctively evil or the antagonist (not counting DDR), as a matter of fact, he shows... read more
Dark Samus - Metroid Prime
Reaper Bird - Undertale
Omega Flowey - Undertale
Ganondorf - The Wind Waker Ganon (Referred to as Ganondorf in human form) is a fictional character and the central antagonist of Nintendo's Legend of Zelda series. He is a power-hungry Gerudo who possesses the Triforce of Power and aims to conquer Hyrule with the remaining Triforce parts.
Nightmare - Metroid Fusion
Lemon Bread - Undertale
Memoryhead - Undertale
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