Top 10 Best Fire Emblem Games

For over three decades, the Fire Emblem series has brought unforgettable characters, gripping stories, and deep tactical gameplay to millions of players around the world. But with so many titles in the franchise, it can be tough to figure out which ones stand out from the rest.

Some entries have redefined what we expect from the series, introducing new mechanics or raising the bar on storytelling. Others are beloved for their nostalgia, bringing back fond memories for long-time fans. You might love the challenging permadeath mechanics, or maybe you appreciate the character-driven relationships that make each battle more personal. Whatever keeps you coming back, everyone has their own favorite Fire Emblem experience.
The Top Ten
Fire Emblem: Awakening

Sure, Awakening wasn't as profound as Genealogy or Gaiden, and the gameplay was too unbalanced, but it was the best Fire Emblem to pick up and play in this generation. All these raging fanboys giving it flack are just too busy praising older games and don't know how to progress towards a newer generation of games, despite the older games having stupid ideas *cough* warp.

Like it or not, Awakening is the FF7 of the Fire Emblem franchise, and if it hadn't come out, Fire Emblem wouldn't be as popular and renowned as it is today. Deserves number 1.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Though Awakening was great, my vote goes to Path of Radiance. Believable characters, a great and mysterious plot which extended into Radiant Dawn, and highly addictive gameplay.

Both protagonists and antagonists were awesome. The music was also fantastic. Path of Radiance truly is the best game I've ever played, not just in this series.

Despite being a bit easy, Path of Radiance more or less captures all the best points of Fire Emblem. A great story, good gameplay, and fantastic characters that actually react to current affairs in info conversations.

Unless you only play Fire Emblem for the shipping elements, I believe this game deserves the top spot.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Radiant Dawn is my personal favorite because of the sheer difficulty and characters. When I think of the Fire Emblem games, the first thing that comes to mind is difficulty. However, the supports seem to be lacking and consist of one or two sentences.

This game is incredibly long and will keep you entertained the entire time. This is truly the game for players looking for a challenge.

While many FE games have a central "war is bad" theme, none hit quite as hard as Radiant Dawn. The game takes extra care for you to see both sides of the war, especially in the mid-game, without being preachy or over-the-top.

The story is excellent, although playing Path of Radiance before is a must, and there are many unique maps and challenges that add to the overall tactics gameplay that make the Fire Emblem games so great.

Fire Emblem (GBA)

First Fire Emblem game, and to this day it is still my favorite. Down-to-earth characters that all hold their own charm. Graphics fit the game perfectly. You truly feel the loss of your characters (almost enough to save scum... almost).

It gives you a large enough roster to add replay value. 10/10 game.

This game does absolutely everything right. While it isn't my number one favorite game in the series, I can still see that it is honestly (in my opinion at least) the best Fire Emblem game.

Yes, Awakening isn't the best Fire Emblem game.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

GREAT GAME! All the people that voted for Awakening are spoiled kids who only play games with full HD graphics and voice-acted computer-generated cutscenes. Sacred Stones improves on Binding Blade with its multiple promotion choices and many other things. The world map wasn't really necessary.

I also felt closer to the characters, with unique personalities, especially Ephraim. One thing: TAKE OUT THE SPIDERS! They were really creepy and made me turn off animations for the whole game, which in turn made me miss a lot of fun animations.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

Think of all the features that make you love Fire Emblem: the weapon triangle (swords beat axes, axes beat lances, lances beat swords), marriage, children, and support. That all came from this game. And not only that, but we also got an amazing soundtrack, graphics that pushed the SNES to its limits, a complex story that twists and turns so many times, a very interesting and dynamic villain, huge maps, super fun gameplay, and replay value that's through the roof!

The list goes on and on. Play this game! Now!

FE4 is one of the most influential games in the series. It introduced three of the most well-known systems found in later installments: the weapon triangle, skills, and the most bare-bones iteration of building supports within the marriage system.

While not every future game included these things, as skills didn't return until FE9 and supports leading into marriage and child units came back in FE13, it is clear that FE4 has had a long-lasting impact on the series, and mostly for the better.

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest

I loved how in-depth some of the characters were, including the active part of your Avatar and the challenges constantly thrown your way.

Several maps, if played on a higher difficulty, are almost impossible for me to beat in Classic mode. I remember watching a popular YouTuber fight the final boss on Lunatic Classic mode and having to restart because all his characters had died.

The story also seemed more realistic and true to how, in my mind, the Avatar would react. I personally find it a little silly that, if playing Birthright, the Avatar would choose the family they know little about and, *Chapter 5 spoilers*, would even want to return to the family where they just killed their birth mother. Add that to the hate they received afterwards, the town destruction... Yeah, Revelations and Conquest seem like the most logical choices.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Ludicrously powerful, just beautiful storyline with great fleshed-out characters, gnarly graphics that border on Inuyasha-esque anime, and a riveting combat system that mixes intense gameplay with wacky and innovative characters and fun medieval war tactics. This is the Fire Emblem that best showcases storyline, but man, the combat gameplay is fun!

10/10 game. As someone who has played and owns all the Fire Emblem games on handhelds (GBA, DS, and 3DS), Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is one of my favorite Fire Emblem games. Can't wait for a remake of Binding Blade since this remake was so stunning!

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade

This is the game that actually caused Fire Emblem to come to the US. Without Roy's appearance in Smash Bros, we never would have seen the series in English at all. Fan-made translations allow people to play the game in English, letting us experience the epic story and characters that led to the prequel that is FE7.

The plot is seriously advanced compared to the others. Several different branches in the story and prerequisites for different endings allow for a lot of replay value. Hard mode is seriously hard. Larger maps than the other GBA games.

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

It can be unforgiving, but Thracia has some of the most versatile mechanics in the series, such as capturing, which are unique to it.

Best game design in the whole series. One of the most experimental strategy games ever.

Kaga, I love you. Kaga, I just want to give you a kiss for this. Kaga, please let me kiss you. I sleep next to a picture of you every night. I just want your love. Please, Kaga, just love me.

Also, Thracia is pretty good.

The Newcomers

? Fire Emblem: Engage
? Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
The Contenders
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

The first one I played and although I don't think it quite stacks up to games like Path of Radiance, I felt like it was accessible and enjoyable. Basic perhaps, but fun. I played through multiple times when I was younger and absolutely loved it.

Love the reanimation of this classic. The story is the best of all Fire Emblems and leaves a lot to the imagination. Slaughtering your own units for gaiden chapters is brutal, but was actually OK (for once).

Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation

I love the map design and all the support conversations available. It also has so many incredible characters, specifically Takumi, Leo, Sakura, and Hinoka (my personal favorites).

All in all, it is a great game and is better than Conquest and Birthright.

Ties everything together. Great story, good difficulty level, and closes plot holes like who Azura really is. Only complaint is the last chapter was so terrible I could not force myself to complete it. So bad.

It's a reward to play Revelation, especially after playing Birthright and Conquest.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem

Contains TWO games in one! What more do you want?

Honestly, my favorite in the series.

Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright

A fine game. The level grinding was easy and overall made the rest of the game easy. It's the "easy" option, so I don't know what else you would expect.

The characters are kind of like wet cardboard. They're all super one-note like "I'm Takumi and I'm jealous (and possessed)" or "I'm Ryoma and I'm a stoic leader." Another complaint is how anime-like the game is. But the gameplay is good and the maps are good, so it gets a pass.

I have yet to try out the other two games, but I love this game. While the story was very simple compared to Awakening, I applaud the mini hub world attempt. It helps keep the pace flowing better than Awakening's level select. That's actually an accomplishment. I'm impressed.

I know that the nerf of Awakening's pair-up system may be a con to many, but to me, it's a pro. The pair-up system in Awakening was way too game-breaking, making the game easy. The pair-up in this game forces the player to strategize more. This is easily more difficult than Awakening because of that, whether you are playing on casual or classic.

If you want to start the series, then pick either Awakening's casual mode or this game's Phoenix mode since Phoenix mode revives characters after dying.

Fire Emblem: Gaiden

While lacking some of the core features we love today (like the weapon triangle), this title has by far the best overworld and gives the player the ability to explore the world.

The most different, but underrated game in the franchise!

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

The true underdog of the series. It's nice to see some maps and most of the characters return from Shadow Dragon. Unlike its previous installment, however, this is a remake done right in every aspect. Support conversations and the addition of your own avatar, for whom you even get to decide the class, make it special! Not even Awakening got that right!

The only flaw is that it was only released in Japan. Yet that didn't prevent it from being the most enjoyable Fire Emblem game (subjectively speaking).

Nobody will vote for this because they have never played it and it looks like Shadow Dragon. People, this is by far the most criminally underrated game in the franchise.

There are so many vast improvements upon its predecessor, and as far as hardcore FE gameplay goes, it is the most refined of all. The catch is, of course, the fact it was only released in Japan.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Amazing story with world-class voice acting and excellent character development. High replayability due to the second half of the game being completely different depending on which house you pick. Combat is fun and allows for creative strategies.

AI can be intelligent at times, but it can also be reckless and predictable, which is my only criticism of the game. Overall, I give it a 10 out of 10!

This game was absolutely amazing as we get four possible story routes (not three) to choose from. 9/10 in terms of storytelling and characters.

The only drawback is replaying the pre-time-skip as it seems almost identical for each path, but it's needed to level up your characters and get to know the new respective house. I wish there was a way to skip the first few chapters on replays.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Definitely the best game. Trust me, I'm an expert.

Fire Emblem Warriors

This game is underrated, really. It has a good storyline, and you can easily change the difficulty from easy to hard. It does provide its challenges. But it's fun for all ages, really.

Spinoff. No point in buying it unless you're gonna like a Fire Emblem version of Hyrule Warriors. Otherwise, don't waste your money!

A lot of playable characters like Lyn, Tiki, Linde, Minerva, etc. is great.

Fire Emblem (NES)

So old and clunky, but strangely still manages to be fun!

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
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