Best Friday Night Funkin's Doki Doki Takeover Mod Songs
Rather recently, Friday Night Funkin' got a new mod called Doki Doki Takeover. It's practically an expansion of the Monika mod and is based on the visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club.As someone who considers DDLC one of his favorite video games of all time and who enjoys quite a lot about Friday Night Funkin', it is not surprising that I ended up liking this mod. That being said, it went even beyond my expectations and became my favorite FNF mod without question.
One of the multiple reasons I love this mod so much is because, on top of the songs from the Monika mod that were already made, we got seven brand-new songs for the main story, four remixes of songs from other Friday Night Funkin' mods, and three secret songs.
And it's not like quantity is all it has going for it, since the average song in this mod is great. So, what if we rank those songs together? Honestly, as long as the song is playable in the mod, it can be included on the list, and it doesn't require too many restrictions.

I will say it: you can have good reasons to think I'm biased for having this song as my favorite. Sayori sings the song, and you probably already know she is my favorite character in all of fiction. This song is a remix of the song of the same name in Doki Doki Literature Club, which happens to be my second favorite song from that game.
However, I am not sure if I am truly biased because when I first heard the song, I obviously loved it, but it wasn't my favorite. I became obsessed with Doki Doki Takeover and listened to pretty much every song over and over again, and this song particularly grew on me.
So yeah, the fact they turned this very emotional and peaceful song into a super energetic and fun track that also has some emotional parts in it, which makes it fit Sayori perfectly, is just amazing. It is super energetic and catchy. Boyfriend and Sayori have voices that mix very well when they sing together. The countdown in the middle of the song is the coolest thing ever. The part where Sayori does that very recognizable face from a certain DDLC moment gives me chills. I love this song, man!
Honestly, you could interchange this song and My Confession in my personal ranking, and I wouldn't be mad in the slightest. Both songs are very close in quality if you ask me.
What about Deep Breaths then? Well, one thing you should know is that, considering that the girls from Doki Doki Literature Club are some of my favorite characters in all of fiction, Yuri is my least favorite of the four. Maybe that's why the other Yuri songs aren't in my personal top 10, while the others got at least all of their songs in the main story (prologue excluded in the case of Monika). But even then, I don't think that's it because if it was truly the case, Deep Breaths wouldn't be so high.
One of the reasons I love this mod so much is that, especially when compared to other Doki Doki Literature Club fan creations, this mod, while not always taking full advantage of the DDLC cast, understands the characters they use very well. This song in particular nails the character of Yuri. It starts slow with Yuri all stressed out, and then she takes a deep breath, starts gaining confidence in herself, and sings with more confidence too. The song itself is so mesmerizing! It is really beautiful and quite catchy at the same time. If you ask me, Yuri is probably the best singing partner for Boyfriend, not only for this mod but probably all of FNF. I also really like the little shiny stars that appear on the screen when the song is really going. It is definitely one of the best songs in the mod for me.

This is one of the bonus songs from this mod. While I like those bonus songs as a whole, I think they are a step below the songs from the main story. That is except for Epiphany, because this song is just... WOW!
While it is not my favorite song from this mod, it is probably the most genius. I would go as far as saying that out of all the songs in Friday Night Funkin' mods that aim to be as difficult as possible, which includes songs like Ballistic, Expurgation, God Eater, and many others, Epiphany does it the best. Basically, in this song, it's like if Act 3 Monika, before her development, had her own song with the goal of making it as difficult for you as possible in order to make you stay and sing with her for as long as possible.
This song truly reflects the fact that Monika is probably the strongest being in video game history, being able to practically control the game she ends up in. Not only does she manage to use Boyfriend's voice data to allow you to sing, even though Boyfriend isn't even there, but you can feel the power that she has. The notes are lightning fast, and there are notes that can kill you in one hit. You play the song for quite a long time only to see the notes stop coming. You might think that this is the end of the song, but it turns out it was just a moment to let you breathe before she starts singing the main DDLC leitmotif and goes back to serious business.
This is the moment where the player realizes that Monika will not let this game end. The only way to truly beat her is to tough through the rest of the song until you manage to delete her character file. Once you finish completely erasing Monika's file, you both sing one last note, and you see the horror on Monika's face before she gets erased. All of this tells such an amazing story with just one song. The song itself is definitely very good. It sounds really intense, a bit emotional, and can be quite catchy too. This song is just pure genius, and I love it.

I will say it: on average, Natsuki probably has my favorite songs in the whole mod. I think that's interesting because, at one point when reflecting on Doki Doki Literature Club and its characters, I discovered that in one aspect or another, I relate a lot to each of the four girls in that game. That probably explains why I love this game so much, and I should honestly talk about it in more detail one day.
For now, what you need to know is that the way I relate to Natsuki is through our taste in things like what we like to read, what kind of story we prefer to tell between simple or complicated stories, and other things. So, the fact that the character with the songs I like the most in this mod happens to be Natsuki is either a wonderful coincidence or proof that Doki Doki Takeover really understood its characters to an incredible degree. Either way, My Sweets is really awesome.
This song slaps hard, and I've seen many people on YouTube being surprised by how much this song slaps, and who can blame them? It has an amazing techno beat, great use of the DDLC leitmotif, and is everything I would want for a Natsuki FNF song. Also, Natsuki makes a "HMPH!" at the end of the song. Great stuff!

During the festival, Boyfriend and Girlfriend let the girls choose a song they wanted to sing from their backlog of songs. The twist is, the songs in that backlog are from previous Friday Night Funkin' mods! This is how we ended up with remixes from those songs in this game.
My favorite of those remixes is Monika's remix of Glitcher. I already liked Glitcher a lot before this mod, which certainly helps, but the new instrumentation and the implementation of Monika's voice instead of Hex's arguably make for an even more amazing song.
One amazing thing is that, at the moments where you would normally go into the Matrix or something when singing with Hex in the original, instead you go into Senpai's world with the 8-bit aesthetics. This is the coolest thing ever! The fact that it is the last song before the end of the main story makes it all the more epic!

Here we have another amazing Natsuki song! This song truly shows Natsuki's character. Seeing those cute drawings appearing on the screen, only for the drawings to become... crazier when that electric guitar comes in. Natsuki wanted to break expectations, and she surely did!
You probably know that I love rock, but one kind of rock I really like in particular is the kind that puts a smile on your face. This song is definitely that, which goes even more with the fact Natsuki and I have similar tastes like I said earlier. This song just slaps because of it! I would really like to put this higher, but the songs in that mod are just that good.
Since this song takes place right after the main conflict of the story is resolved and the festival songs are pretty much an epilogue, you could say Reconciliation is the finale of Doki Doki Takeover. And man, is it a good finale!
What I love about this song is that it feels the most like a DDLC song, which really completes the gap between DDLC and FNF. I don't say that only because it is the song that reuses the most leitmotifs from not only the original game but also DDLC Plus and the side stories. I say that because the instruments scream Doki Doki Literature Club.
Overall, it is just a very beautiful song that you really want to sing along to.

Personally, I like watching people's reactions to stuff. Sometimes it's just entertaining. Something I really wanted to see people's reactions to is the remix of FNF mod songs in the festival. I actually didn't know those songs before discovering Doki Doki Takeover, so seeing other people with more knowledge of FNF reacting to those songs is very interesting.
I wasn't disappointed for the other three songs, but for the It's Complicated mix of Sayori, surprisingly not a lot of people recognized this song. Then I watched a playthrough of the Soft Mod, and when we reached It's Complicated, I discovered two things. First, now I know why people didn't recognize the song: the main melody that the characters sing is much more different from the main song compared to the others. Second, and I say this as someone who has Sayori as his favorite character in all of fiction, and therefore knows A LOT about Sayori and all the depth she has, this song fits Sayori so well!
It's actually incredible! Honestly, the new melody for this song is even better than the original. While Natsuki has a taste more similar to mine, I feel like Sayori's songs should totally be my thing. After all, I LOVE songs that feel happy and sad at the same time, or like she would say, "bittersweet," and It's Complicated is definitely that! The way both Boyfriend and Sayori sing the song is also really beautiful. What a great remix!
Rain Clouds is pretty much a remix of Ohayou Sayori and Peachy Pie from the original DDLC game and the side stories, and it's a great remix on top of that. Of course, Sayori would sing a remix of what is essentially her theme song. Just like the original song, it sounds very fun and is very upbeat. I would say it's even more so thanks to the generally more upbeat feel of Friday Night Funkin'.
I wonder why out of all the Sayori songs, this is the one called Rain Clouds, but at the same time, I wouldn't change the other names, so let's keep it that way, I guess. Overall, it is a pretty great song!

Before talking about the song, can we all say how amazing it is that Natsuki chose this song just because it had a cat on the album, and it turns out the cat she was talking about is Kapi! That's just perfect!
This is another remix of an already great FNF song that is arguably even better than the original. This one is just so catchy and even somewhat epic! Not to mention Natsuki's vocals fit the song so well!
The Newcomers
And finally, Natsuki's song. Obviously, since she really doesn't have a death in the game, they had to be a little creative, and they made a little thing based on the scene where her eyes pop out. She honestly looks the creepiest of the three, and just the way it all comes together at the end, where we watch the girls slowly get deleted, is really sad.
This was automatically my favorite from the first 30 seconds. Deceivingly calm at the beginning, then all hell breaks loose. Very fun to play too, especially with the new Unfair difficulty.
My absolute favorite DDTO song. This is Yuri's bad ending song, and it depicts her craziness so well. I especially love the parts where she gets all close to the camera, even if it is a little bit creepy.
DPZ really cooked with this. If you liked FruityDaLei's version, you'll really love this.
Sayori's Bad Ending song. If we're being honest, of the three, this one probably had the least impact on me. However, fun fact: There were a few streamer demos, and each version had special artwork of the character depicted in the Happy Thoughts art style as a little thank you from the devs.
Anyway, small spoilers ahead - I can still really feel the amount of pain Sayori is going through during this song, and the Happy Thoughts bits are cool.
A great way to start the Encore week! I love the upbeat, energetic tempo throughout, and it's just a really great song overall.
Alright, so I'm helping out Eclipsmon and adding all of the new ones. Starting with this one, it is one of my favorites. Senpai and Monika sound great as always.
Probably my favorite Encore song. This song fits Yuri's personality so well.
So, this is a version of Epiphany unlocked by beating the normal version. It's basically the same song, but now Monika's voice actor, Carimelle, actually sings! The lyrics were written by Juno Songs, so you know it's going to be good. Beating this also unlocks the Valentine costume for Monika.
Now, the thing with this song is that there are actually four versions, depending on who you pick towards the middle. My personal favorite is the Yuri Mix, but all of them are pretty good.