Top Ten Humongous Entertainment Junior Adventure Games
Humoungus Entertainment is one of my all-time favourite video game companies, they used to make children's point and click adventure games back in the 90s and they made excellent video game series like Freddi Fish, Putt-Putt and Pajama Sam that made my childhood, especially the Junior Adventure games. So..., why not make a list about it? With that being said here it is.
This game isn't just the best Humongous Entertainment game ever, it's the best game ever. Nostalgia hits me harder than any other game. Ok, I should calm down.
Anyway, this was the first Humongous Entertainment game that I ever played, making it super special for me. Everything about it is legendary. The music, the minigames, the rooms, the items, the story, the sprites - everything! They are all perfectly drawn and played, and the setting is so magical it's unreal. It's the most flawless thing this world has ever seen.
Ok, I admit that the theater didn't interest me in the game. But minigames and side content are never mandatory, and if they are great, it's just bonus points. The rest of the game is legendary!
From an objective standpoint, this game hasn't aged as well as many other modern Humongous Entertainment games, such as not being able to use the Esc key to skip certain cutscenes. But that's honestly my only complaint, and even then it's not a very big problem. Sure, it can be annoying not being able to skip certain cutscenes, but at the same time, it adds to the charm. And that's the only thing this game hasn't aged well on.
This was the first Humongous Entertainment game that had changing paths, offering variety in different gameplay, and it feels perfectly retro in my opinion. Overall, best game ever made maybe?

While Freddi Fish is considered the weakest HE game series by fans, the one that people consider to be their favorite in the series is the third one. In my opinion, it's certainly close to being number one! It's just that 1 and 4 are slightly better.
Anyways, this game was also pure gold! The tropical setting is so awesome, and the endgame was awesome too! You've got this giant Aztec pyramid in water that you have to swim through! I also love the plotline where you have to go in that cave to look for something. I just love this game!

Aside from the Freddi Fish games, the Spy Fox trilogy is definitely my favorite out of the Humongous Entertainment games. Their plots and gameplays are just very interesting in my opinion, and Spy Fox himself is such a charming character. My favorite of the trilogy is the second installment, "Some Assembly Required."
This game is simply amazing and has so few flaws. The story is incredibly good. I like the amusement park/world's fair setting a lot with its greenery and characters. The villain is the best in the series, and the puzzles are excellent.
Yes, there are only two different paths in the game, but the gameplay rocks either way. The villain is a rare example of a Humongous Entertainment antagonist with not only a serious motivation but a good one. That is Napoleon LeRoach, a French cockroach dressed like Bonaparte who seeks revenge on the world for being treated poorly for being small. Overall, this is the best Spy Fox game and one of my favorite Humongous Entertainment games.

From the #1 item, you might guess that the Freddi Fish series by Humongous Entertainment is my absolute favorite video game series of all time. And that is absolutely correct. There is no other video game series that comes as close to holding that special place in my heart. Quest for Glory and Putt-Putt are close, but still not quite there.
I adore all the games in the Freddi Fish series and consider them all masterpieces (except for the fifth installment, but it's still awesome). The first one is the only one that has touched my feelings so much they've bled. However, the fourth game in the series has actually almost made it there. It's my second favorite Freddi Fish game because of a lot of things. For example, the western setting might come as a disappointment to a lot of people, but I like it. The music and everything else wake up so many feelings. The reason I prefer the first one is not only because it's more nostalgic to me (duh).

Ah, I remember when I first found out there was a sequel to Freddi Fish and started this game up. It was awesome. While this game is the shortest of the series, I don't care too much because of how good it is! I really liked the school setting, and the setting outside of it was excellent too! I remember when I first played it, and the intro music came in, and I was so hyped! I just love this one too much!
However, remember what I said about it being the shortest? One of the reasons is that this is the only one in the series that didn't have a proper endgame like the other ones, so it was a bit too short. You know, like a final setting at the end of the game, like the pirate ship in the first one or the ship in the fourth one. However, it's ok because the game wasn't really built around that plotline. I also liked how this game has big similarities to the first one.

In my opinion, this is the greatest Putt-Putt game. It's even in my top 5 best Humongous Entertainment games! I guess why I love it so much is because it has a similar tone to my favorite HE game (the first Freddi Fish game). The setting is pretty dark, and I just had the most fun with this one.
I wish I played this as a little kid. This, Joins the Parade, and Pep's Birthday Surprise I only played as a teenager, but oh well, I love this one the most easily! A great second installment!

Putt-Putt Enters the Race was the first Putt-Putt I played as a little child, so I always used to refer to this one as the first one even though it's actually the fifth one. I do think it's just about as good as Goes to the Moon. I have so much nostalgia for this game. But, objectively, I'd say that one is slightly better. Oh well.
This game has the same setting as the first game, Cartown, and Putt-Putt will join the Cartown Race and must find all the racing equipment. I love this game so much! It's always fun to explore Cartown, and it's heavily improved since the first game! Pretty much flawless.

It was a hard time deciding between this one and Enters the Race since both are, in my opinion, equally awesome. But I had to go with this one for now. Many people consider it to be the second weakest of the series, but that's not true in my opinion. In fact, this game was, in my opinion, amazing and better than the one everyone considers to be the best (Saves the Zoo).
This was the last Putt-Putt game that I consider to be a good game. I can't believe it's the sixth installment, and yet it's so good! The circus setting was pretty cool, even though I normally dislike circuses, and the gameplay was just so good! The puzzles were decent and fun, and the endgame where you can jump on trampolines was really fun.
The Newcomers

This was the last true Humongous Entertainment game produced before Atari came and ruined everything. Unlike the other Freddi Fish games in the series, I don't consider it to be a masterpiece but rather just amazing. The new graphics, while still mostly the same, feel kind of more modern, and I didn't like that too much. The music was very forgettable. The new side-scrolling method isn't my favorite either.
However, on the plus side, this game has one of the best minigames in the series (Mess Hall Mania), and the story is still pretty awesome! I loved the endgame too, and the setting was pretty good as well. However, this game was slightly disappointing, and I easily consider it to be the weakest Freddi Fish game. But it's still so great.

I got this game this Christmas (2019), and I've been very eager to test it out. It didn't disappoint me. I knew it wouldn't hold up to Spy Fox 2, but it was better than the first installment.
This game probably had the most original story of the bunch and the most original villain as well. Poodles Galore, a fashion enthusiast, is planning on depleting the world's ozone layer and using it to create a special type of sunscreen that can withstand the sun's rays and make her rich. She is the most evil Humongous Entertainment villain I've seen, coming the closest to actually killing someone and causing a mass extinction.
Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of her because her voice is so loud and annoying. But she's decent overall. One thing I like about the game is how you can travel to different parts of the world, and all of them are necessary to visit. There's North American streets, South American jungles, African deserts, and an Asian lake. It's a nice addition in my opinion.
I think the puzzles were the easiest in this game, which is not a negative. Overall, an amazing game!