Best Top Lane Champions In League of Legends

The Top Ten

I main her, and she is the best. Exciting gameplay, awesome skins, balanced abilities, and very interesting lore.

She never gets boring. Always fun, very mobile, high burst, high CC, and can do a lot of damage.

Make sure to go to Toxic Camp before playing Riven, or else your success chance will be low. Although we have people like BoxBox who have bypassed the system.


Pull anybody using your E, hit him with W, press Q timely, and if the enemy is still hanging around, then he has to answer the Noxian Guillotine.

Easy to play and dominate, but if your enemies are remotely decent, they will kite you hard and wait till late game to outscale you.

Darius is super strong because of his passive and his Q, which heals him. Plus, his ult does true damage. He wreaks havoc on top lane.


The most amazing champ ever. He has an escape and could easily 1v1 Riven.

No champ in this game can out-sustain Aatrox.


Garen is really tanky. Not only that, but he has a very good silence rate. If you use him, I highly recommend maxing out his "E" after you max out "Q."

When in a 1v1 combat situation, engage with Q, then with E, and then with W. If you have your R, use it. When the combo sequence is complete, they have attacked you half of the time you have attacked them. You should have gotten their health down approximately 73% (if built correctly), or they should have tried to run away from you.

Always a safe bet to go with Garen to dominate the top lane. He's very strong against almost any champ, and his passive adds great sustainability in the lane. Burst your opponent down with Q and E, shield yourself with W, and then finish them off with R as it scales with how much health they have lost.

Garen is a very solid champ that can carry the ranks to victory even if the rest of your team is falling behind.


She's definitely the strongest top laner out there, even if you haven't mastered her completely. She fits in with the current meta and has great sustain and very high damage, even with all tank items.

When she's level 6, she can go for two opponents at once. Use Q, then E, then W. Wait for your health to become lower, and at the same time, attack them, then R! Watch them die!

Once this champion is ahead of the other top laners, it's going to be GG. Once she gets ahead of you, there is no way you have a chance to win your lane.


With the right builds and good timing, Q just becomes easy to use.


Insane damage output makes her perfect for top lane. Make a tanky Shyvana, and you have a high DPS tank that is so rare in LoL. She doesn't use mana or energy, and her ult comes back very fast.

When she ults, everything about her just multiplies.

Hybrid Shyvana is awesome, especially for top and ganking later in the game.


Very high damage and everyone underestimates you. Just kill them and he is HOT!


The League had to put restrictions on how he fought because he was so good. I mean, come on. The guy fights with a lamp post.

Strong in all phases of the game and is a ticking time bomb. Don't let him get to the late game. This guy will surely screw you over.

A score of oddly shaped bruises began to plague the League.


So far, one of my favorites to get introduced to the world of top laning. He can get you an easy S ranking in lower elos, of course.

The first time I picked him up and played him based on a guide at Mobafire, I got an S. Maybe it was everyone being afraid of an alligator in a swimsuit.

First person I played top, and he is by far my main. Super easy to learn, and combos are crazy to dive ADC.

King of top lane. Extremely easy to pick up.

The Newcomers

? Kayle

A very good carry in the late game, Kayle can kill anything besides a tank or an overfed player.

She has good mobility and escape options throughout the game if you are warding the lane properly.

? Soraka
The Contenders

His early game isn't that bad. I even beat a Darius out of lane once. Mute your team and farm up, then kill everyone while stacking tons of resist and HP. No offensive items at all.

Nasus is great. Farming is easy. He can be squishy early game, but once he gets stacks, those towers die, and the cooldown is amazing at max, 2.3 seconds.

He's pretty easy to farm up early. Then you decimate the enemy.


Teemo is one of the best top laners ever. He can be a tank, ADC, glass cannon, and much more. Teemo is awesome.


The best top laner, especially when the opponent is a tank or AD tank. Even if the jungler visits her, they will get a double kill.

Tentacles... do I have to say any more?

Illaoi can harass and clear waves like no other. Her tentacles heal her, and she is pretty much ungankable to many junglers.


Irelia is hard to play, but with the right build, runes, and high mastery, she is unstoppable.

Irelia has overall stats that make her hard to counter. She scales AD with base damage of AP, plus her passive wrecks.

Dr. Mundo

In my opinion, Mundo can destroy even champions that counter him because of his passive and R, which make him gain lots of HP back. If you know how to farm (mostly with W but sometimes with Q and E), you will not need help with your counters.

He also doesn't have mana and can use his abilities whenever he wants, which have very little cooldown. Is there a better champ than Mundo? I don't think so.

Mundo can dominate against Teemo, Illaoi, and so many others. I know this because I main Mundo and I played against all of these champs. My Mundo dominates.

Xin Zhao

Global presence makes it easy to split push and ult in when you need to. Great utility with his taunt and shield.

Taunt while the sword is behind you, Q to pull the sword, and then kill them. It's that easy. W for survivability, and you always win.


Gnar is good, especially with passive W. Doing a basic attack, Q, then another basic attack is a quick and easy way to get enemy health down fast, especially with W passive.

In Mega Gnar form, it's easiest to E into a fight, R champs into a wall for a stun and extra damage, W to keep them stunned, and Q for extra damage. This is a way to deal massive damage as Mega Gnar. The only thing you have to learn is to build up fury and save it for the perfect moment. Once you do, you can unleash hell.

OP because he can do long range in top, and when he turns into Mega Gnar, he can easily 1v1.


Rengar can definitely counter everyone with his builds because they are adjustable. You can take armor penetration for tanks. In 1 vs 1, he is OP. In group fights, he can also make a good mess. So, I think he is in the top 3 with Darius and Katarina.

The most OP player I have ever seen. His passive is fantastic, and his combo leads to a kill. OPPP.


He can counter all top champs, escape and chase with W + E, and critical strike the enemy until death. Most pentas I've seen were done by Tryndamere. He is probably the best late gamer too. If fed, you're done. He should be number 1 or 2.

Very powerful late game. Can escape almost any situation. Tower diving is not a problem. Not a huge need for potions.

Build your essential items first and watch the other team plead for mercy.

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