Top Ten Monster Hunter 4 Monsters

The best bosses in one of the best games for bosses.
The Top Ten
1 Dah'Ren Morhan

You fight the biggest boss in the game without any gear at the start!

2 Dalamadur

So, here's the mission brief: "You need to defeat the largest creature in the monster hunter franchise, all the while avoiding it's meteors, fire breath, and tail. It may also destroy land as you fight. Shah Dalamadur is the same, but it can heat and cool his skin.
Hot = damage, Cold = defense."

3 Tigrex
4 Gore Magala
5 Gore Magala Arluq Attack
6 Kezhu
7 Congalala
8 Seltas Queen
9 Najarala
10 Tetsucabra
The Contenders
11 Nerscylla
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