Top 10 Most Powerful Characters In Injustice
Has awesome Super skills, literally (Depends on which Superman).
1. Superman: Super Speed that lasts for seconds when his health reaches 20%.
2. Superman Regime: Super Strength that lasts for seconds when 20% health is reached.
3. Superman Man of Steel: Flying Blows. A 30% chance to regain power instantly after doing a special, not a super, attack.
4. Superman Godfall: Power of Kandor. When blocking basic attacks, it harms Superman's opponent.
5. Superman Prison: Super Health. When health reaches 20%, Superman regains health at an extreme rate for seconds.
6. Superman Red Son: Strength bonuses provide strength for Superman's teammates.
Doomsday, besides being one of the strongest gold characters, has an insanely cool skill where each knockout he deals makes him gain half his health. He's also known as the Hero Killer.
I mean, who doesn't want a character that can crush Superman, looks awesome, and has an insane super attack?
First of all, his special attack is the coolest of them all. He is good for most of the reasons that Bane is strong.
I hate him. His team only does 25% more damage, and it's dumb. But Blackest Night and other versions are pretty cool except Insurgency.
His attacks are fast but powerful, and his circle attack is really annoying.
A wide range of inventive attacks which are good up close and far away. Not to mention his super attack, which is very OP.
His passive is a really good defense passive, and his special 2 is OP.
Not the best character, I have to say.
Ares is the best of all. He is a god!
He is a god! What more do you need?
The regime one is really good because all specials do two times damage back, which is really good. If you try putting a special 2 on him while he has the aura, it will reflect back and do 200% damage, which should take you to 1% health.
I honestly think metahuman speed is really good. I've seen him once just vanish more than 50% health from the opponent.
Shazam is really good. When you use your supermove, the game suddenly gives you two bars of power, and you can keep using them constantly until his passive ends. He also takes half the damage and deals 300% basic damage.
I like the bronze one because it's a good defense card. I also like the silver because his SP 2 is amazing. I don't really like the gold one because he only does +100% damage on his basic attacks, and it's only for a few seconds.
The metal characters are good, of course.
This guy is amazing because the range of his staff, when the sticks are combined, makes him a really hard opponent to fight against.
For one, he has an array of guns that can have any use. His sword is powerful and has many ways to use it, and his quick shots can push back any forces.
Wonder Woman is a half-god. She is very powerful. She defeated Ares.