Top 10 Scariest Bad Guys in Video Games

Hey, internet! I will be counting the most freaky, disturbing, and horrifying bad guys in video games. I will keep all these brief and explain why they're on the list.
The Top Ten
Slender Man from Slender Man

"Don't look, or it takes you." Boom... Boom... "Follows." Boom... Boom... "Always watches, no eyes." Leave me alone! Help me! No, no, NO, NO!

Can you feel your hands shaking? Your pulse accelerating? Do not turn back. He likes to sneak in the dark. He's here for you. You will lose faith and hope. If you believe in him, he will exist - only for you and the others. So he will show himself, play a game with you. You will struggle, but he won't let you go, and you will die slowly.

Wow! What a character this Slender Man is! In The Eight Pages and The Arrival, the thing I liked the most was the atmosphere created by the music.

Pyramid Head from Silent Hill
Nemesis from Resident Evil

This guy chases you throughout the entire game. He can run while carrying a bazooka, and bits of his face are peeling off. Oh my god.

So scary that I shrieked for the ambulance.

Piano from Super Mario 64

What the hell is this? Why did it scare me every time? Why doesn't it die, and why does it do so much damage?

Just walking around.
Mario: Lalalala, oh look, a piano!
goes near it
Piano: kills Mario
Mario: What was that-a!?

Oh my god, I first encountered this when I was six and nearly crapped myself.

Regeneradores from Resident Evil 4

Failed science experiments - that concept alone makes these monsters nightmares. The worst thing about them is that they have defenses like a Shuckle. They move like they have no bones, and they were human test subjects. Someone get me a sick bucket.

One of the key elements in making a monster scary is deciding how they move. One of the scariest things about the Regenerators is how they move. They wobble, jitter, twitch, punch, and they were also REALLY hard to kill. They were definitely one of the scariest moments in video games.

Blood Crawler from Terraria
Wall Creeper from Terraria
Giygas from EarthBound

The Fetus theory and the childhood shock experienced by the creator of Earthbound make this thing a nightmare for many kids. And the music...

Just look at his face - if you can even call it that.

This guy is the scariest childhood trauma fetus of all time EVER! (Easily.)

Alma Wade from F.E.A.R. Alma Wade is a major antagonist and key figure in the F.E.A.R. series of first-person shooter horror video games by Monolith Productions, introduced in F.E.A.R. in 2005. The plot of the series revolve around the mystery of Alma.
The Hunter from Dead Space

This guy doesn't just want to kill you - he wants to tear you to pieces. He chases you relentlessly and has only one weakness: rocket blasts.

The Newcomers

? The Master from Fallout
? Legion from Castlevania
The Contenders
Twin Victims from Silent Hill 4

They're babies on arms that point at you. That is all.

Necromorphs from Dead Space
Mimi from Paper Mario

MIMI takes the form of a little girl, and when she's angry, it's not pretty. She starts cracking her head around and transforms into a spider with her body dangling below her upside-down head.

I freaked out the first time I saw her transform.

Jungle Creeper from Terraria
Black Recluse from Terraria
Haunter from Pokémon Haunter, known in Japan as Ghost, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

This guy licks you, and you shake until death comes. This has never happened in the games, but the concept is still creepy and gross. It lands him a spot on the list.

Headcrabs from Half-Life

This scared me so much I peed my pants when it attacked me. They try to get on top of your head to turn you into a zombie, but they are easy to kill.

Big Daddy from BioShock

These guys are horrifying to look at!

Dormin from Shadow of the Colossus
The Suicider from Dead Island
Sander Cohen from BioShock

His masterpiece is made from dead splicers! And if you shoot them, they bleed. Ugh...

Apart from the puppy audio file and, of course, the amazing plot twist, his masterpiece is the third most shocking thing in Bioshock. It seriously had me like 0_____0...

Big Sister from BioShock 2
Chris Walker/The Walrider from Outlast

Chris Walker and the Walrider are two different entities. If you meant that they're equally scary, that's acceptable.

Chris Walker - He's a tall, buff, insane military police officer. He grabs you by the neck and rips your body from your head, rather than vice versa.

The Walrider - This thing is invincible. It is just a swarm of nanites that can go inside a human (if controlled by another) and tear them apart from the inside! THAT'S scary!

Enderman from Minecraft

They're peaceful mobs until you look at them. They teleport to you, they're so strong, and they make uncomfortable noises. There's just one thing that I don't like - they're a rip-off of Slenderman.

Discovering Endermen late at night can be an unsettling experience. If you provoke an Enderman, it will stand still, staring at you with an evil gaze. With its trembling, gaping mouth, the Enderman will emit a long, loud, unsettling scream. It's enough to make you want to piss yourself!

When you kill them, they emit a loud screaming noise...

Freddy Fazbear from Five Nights at Freddy's Freddy Fazbear (originally known as Freddybear, as seen in the Kickstarter) is one of four main antagonists of Five Nights at Freddy's, who later appear as variations in the succeeding games.

I don't know why people like Foxy so much. This guy is the ultimate!

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