Top 10 Best Minecraft Game Types

Minecraft is not just about digging tunnels underground and building structures. The game has grown rapidly, and today you can play multiple types of games in Minecraft.

The Minecraft community has created several additions to the game, making it possible to play versions of Team Fortress, DayZ, Hunger Games, and many other games or movie-inspired experiences within Minecraft.
The Top Ten
Hunger Games

A still relatively new game mode but extremely popular. The game mode is based on the books and movie The Hunger Games. The player's goal is to survive as long as possible, with the last person standing ultimately being the winner. Throughout the match, players must kill each other to stay alive and can pick up whatever items the killed players had when they died.

This game type is like no other. It's like all the game types mashed into one big epic game type. I love it!

One of my personal favorite things to do on Minecraft servers.


MineZ is based on the popular DayZ mod, which is a mod for ARMA. In MineZ, you must avoid getting bitten by zombies and watch out for other players who might try to kill you. It is possible to form teams if you want to, but you should always be cautious of other players as you can never be sure of their intentions.


In Bed Wars, you and up to 4 teammates spawn on islands. You must gather 4 resources: Iron, Gold, Diamonds, and Emeralds, to buy items and upgrades at the Shopkeepers on your island. Each island has a Bed - if your Bed is destroyed, you can no longer respawn. Place blocks around your bed to defend it from being destroyed. Destroy other teams' beds, then eliminate the players to win!

BedWars is really fun. It is based on PvP skills. You have to break the other team's bed and eliminate all of the other players on their team. They try to do the same to your team.

Trouble in Mineville

Trouble in Mineville is based on the popular Garry's Mod game, Trouble in Terrorist Town. As players spawn, some are designated as traitors, one as the detective, and the rest as other roles. The fun part is figuring out who is what. If you are a traitor, your goal is to kill people without being detected and reported to the detective.

This is the best game ever. You actually get to challenge yourself.

Murder Mystery

Play with your friends, and it's lots of fun. Play solo with random players, and it can be annoying.


Skywars is a fun game where you're on an island in the sky, and you have to be the last person standing by killing everyone else against you. I really enjoy this game and would certainly suggest it.


Super fun, one of the best games out there.


It's kind of over, but if you play with people you know, it's still fun.

UHC is for more of the tryhard PvPers, but it is a very fun game mode. I'd suggest it to anyone who wants a bit of a challenge.

The Newcomers

? One Block

There are lots of tutorials and content based on this game type that you can watch while you play. It's a lot of fun but can get boring sometimes.

? Towny
The Contenders

SWAT in Minecraft can be lots of fun. In each game, there are usually a maximum of 12 players, and 6 of these are part of the SWAT team. Their objectives are given to them at spawn. The criminals make up 4-5 of the other team members, and they also get a mission at spawn. The rest of the players serve as hostages or similar roles. It's a lot of fun, especially if it's played right and everybody follows the leader's directions.


Wasted is an ARMA II mod. Here, you fight for weapons and other similar items that are common in multiplayer games. It's quite a lot of fun and requires very little to play since it's a server-side mod in Minecraft, meaning you don't have to download anything to start playing.

Egg Wars
Freebuild Creative

It's vanilla, but it's always fun if you're just bored and trying to have a good time.

Money Wars

Minefield is a lesser-known mod for Minecraft. Here, you can choose between two different teams before you spawn. Each team's mission is to take over bases by standing close to a flag, very similar to capture-the-flag games. The more bases one team controls, the more points are awarded to that team. The creators have added more weapons to the game, including modern ones like machine rifles.

Build Battle

This game type offers easy wins most of the time and lots of gameplay options. It's a good confidence booster.

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