Top 10 Worst Weapons in

The Top Ten
M9 (Cursed)

Unless you're a skilled player, getting the cursed M9 isn't a big deal unless you are not precise in aiming. If you missed the Halloween event, the difference between an ordinary M9 and a cursed M9 is that you can't remove it from your slot unless you kill at least one player.

On the upside, the cursed M9 doesn't drain your ammo during reload, making it slightly better than the ordinary M9. However, getting this weapon stuck in your slot can be a hassle for some.

Grade: F


Despite being the most balanced early game pistol, its mediocre damage, inaccuracy, and slow bullet speed make it the second-worst weapon in the game. Although it has a longer range and tighter spread than the Glock machine pistol, it's only viable in the early game if you can't find any decent weapons.

Grade: F

I tried using it to shoot, but it only shoots once, not more than once.


Despite its limited ammo capacity, the damage is enough to make this weapon mid-tier. The OT-38 is very accurate, requiring some degree of skill to use. If you're lucky, you can kill a player with two critical shots.

Although it has limited ammo and a fairly long reload time, which can be a hassle for inexperienced players, in the hands of a skilled player, it is a decent weapon for getting some kills in the early game.

Grade: E-


Seven shots per magazine. It packs a bit more punch compared to the M9 and is apparently more accurate than the M9. However, the limited ammo capacity hinders its overall performance.

You know it's one of the worst weapons when it struggles to destroy a normal crate using all its ammo in a single magazine. While the OT-38 is similarly poor, the M1911 is the worst weapon in the game. Let's compare these guns, shall we?

A single OT-38 has five bullets per round, dealing about 26 damage each on average (assuming the opponent is unarmored). 5 x 26 = 130, just enough to kill a player within four shots.

A single M1911, on the other hand, has seven bullets per round, dealing 14 damage each on average. 7 x 14 = 98. This is not enough to kill a player within a single round unless you hit a headshot. A player has 100 hit points. This makes it clear why the M1911 has more flaws compared to the OT-38.

Additionally, the reload rate of the M1911 is 0.1 seconds slower than the OT-38. The OT-38 also has a narrower spread compared to the M1911. Although this barely makes a significant difference, it proves that the M1911 ranks as the worst weapon in the game, and almost everyone knows that.

Grade: F-

Dual M9

Thirty shots per magazine should make these decent weapons, right? However, wielding the Dual M9 makes your shots more inaccurate compared to a single M9. Although it has better overall performance than a single one, it's generally not recommended to use these in the early game unless loot is scarce.

Grade: E

It's super slow to shoot with both guns.

Glock 18C

The Glock 18C is one of the better weapons if you can't find decent ones like the MP5 or M870 in the early game. Unlike the M9, a single Glock 18C is much more effective against unarmored players in close-quarters combat, despite its inaccuracies.

However, it is designed only for close-quarters battles. The inaccuracy and rapid consumption of ammo also play a role. It will quickly drain your ammo count, and most of the time, players can easily escape your line of fire due to its limited range. Unless you engage a player in a closed space, this weapon is useful only in occasional situations.

Grade: E-

Dual OT-38

The OT-38 is great when dual-wielded, making it viable in the early to mid-game. The decent fire rate and rapid damage can take down most unarmored or lightly armored players within several shots, especially in the hands of a skilled player. However, its limited ammo capacity and long reload time make it less effective, placing it fairly low on this list.

Despite its reliable performance, it's generally recommended to ditch these weapons for a better one in the mid to late game. Unless you're skilled and want a challenge, the dual OT-38 can occasionally win solo battles for you.

Grade: D


The MP5 is considered one of the most reliable weapons in the early to mid-game. The accuracy and ammo capacity are excellent, making it effective against most players. However, you will eventually need to ditch it for the AK47 or its counterparts as the game progresses.

Grade: D+


In the early days of the game, this used to be one of the most powerful weapons until a better variety of guns was released. The ammo capacity and good damage make it reliable in the early game, but its slow fire rate and mediocre accuracy are drawbacks.

The DP-28 isn't very effective in short-range firefights due to its length. Nevertheless, since LMGs usually deal more damage to obstacles, the DP-28 is great for players who hide behind breakable obstacles, paired with its solid ammo capacity.

Otherwise, it is mid-low-tier for a rare weapon, as many other rare weapons outperform it.

Grade: C-


Honestly, it's a decent weapon, and I managed to win a handful of solo battles with this gun. The FAMAS mostly overpowers this gun. I could have replaced this weapon with the M93R (single), which actually ranks as the 10th worst weapon.

Grade: D+

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? M1100
? Mine
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