Top Ten Hardest Decisions in Life is Strange

The Top Ten
1 Bae or Bay

Honestly, most decisions on this list were fairly easy after viewing the short term outcomes of them, but this final decision was gut-wrenchingly difficult. In the end I chose to sacrifice the Bay because the damage had already been done and the final episode of the game focused on Max learning that she can't just time travel all problems away, so it made sense for her to sit this one out and just let it happen. Plus she got to stay with Chloe forever.

This is more of a choice than saving your town versus your best friend. Every single choice you made before this doesn’t matter if you go back in time and let her die. The hard feeling you get from it is caused by knowing the fact that everything you’ve done to this point, your adventure, has never happened. Nothing you did with all the people around you will ever be remembered. It’s like it was all a just wild dream. Sacrificing the Bay keeps all of that alive, but at the cost of losing all those people that were with you, except the one person who was with you through it all. The real choice is to end your incredible adventure with failure or never even starting it.

2 Euthanise Chloe "Accept", "Refuse", "I Don't Know" (Alternate Timeline)

I accepted. I know if that was me asking that, I would want someone to fulfill my request.

Oh God. I can't even think about it.

3 "Bacon Omelette" or "Belgian Waffle"

One of the most important choices in the game.

4 "Eat S*** and Die" or "F*** You"

Hardest decision of my life!

5 "Go to the Police" or "Look for Proof"
6 Saving Kate - Deciding to Say Who Would Miss Her
7 Shoot/Don't Shoot Frank
8 Kiss/Don't Kiss Chloe
9 Tell the Principal About Nathan in the Girl's Bathroom (Or Not)
10 Blame Nathan, Jefferson or David after Kate's attempt
The Contenders
11 Warn Victoria or not about the Dark Room
12 "Side with David" or "Side with Chloe"
13 "Take a Photo" or "Intervene" on David
14 "Pancakes" or "Eggs and Bacon"
15 "Answer" or "Don't Answer" Kate's call
16 "Leave the Money" or "Steal the Money" at Blackwell
17 "Stay Out of It" or "Stop Warren" from beating Nathan
18 Stay Hidden/Intervene
19 Romance Chloe, Warren, Neither, or Both
20 "Make Fun Of" or "Comfort" Victoria
21 "Leave the Gun" or "Give the Gun to Chloe" at Frank's RV
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