Top Ten Reasons Why Harry Potter is the Best Series of Books Ever

The Top Ten
Plot Is Well Made

Immense respect for how well-thought-out the plot was. Mrs. Rowling was not making stuff up along the way - something I notice a lot of authors do. Every book is interconnected, and every detail is entwined.

This plot is easy to understand. Complex plots will not be easy to enjoy.

Magic and Fantasy

I like reading magic and fantasy books. Also, this series is a great adventure.

Harry Potter is what got me into fantasy in the first place!

The amazing wizards and witches, the magic school, the wands, and the magical background.

Harry vs. Voldemort Action
Character Development

Harry Potter is full of wonderfully complex characters: flawed heroes, villains we can't help but feel sorry for, and a few who cannot be defined as "heroes" or "villains." It's brilliant. We grew up with these people, lived with them, laughed with them, and died with them. Thank you, J.K. Rowling. Your books made me cry, and there are very few authors who can say that.

I love how the characters became more complex as the books did and the readers matured.


The violence is usually just magical, different from Muggle violence. Anyway, people love cartoon violence. Fans of South Park, what has been your favorite death of Kenny?

No one here can use Crucio on their enemy. You're not going to go down a street and see a Dementor. The acid pops they sell don't burn your tongue. You won't suddenly lose all the bones in one part of your body and need Skele-Gro Potion.

Well Written
Fred and George Weasley Are Hilarious

Those identical twin brothers are some of my favorite characters. I like them a lot.

Gryffindor and Slytherin Rivalry
A Lot of Supposedly "Bad" Characters Turned Out Well at the End
Good Villain

The Newcomers

? The Teenagers are Not Addicted to Technology
? Hedwig is Cute
The Contenders
The Main Character Isn't Perfect

I totally agree. Normally, the main character of most books is implicitly flawless, with brains, beauty, and an amazing personality. But in Harry Potter, Harry is quite a bad-tempered and impatient person. Sometimes he's rude to people just because he's facing many problems and is under stress, which is something everyone does. I like the fact that Rowling makes Harry look a little like every other average growing guy. Harry Potter fan for life!

In Cursed Child, Harry Potter is a stressed man in his 30s with a high-class job and his family.

They Make You Feel Things

I have always liked Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore, but honestly, I did not realize I absolutely loved them until they were killed. In the first six books, Severus Snape was a character I hated in the same way he hated Harry. Yet, I could not help shedding tears for him when he said his last line while dying, "Always."

Harry Potter is the first book I have felt emotions over in a long time, and that feeling never changes, even after rereading it.

Honestly, Jo had me in floods of tears, although I rarely cry at books. And let's not forget the funny parts, like Peeves' song after the Battle of Hogwarts!

It's Interesting
Interesting/Funny Lines, Quotes and Conversations
Complex Characters
It's Not Cliche

Like if Harry had married Hermione.

It Makes You Feel Like It's Real

Hogwarts is my home, and it will always welcome you as you turn the pages like many before.

You say football. We say Quidditch.
You say chemistry. We say potions.
You say royal. We say Half-Blood Prince.

Harry Potter is not just a book. It is life, and I prize Harry Potter above all others. I am not ashamed to say that.

Luna told me to be inquisitive.
Ginny told me to be bold.
Hermione told me books and cleverness are not everything.
Neville told me to stand up to Voldemort.
Harry taught me to be brave.
Ron taught me money isn't everything.

I could go on and on. One day, J.K. Rowling will die, and my children will not understand why I started crying and went to read an old book named Harry Potter. But I know all Potterheads like me will be doing the same: blowing off dust, cleaning old wands...

Then Hogwarts will live once again. Thank you, J.K. Rowling, for bringing magic into my life.

Darker Themes as the Series Goes On

The books matured as the readers matured. I love that. There were themes of death, love, and war prominent in the last couple of books, compared to the first few, which had themes around friendship and bravery.

Hero Doesn't Get the Girl
Awesome Villains
Enchanting Creatures
Draco Malfoy is Hot
Hidden Links
Harry is Brave
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