Darkest Content Found on the Deep Web and Dark Web
The internet is probably one of the greatest inventions ever conceived. Well, that does seem to be true at first glance... Until you dig deep into the net.Enter the Deep Web. There, you will find a lot of stuff which you cannot find in conventional sources such as Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia or Bing. For anonymity, you use special online currency used "Bitcoins" to buy or purchase things anonymously as the Deep Web is meant to be used anonymously. You could find a lot of stuff you'd find surprising on the Deep Web, some of which are harmless, though still somewhat mind-numbing, but with certain software applications, you'll find yourself in deeper, darker depths, ones where even the toughest-minded would find difficult to stomach; the Dark Web.
The Dark Web is arguably one of the worst places to stumble across. You'll mostly find some of the most vile, disturbing, haunting and disgusting content you'll ever come across and there is a sense of dread when you realize you'd have to consent to people who frequently use the Dark Web, as they could kill you should you disobey any order.
What do you think would terrify you the most. And WARNING: If you wish to enter the Dark Web, do be careful as I am NOT encouraging you to do so and strongly advise against it.

How do people enjoy watching children getting tortured? The Dark Web is like the real-life version of the movies Where the Dead Go to Die and Mr. Pickles.
It is full of sadistic and cruel people who have nothing better to do in their lives other than just be evil.
This is the reason why the dark web and deep web are dangerous. You can see unusual and nightmarish things there. Child pornography is one of the worst crimes ever.
Some of the absolute worst child pornography is found there, according to informative videos about the deep web on YouTube. I have never actually been on the deep/dark web.
Human experimentation is something that exists on the Dark Web. It's usually homeless people who get caught and then experimented upon via radiation, starvation, vivisection, etc., with graphic, horrifying results.
There's even a tagline eerily similar to Animal Farm: "All humans are not equal, for some of them were born superior to others."
I don't even want to know what this is. Just reading this makes my blood run cold. Please don't tell me it's like The Human Centipede movies.

How? Animals are always naked, so how can there be animal porn?

I watched a video about the Dark Web, and there was literally a picture of a human foot in a meat package being delivered! I feel so horribly bad for the people who have to deliver such sick things and might possibly be eaten by these sick beings.
I lost my faith in all humanity after hearing about this. I pray for the world to become better. This made me get closer to Christianity again.
Cannibals often go to the Dark Web to find others of their kind. They're so demented they'll actually try to contact each other and arrange meetings so they can feast upon each other!
There's also a full book on how to cook women, complete with structured planning and detailed guidelines. I wish I was making this up, but a cookbook on women does unfortunately exist.

If you thought the Dark Web was scary, there was a forum that revolved not only around pedophilia but even infantophilia too. What's worse, the website attracted over 100,000 users online before it was taken down by police. No words can describe how beyond sick people can be.
This item definitely deserves to be ranked higher than regular porn.
These people deserve the death penalty.

There are forums based on Theistic Satanism, of course. There is some pretty weird content, such as ways to summon demons and Satan himself.
Considering the people on this site could be dangerous, I'd rather stay out of this.

One example: The Cruel Onion Wiki.
Women in heels torture small animals like puppies and kittens, often in a sexualized way. That is one of the most disturbing things I heard about on the Dark Web.
Humans aren't the only victims of the Dark Web. There are cases where people torture and kill animals on live stream, via crushing or mutilating them.
Yeah, I heard that there are live videos of cats getting beheaded, which is just awful. Screw this thing. Please ban this!
So there's this video game where you basically just walk through a pitch-black hallway endlessly. It does seem rather uneasy, but it gets worse progressively.
You start to see some of the most revolting images, such as a mutilated child, a person getting raped or killed, and even images of a serial killer, Lady Justice, Margaret Thatcher, and Jimmy Savile. To top it all off, you'll hear chilling, disturbing screams of women and children, which some sources claim to be real and kept in audio files.
You can check out the gameplay on YouTube, but do be careful.

The Newcomers

This definitely should be ranked higher than porn, considering that children and women are often caught in these criminal organizations, and that they can run away with those victims harmed without consequences.
Apparently, you can find audio recordings or scripts of planes right before they crashed. In fact, you can even find one based on 9/11. It's sad and disturbing since you can hear the last words of the pilot and the passengers in audio, which might haunt you for life.

There's an actual site where grieving mothers share images of their stillborn children on the Deep Web as a way to cope with their loss and to meet and chat with others facing the same predicament.
This is one of the few areas where the Deep Web is rather harmless, and the motives are understandable to some degree. However, the chilling, haunting music, accompanied by the images of stillborn infants, can give you an uneasy feeling.
One of the areas where it's not that harmful. It's still chilling, you know.

It's a known fact that the Deep Web is a place where you could buy drugs anonymously, with Silk Road being the best example. It was so successful, it was even dubbed the "eBay of drugs." The site was taken down in 2013, alongside the arrest of the site's owner.
Since then, there has been a Silk Road 2.0 and 3.0. Hopefully, this business gets permanently destroyed in the near future.
Webcam users should be more secure. Tape works wonders.

Wait, this thing actually exists even today?! Please kill me now!

ISIS sucks! I am never going to fall for their stupid propaganda. We need to get rid of this awful, evil group.