Best Kristen Lawrence Songs

Halloween is coming up very soon! What better way to celebrate then listening to the Queen of Autumn! Kristen Lawrence. Kristen Elise Lawrence, is an American organist, composer, and vocalist who writes, produces, records, and performs her music based on Halloween history.
The Top Ten
1 Souling Song (Samhain Version)

This song 'The Souling Song' has two different versions. This one however I find to be the best. Her vocals in this song are strong and loud, they are absolutely beautiful. This song is about the souls from the other side coming back to earth for Soul Cakes. This song is one of the best Halloween songs that you may ever hear. A different take on the traditional song, describing the ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain, where the dead were believed to visit the earth, accept food offerings, and share their magic. Drums, organ, electric guitar and bass, and voices dance together like wild pagans around a Samhain bonfire.

2 Vampire Empire

This is song is one that should belong in everyone's Halloween collection. Her vocals are outstanding! From amazingly worded lyrics like "Garlic or our lick? Will sticky blood be your pick? Drains by Romanian fangs are quick! " To more gruesome lyrics like "We'll stab your gloat and throat, ending in dripping sips..." Her organ makes the classic Halloween sound to it. A saucy invitation from a vampire to a mortal to become one of the blood-hungry undead. A majestic organ and wicked harpsichord waltz together while two kick drums thump like heartbeats.

3 A Broom With a View

A very dream like song that sends you flying with witches and the moon. Looking down on trick or treaters and Jack-o-lanterns. Lyrics like "Halloween makes midnight seem candle-lit by stars and screams!
Ah, oh! Ride and glide as in a dream. As we rise past curving branches which sweep us high,
Ghosts wave, visiting a time past before the grave. Halloween makes midnight seem candle-lit by stars and screams! Ah, oh! Ride and glide as in a dream." Another one with Kristen's voice at its best.

4 Dark Glass

Written about a mesmerizing dream Kristen had with surreal Halloween imagery. Windy sounds and distant voices set against organ and strings give the impression of floating through the sky. This song is completely beautiful with haunting melodies and an amazingly played organ.

5 Ghost of John (Dead Composers Version)
6 Sleeping Dust (The Death Lullaby)

A sweet, plaintive lullaby about death to sing to the dead or the living. Organ, piano, celesta, and humming take us from simple beginnings to simple endings with a world of intensity in between.

7 Blood Waltz
8 Souling Song (All Hallows' Version)
9 Mostly Ghostly (Entrance Music)

A maudlin but mercurial ghost bemoans the lack of physical brains, wailing with a massive pipe organ. It can also be seen as sad. This song should be played at every Halloween party and at every haunted house!

10 Cats In the Catacombs
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