Top 10 Best Accents
Naturally, the British accent should be first - an English accent, a London accent - but most of all, the best accent by far is a smooth North London accent. Islington in particular... hmm...
Sexy and so enjoyable to listen to. I'm American, and when holidaying in London, I'm attracted to literally 100% of the girls because of their accents.
I have three British crushes:
1. A British YouTuber
2. Draco Malfoy
3. Cutler Beckett
I just love their accents! They're so cute!
American accents! Especially the NJ and NY ones. JK. I'm from Central NJ. We aren't boring or uninteresting. We also have that wonderful capability of sounding dumb or like an intellectual.
I do like British, Scottish, and French accents, though. An Indian accent is practically what I would have if I wasn't born in the USA.
Oh yeah, your accent really is interesting, at least for me. I am a non-American. But most of my contemporaries hate it.
I don't know why. Maybe because they can never catch that speed.
I'm mostly Irish with a bit of German and, I think, Russian. So, really the best combination, lol. You'd think I could drink to my heart's content with that kind of blood in me, but no.
My mom and dad were both mostly Irish. My grandpa was Irish, and I'm sure more down his line of relatives, but my grandma was from a German lineage. I really love the Irish accent as the best one, in my opinion. Although I love to do it, sometimes I find it difficult. Whenever I get upset or genuinely mad, the accent kicks in, and I speak a little faster. People either can't take me seriously or become terrified.
It takes a lot to genuinely set me off like that, though, because I really have to be upset. Anyway, 10/10 accent. It's always fun to do, and I usually get compliments when I manage to use it.
Australian is not a language. Australians speak English, and there's nothing complex about it. Plus, there's nothing American about the Australian accent. Chris Hemsworth has a beautiful speaking voice, and when he's in an American film, of course, he speaks with an American accent!
I'm Australian, and no one from another country has ever said that they can't understand me.
I'm really enjoying Australian accents, which I've known through YouTube. If you are looking for a gaming Aussie channel, check out LazarBeam. He's very entertaining.
At first, I thought I didn't like it because I only associated it with the Melbourne accent, and I'm not a fan of it. But once I found out about Sydney's and its surroundings, I fell in love with it.
I'm pleased to see that Polish is on here. And though the Robersons don't think so, it is a wonderful accent.
I like the accent because it is very easy to replicate and fun.
Say ravioli with an Italian accent.
I just like them, and I'm part Italian.
Indians did have a funny accent earlier, but that's in the past. If you observe now, the accent is getting better. It's actually good to hear. Their pronunciations are so clear.
I'm not Indian, but I just love and adore them and their culture.
"Dond dell me whad do do!" Sorry, I love the Indian accent. It's actually really easy to imitate, and it's very enjoyable to do and hear.
I might not be Indian myself, but I do love the accent, their culture, the people - they're all wonderful, funny, and beautiful in their own ways.
Southern French is not at all a mix of Italian and French. It comes from the Occitan language (also called Provençal or Languedoc), a Romance language spoken by about 1,500,000 people in southern France.
All Occitan speakers use French as their official and cultural language, but Occitan dialects are used for everyday purposes and show no signs of extinction.
Anyway, it's a really funny accent.
Southern French is a mix of Italian and French accents. Who can pretend to beat them?
French is similar to Italian as it is easy to replicate and fun.
Scottish is the most fun to replicate, as you can over-exaggerate all words.
So calming and just nice to listen to!
Endearing, old-worldly, and calming.
I'm from Tennessee, but not really the country part. My relatives are, though, and I like the accent very much.
I moved to a rural area recently, and I have a slight southern accent, but I wish it was more noticeable.
As someone living in the heart of the South, I never realized how unique Southern drawls and dialects were until I spent time in Colorado.
Be proud, Southerners!
I'm in Northern America, so I don't have that accent. But yeah, it sounds... very different.
Norwegian is always so nice to hear.
Most beautiful accent in the world.
I know a little Spanish, but not much. Their accent when speaking Spanish or even English is actually very pleasant to hear.
I can't imitate their accent that well in English, but when I speak Spanish, I can do the accent pretty well.
For school, I chose Spanish as a second language, and I am good at it.
It's a beautiful representation of the language.
I am part German, and I sang a song in chorus that was German.
The Russian accent is so interesting to listen to. All of the Slavic ones are quite good, but Russian takes the cake.
I know everyone loves the British accent - I do too - but the Russian one is more amazing.
Russian accents make me laugh. Every time I hear someone with a Russian accent, I start getting the giggles and laughing.
I admit, this is my favorite accent.
My 100% favorite accent. Such a beautiful accent. I love it so much! I could listen to it all day.
Canadians are amazing. What else is there to say?
Best accent to imitate, too. Respectfully, of course.
I really think this accent is just attractive. I love the way it has a mix of different languages.
It's not number one because most people voting haven't heard it before.
Because they are very much like British accents, but they sound more relaxed and sexy.
Like Australian and South African accents put together - both awesome.