Top 10 Worst United States Presidents
The United States has seen some great leaders over the years who have made significant contributions to the country's progress and development. However, not all presidents have lived up to the expectations of the people, and some have even been deemed disastrous. From failed policies and scandals to questionable leadership and ethical lapses, the presidency has seen its fair share of controversial and widely criticized individuals.Some of these presidents may have good qualities and accomplishments, but their negative impact on the country and their lack of leadership skills make them worthy of this list. From the early days of the nation to modern times, these presidents left a lasting mark on history, and not in a positive way.

It's hard to say whether Bush or Biden was the worst president in my lifetime. I've been alive since George Bush Sr.
Biden made the economy unbearable, but Bush handled 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan terribly. They were bad in their own ways.
Not a good president. However, you are delusional if you think that he's worse than Buchanan, Pierce, or Andrew Johnson. He's probably around number ten.
Dear George W. Bush, the people who are blaming Barack Obama as the scapegoat for America's current problems are doing so largely because of YOU. I honestly can't think of one or two good things you did for the country, with the rise of ISIS being entirely due to your 2003 invasion of Iraq. You seemed to want the oil and used WMDs that weren't even there as an excuse. Sure, democracy was also a justification, but your invasion still divided Iraq because it exacerbated internal ethnic conflicts.
Also, Barack Obama had to go and fix the recession YOU caused and is still dealing with the problems in the Middle East that you started and intensified. Yet, he is still criticized by America and perseveres despite the criticisms. You're only in 2nd place right now since TheTopTens is mostly conservative.
I don't care if anyone calls me an Obamabot. I am just speaking with logic and reason here. George W. Bush, you will always be in 1st place as the worst US president ever, along with James Buchanan, in MY book. This is me exercising my right to freedom of speech to speak for what I believe in.

Easily the worst president. George W. Bush is not worse than him. James Buchanan did nothing to stop the spread of slavery and let the Civil War happen.
The top three worst presidents happened so close together: Pierce, Buchanan, and then Andrew Johnson right after Lincoln. Buchanan even told Lincoln, "I hope you're as happy entering the presidency as I am leaving it."
Anyone who thinks Obama is the worst president is obviously biased for several reasons. The most obvious one is that he is the current president, and since Nixon's time, it has been fashionable to criticize the sitting president. I don't think he's a great president, but at least he didn't let the nation fall apart under him.
Enter James Buchanan, who practically let slavery spread and did nothing to prevent the Confederacy from forming. Luckily, we had Lincoln afterward, or else the United States wouldn't be the same.

The second worst after Buchanan. Pierce is tempting for the number two spot, but Pierce was partly bad because of watching his son literally lose his head, which affected his ability to lead.
Plus, Johnson was the first president to be impeached.
Andrew Johnson has to be the worst US President this country has ever had, and if you know your history, you will agree. First, he wasn't even elected. He was VP when Lincoln (who could be our best President or at least top 3) was assassinated.
He was the first president to be impeached. After the Civil War, when the country was in shambles and violent riots and revolts were popping up all over the country, he did more to extend the period of national disunity and contention than he did to heal the wounds of the war and the overall state of the country.
Also, I do not believe Obama should be rated the number one worst president. Don't get me wrong, I do not think he is a good president, but there are definitely worse presidents in our history.

I'm so sick of hearing that he hasn't done anything because of Republicans in Congress. That is the lamest liberal talking point ever. Don't forget he had a Democratic House and Senate his first two years in office and still didn't accomplish anything.
And what does he care about what Congress does? Have you seen how many Executive Orders he's signed? He does whatever he wants anyway.
Every single measurable factor by which Presidents are judged is far worse than it was when he took office. I said the day he was elected that his mission would be to destroy this country and he's pretty much accomplished that! By far, the absolute worst President in our history!

Barely got elected, yet the nonsense has already started. He wants to annex Canada, take over Greenland, Panama... How about you make friends, not enemies?
Second, there are much bigger problems at hand than deporting a bunch of illegal gardeners and mechanics. Trump demonizes a certain group, exaggerates, divides and conquers.
At least Obama somewhat fixed the healthcare system, and assassinated Bin Laden. I can't remember anything substantive when it comes to Trump, aside from the tax cuts for the rich.

Everyone thinks the U.S. government is terrible thanks to him. He wanted to extend the Vietnam War, resulting in lots of deaths, war crimes, and killings in Vietnam throughout the late '60s and early '70s. He was also absolutely racist and sexist.
He was even an anti-Semite, disrespecting Jewish Americans. Even though I am not a political person, I still think Nixon is the worst president the USA ever had, but he did show a lighter side as he helped Apollo 13 get into space.
Nixon was a liberal Republican whom we can, in large measure, thank for the massive trade deficit we now suffer with China. But as to who hacks what and who helped whom, the visitor knows nothing about history or recent events. Nixon's crime was not the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, of which he knew nothing. It was in the cover-up after the fact. And you're clearly confused regarding who did what during the 2016 election.

The Indian Removal Act was a despicable act by a man who was unequivocally racist and destroyed Native Americans, driving them out of their own land. Despite the unethical nature of his actions, we must acknowledge the complexity of having a nation within a nation. It is clear that displacing the natives was wrong, but the argument for American expansion was prioritized.
The justification for expansion, worse than the concept of Manifest Destiny, suggested divine permission to eradicate others in the name of growth. Andrew Jackson, despite being a morally reprehensible individual and known for his excessive drinking, paradoxically contributed to America's growth. This makes him not only a significant but also a controversial figure in history. Despite his actions, it is difficult to label him as simply a bad president because of his impact on the country's expansion. However, he undoubtedly ranks at the top of the list of morally corrupt presidents.

Herbert Hoover's policies significantly contributed to the Black Tuesday stock market crash in October 1929, catalyzing a global economic depression that lasted until the mid-1950s. The U.S. saw several presidents during this recovery period, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and to some extent, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.
It is lesser known that the collective efforts of these leaders were necessary to restore the U.S. economy to its pre-Great Depression standing. Hoover's legacy is closely tied to the economic downturn, highlighting the profound impact presidential decisions can have on global economics.

Certainly, Harding was not a great man or great leader. However, his administration did something very significant for which it has been forgotten: it shortened the length of the deflationary depression of 1920-21 primarily by issuing debt-free silver coins to circulate among the people. Just look at the circulation of silver dollars for 1921 versus most of the earlier twentieth century.
Following WWI, America needed a financial boost, and the Harding administration provided it. This contrasts starkly with Hoover's and FDR's Keynesian mishandling of matters that fueled the Great Depression a decade later. The claims that Harding caused the Great Depression are without foundation.
The Great Depression was caused by too much credit and the withdrawal of that credit, the opposite of the issuance of hard money, which Harding championed. Though he was not a great man, Harding deserves a better place than 11th worst.

Before Obama, Carter was definitely the worst ever! However, where Carter tried to elicit peace in the Middle East, Obama went out of his way to support the overthrow of many Middle Eastern governments that were either supportive or neutral, by radical Muslims who then unified and strengthened terrorism. His economic "leadership" threw the US into a disastrous recession, which eventually became the key item behind his defeat in the bid for a second term.
Carter's weak, ineffective leadership opened the door for the Iran hostage crisis. Carter is a known liar and buffoon who used to carry around empty suitcases to appear as a "common man" and often deferred to both his drunken brother and (then) 10-year-old daughter about policy items.
He is also the only president to be so arrogant and concerned with saving his wretched legacy that he's broken the cardinal rule of speaking out negatively about other presidents and has tried to take policy action.
The Newcomers

Joe Biden is the worst U.S. president in history. He raised prices significantly, the border is a complete mess, and he has the worst vice president in history. The economy is in flames, and every world leader seems to think, "Yes, we can bomb other countries and do whatever we want because Biden won't do anything about it! He's just some naive idiot who wouldn't even harm a fly!"
No one messed with Trump, and Trump kept everyone in check so no wars would break out. We are on the brink of World War III, fellas, and I mean it! His wife literally said that him answering all the questions was an accomplishment. Yeah, let that sink in. America, the country that used to be so strong, now has a world leader who can't even raise a dog properly.
Biden only picked a vice president because of gender and color, needs people to direct him where to go, probably forgets there are wars going on in the world, and just sucks on ice cream all day. He's an idiot, and so is Kamala Harris. Trump 2024, baby! Biden, stick to sniffing white Parmesan instead of ruining a country.

The right spot for him.
Good: He won a victory over Spain in the Spanish-American War, probably the first time the USA ever won an international war (excluding the American Revolution). However, he annexed Hawaii.
The worst. He started American imperialism, invading the Philippines, Hawaii, Guam, and others just to conquer and gain more territory. This led to a war with Spain. He was assassinated by an anarchist, and I understand the motivations.
He was an imperialist. With the old, dying idea of Manifest Destiny, he had to annex an independent native country, Hawaii.

Bill Clinton's presidency is marred not just by his personal scandals, which hint at an abusive power dynamic, but more gravely by his war crimes. His administration's unauthorized bombing of Yugoslavia for over 60 days, without an act of aggression against a NATO member, was a clear violation of national sovereignty. This act set a precedent for presidential overreach, suggesting a president could unilaterally engage in warfare for political motives without congressional approval.
This behavior dangerously aligns with monarchical powers, a notion the Founding Fathers explicitly warned against. Clinton's actions have had long-lasting implications on the executive power's scope in foreign interventions, challenging the constitutional balance of power.

The creation of the Federal Reserve under Wilson was the death of this country's liberty, as Benjamin Franklin had previously stated it would be. He was backed by the private "Federal Reserve" (implying something that is simply untrue, that it is government-owned) to be elected, in return for signing the bill that officially created the Federal Reserve. Lincoln had already been killed, and there were two assassination attempts on Johnson for printing his own money, greenbacks, instead of paying 25-36% interest to pay for the war and create such debt for the country, and for actually shutting down the First Bank, respectively.
But Andrew Johnson was horrible in other ways. He's definitely in the top 10 worst as well. Wilson died with huge regrets, saying, "I have betrayed my country" (by signing the Federal Reserve Act). So, this redeems him somewhat in my eyes, as most of the presidents on this list are so bad, they had zero qualms about killing innocent people, American or otherwise.
Because there are so many downright evil men on this list, I think it should be mentioned that Wilson did recognize he created a monster and regretted it greatly for the rest of his life. He did not cause WWII, but he made money off it.

He should be in the top three. He was one of the biggest people to blame for the Civil War happening. Buchanan was even worse, though.
The top three worst presidents are Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and this guy.
Franklin Pierce has honestly been one of the worst people in American history. He worsened relationships between the North and South with the terrible Kansas-Nebraska Act, which led to Bloody Kansas. All he really did was drink and cry.
Now, I do feel bad, as his son died, but Lincoln lost three children and managed to get over it. Franklin Pierce is nothing but a drunk, racist, sad sack.

Why this President isn't number one is beyond me. He didn't lead anything. The CIA is the one who pulled his strings.
In fact, if Kennedy wasn't killed, he would have been the first Vice President in history to go to jail, just like his grandmother said would happen. He was saved by the CIA, to whom he then owed everything, and let them lead the country for those four years that put this country in the debt we are in today.
He was the one who started it all. In fact, we would have been debt-free if Kennedy's plan had stayed in place. Johnson not being number one shows me that the American public doesn't know exactly what this man has done in the history of our country, which is a shame.

His era was rife with corruption because he was very trusting of people who were taking advantage of his power. He ultimately has to be considered among the top people responsible for the mess that was Washington during this time period.
As was said earlier, perhaps the greatest general in U.S. history, but his undeniable skills didn't translate well to his presidency. It was a horrible black hole of corruption in any honest reading of U.S. history. Not as bad as Andrew Johnson, whom he preceded (and who was undoubtedly the worst president of all time), but definitely among the top 10 worst presidents to date.

A hypocrite. It is up to the state if they want slavery or not, but slave-free states should help catch escaped slaves and return them to their masters in the slave states.
He was one of the laziest presidents ever. He was the last president of the Whig party. He is the most forgotten president ever.
Well, unfortunately, I had to report on him. However, he did not believe in slavery, but again, he did support slavery in some way.

People on here who say he was a great president are very ignorant. Ronald Reagan created and wanted huge deficits. He wanted a rationale to dismantle the public sector or any part of the government that helped the average person. He was a toady to the top 1% and put the nation on the path of globalization and "trickle down." He wanted to give away what was best about our society to the very rich.
He contemptuously defied the Constitution by illegally selling arms to Iran. He funded the Contras of Nicaragua, violating the Boland Amendment of Congress. He called the Contras "Freedom Fighters," when in fact, they destroyed schools and health clinics.
Reagan gutted health and safety laws. He put James A. Watt in charge of the environment. Reagan said that ketchup in a school lunch constituted a vegetable. Reagan was a sadist through and through. The people here who think he is great are not educated.

He was a bad conservative, just like Reagan. He lost in a landslide to a far younger candidate, Bill Clinton. He gave birth to a monster who barely won the 2000 election.
I guess he did undo "Reaganomics," so the middle and lower class didn't have to cough up the cash, while the rich had tax cuts. So, I guess that was good.
This is the worst, most criminal of them all, and his family were the termites in our government, going all the way back to the late 1800s. The Bush family gave our future over to the greedy banks and set the precedent for all of the crooked government leaders we have to deal with today.

He never did anything. How could he be in the Whig party? Voters after 1833 have no common sense.
From 1840-1844 as president, is there anything he is known for? He should be higher up. Probably the worst president of the Reconstruction period along with Andrew Johnson.
Instigated the Mexican-American War, supported slavery and slave-holding interests, and betrayed the country for the Confederacy. Achieved nothing positive.
John Tyler betrayed the United States and joined the Confederacy.

You really can't say much about the guy. He died only a month after he was inaugurated, which is to say he was unable to do anything remarkable or detrimental throughout his entire presidential run. Whether he could have been a president who would have been seen as a U.S. paragon like George Washington or a presidential disgrace like George W. Bush is really up to your thoughts and imaginations.
He said, "I can survive in rain without a coat." I swear he got sick and didn't wear a coat at all. He was showing off.
Is he God or Jesus? No. He is so stupid.

It is hard to say he did anything good while president, especially considering he died from eating cherries and buttermilk. Although, like Grant, he is considered okay because of what they did during wars. Taylor is the hero from the Mexican-American War, and Grant won the Civil War, but they weren't presidents when that happened.
If he had lived longer, perhaps history would have judged him better. As the last US President to be a slave owner, he was just on the wrong side of history.
It's not fair because he only served for 16 months (1 year and 4 months).

Almost everyone who has played golf with him remembers President Ford saying, "I'm going to burn in Hell forever for two things: the Warren Commission and pardoning Nixon. I did both in the name of unity, but I sold my soul doing it."
Was pushed into office by Nixon's stupid mistakes. What was the poor man to do? Didn't run another term.
Knew he couldn't handle it. Think about it: first Agnew went down, then Nixon.
My mom hated him because he pardoned Nixon.

He may actually be the worst President. People here are saying he was a victim of Jackson's screw-ups, which undermines how spectacularly he screwed up in his own right.
While Wilson destroyed freedom of speech and tortured suspects, and Bush destroyed privacy, Van Buren did something debatably worse. He allowed Lilburn Boggs to pass Executive Order 44. This criminalized the Mormon faith in Missouri and legalized the killing of Mormons. He knew it was wrong but told the Mormon community that while he sympathized with their plight, interfering could hurt his reelection chances.

FDR's policies undoubtedly prolonged the Depression. His endless make-work projects did very little to actually provide a viable long-term solution to the nation's financial problems. His decision to raise interest rates in 1937 plunged the country deeper into recession and ensured that the US would not further recover until WWII.
However, FDR's most egregious sin was introducing Keynesian deficit spending, which essentially guaranteed the US would accumulate massive national debt. The problems caused by this reckless spending strategy persist today, with the US currently shouldering an 18-trillion-dollar debt.

One way or another, Mexico's land was going to become American because God told the Mormons to colonize what is now Utah. When it was part of Mexico, they tried to create their own country, Deseret.
However, leading a war with Mexico to conquer land that belonged to others just to be the first to colonize the West was awful.
He increased the size of the U.S., but just because the land wasn't used to its full potential and because the Mexican government refused to sell its northern territory doesn't give him the right to provoke a war with Mexico and force them at gunpoint to sell it.
I'm surprised that, because of these actions, he wasn't considered an imperialist president.