Reasons Why Babies Cry

Babies cry a lot and it's JUST annoying but why do they cry?
The Top Ten
1 They don't get what they want

Say no and they will throw MASSIVE tantrums!

2 They spoiled something

Their milk, food, or something. They will cry over it

3 They soiled their diapers

Do you know why babies cry in my opinion? Everyone hates Liv and Maddie.

4 They get hurt
5 They are scared

When I turn off the lights in my room, my playmate cries a lot.

6 Just to get their parent's attention and get away with their wrongdoings
7 Because they are babies, & they have no other way of expressing themselves....
8 Just to piss you off

No. Babies don't become this calculated until they're adult babies.

9 They don't want something like this or that to happen
10 They are tired
The Contenders
11 They’re bored
12 Playtime is over
13 Because people suck at parenting
14 They want food
15 They’re sick
16 People are constantly getting on their nerves

Like when people constantly spoil them they will get sick and tired of it and they find it annoying after a while

17 They’re in pain
18 They are demanding
19 They get scolded by older siblings
20 They are overwhelmed
21 They are annoyed
22 They get startled
23 They want to drink
24 They are constipated
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