Top Ten Things We Say and Used to Say That May Not Make Sense In the Future

The Top Ten

I only use this word when mocking it.


I use this word frequently to describe people, music, and situations. It's pretty much the ultimate compliment.

This term is already pretty dated. I just like the way it sounds. Plus, it fits my nostalgic personality. But I'll bet you 20 years from now, "groovy" will be forgotten.

Actually, this is from 50 years ago, and it still manages to be around.


Am I weird because I had to do a Google search for what this word meant?


First, this word meant happy or joyful. Then it meant homosexual. Now, apparently, it seems to mean "lame" or "uncool." I hope this word becomes extinct in the future.

It's so annoying and stupid when people use it as an insult. First, it meant happy. Then it meant homosexual for males. Now it's used as an insult!

They should change the word for homosexual because gay used to mean happy, and now people are just using it as an insult.

Hash Tag (#)

I use this word in its correct meaning, but I took an oath to call these hash browns.

Why must they use this every time?


It annoys me to no end when a guy calls me a noob. I got three out of four moves from Gliscor's standard moveset, and suddenly I'm a "noob"?! I am a proud Pokémon master, not one of those shallow girls who claims to like Pikachu because he's "cute"!

It's annoying when someone calls you this in a game, and you just want to lash out in an angry rage.

I hate how people misuse this word in video games. Noob means a person who is inexperienced.


Whenever I hear this word, I immediately think of Ratchet and Clank.

What does ratchet mean? That fox thing from Ratchet and Clank?

I still don't know what the slang term for this word means.


That's totes cute and soups adorbs! That is the language of many girls in my school.

The Newcomers

? Slay
The Contenders

Why, when I voted, it was at 12 and then went up to 11? This should be in the Top 3. Here are the reasons why:

1. Almost everybody says it.
2. We get it - you only live once!

Yeah, we know we only live once. No need to rub it in.

Gosh, now I've got the "Fro Yo Yolo" song in my head.


When the kids at my school started saying this, I just thought, "How is it that a number can be a slang word?"

It's a number, but yeah, the 9+10 joke is going to be forgotten.

Hubba Hubba
Left Nostril

For instance: This group is boss, you guys are so boss, this car is boss, and so on. It used to be a common expression in the mid-sixties before they replaced it with groovy.

Out of Sight
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