Top Ten Most Annoying Things About Having Braces
Braces are a great long-term investment, and ultimately the pros far outweigh the cons. But damn, they can be a pain in the... teeth.![](
It only hurts after tightening and wearing tight rubber bands for a while. They shaved/drilled my teeth last week, and the smell and taste were so bad. My mouth was wide open, and I could just see the teeth dust coming out. It looked like I was smoking, lol.
I definitely agree with this one. Pain is the absolute worst thing about wearing braces, especially after getting your wires changed. Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night because of it.
At least it goes away after a day or two.
This is the second time I've had braces. Last time, I only had the top ones. Today, I went to get another set of top and bottom, and about an hour later, the pain kicked in. It's unbearable.
In my opinion, pain is definitely the worst part of having braces.
My cousin wore braces, and the dentist said he couldn't have popcorn, chips, or hard candies. But he ate popcorn, and he was perfectly fine.
Dentists are overreacting these days.
One of the biggest problems for my friends with braces is being offered food that they can't eat.
Grandma: Want some gum, dear?
Me: Can't eat it. Braces...
Only a few more months until I don't have to put up with food getting stuck in my teeth when I eat at a friend's and can't brush.
Mine are quite tight. Thankfully, I only have to wear them at night, but if I yawn too widely, they snap.
It was so loose! I was trying to put the elastics on for an hour one day. Luckily, they stopped it.
Popcorn, chewing gum, and corn-on-the-cob are officially off-limits, but nobody bothers. However, sponge toffee is definitely out.
I once walked into a movie theater with a massive bag of popcorn, only to see my orthodontist. I passed it to my friend and gave the doc a winning smile.
Do you know how sad this is? You walk into a movie theater, and the air is filled with the delicious, buttery aroma of popcorn. You want to eat it, and you can see and hear others crunching away loudly, but you have to sit and watch, trying not to make pathetic whimpering sounds.
This is the definition of pain. A normal slap to the face that hits your teeth hurts, right? Now, amplify that pain by five. This is from personal experience - getting hit in the teeth by a soccer ball.
It hasn't happened to me, but friends have told me that it hurts quite a bit more with braces than without.
NO. It's incredibly difficult, and not to mention, it hurts if you get a tightening.
I've given up on flossing since it's exhausting to have to wrap it under my wires.
It's infinitely tougher with all that metal in your mouth.
Sometimes they accidentally made my wire longer on the right side than on the left, so when I chewed, the gums in the back were constantly being stabbed, and they bled.
Thank you, dentist, for making my gums bleed.
That's why I usually just chug some ibuprofen after getting a new wire.
The orthodontist once placed a wire in such a way that it poked my lower lip. For one week, it hurt when I chewed, and it hurt when I smiled. Luckily, they told me to put cotton there for a few days, and everything is fine now.
When a wire snaps or comes out of place... ouch.
It takes twice as long and hurts if they've been tightened recently.
The usual amount of time you spend brushing is doubled because you have to get above, below, and in between. Not to mention, it's kind of uncomfortable.
You have to brush twice as long.
The Newcomers
Having your brackets removed from your teeth can be extremely painful.
For those of you who have never had this problem, consider yourself lucky. Getting the gold chain tightened for an impacted tooth (especially the canines) hurts a lot.
The expose and bond surgery is a breeze, but getting the chain adjusted every two weeks by your orthodontist is where the real problems begin.
I used to eat everything, but now I can only eat school pizza, and I can't even eat the crust. The pizza is like 90% crust.
Ever wanted to be pinched by a pair of needle-nose pliers? Get braces and bite yourself!
I have a sore part on the inside of my cheek where the skin is torn off, thanks to braces.
You can't eat anything without metal rubbing against the already painful area. It makes you almost regret fixing your teeth and wish you had left them crooked.
Trust me, there's no way to escape the canker sores.
It has been about 2 1/2 days since I got my clear braces on, and I literally feel like I can't eat! Protein drinks, soup, and bread are about all I can manage. It's horrible.
It's so annoying. I feel like my lower teeth are swollen, and I can only chew with my metal brackets. It's pure hell.
You can literally feel the cankers forming on the drive home after dinner.
Ulcers are moderately annoying when you don't have braces, but with braces, they're unbearable. You can't move your mouth without poking them.
Especially if you wear glasses too.
It's especially bad when both people trying to kiss have braces. It's just a mouthful of metal.
It's really not that hard to kiss with braces. The person isn't licking your teeth, hopefully.
Eating is so hard. Last night was my first night with braces, so I baked cookies to cheer myself up, but I could hardly eat them!
You literally cannot eat ANYTHING. It's like there are only 3 foods you can eat for the first few days: 1. Oatmeal, 2. Yogurt, 3. Applesauce.
I just got my second set of top braces and now refuse to smile with my mouth open because I feel like I'm back in middle school, even though I'm a 10th grader now. Ugh.
When I was in 6th and 7th grade, I would always smile with my mouth closed. If I smiled with my teeth showing, I felt like I looked weird.
You don't ever dare to smile in public - especially not after eating. When you first get your braces, you feel like crying in front of the mirror because you look different, you feel different, and everyone glances at you with a nasty look.
Anyone else get those teeth pillows when you first get your braces? They're the hard balls of plastic they put on your back teeth so you don't bite down and break off your front lower braces.
Yeah, they suck. You can't eat anything with them in, and they take forever to wear out.