Top Ten Best Ideologies On the Political Spectrum In the USA

Which is the most popular ideology only a small sampling of my favorite.
The Top Ten
Libertarian Capitalism

Conservatism, by Dyshpo's definition, has the weakness of being way too conformist, while social liberalism promotes illogical government policies. Choosing right-wing policies does not need to mean discouraging social change. Right-libertarianism combines cultural freedom with sensible economic (and sometimes even social) government policies.

Has never successfully been done. Nordic countries have the free market aspect perfect, but are struggling to maintain their social welfare. The USA is the closest but is currently held back by the massive economic and regulatory strain of the government.


Very small government, no social safety net, and low taxes. Social changes happen at a slow, regulated pace.

The focus is on conserving tax revenue and resources.

The ideology that doesn't focus on race at all but rather the content of one's character. Which is how it should be.

Better than filthy socialism because it doesn't kill people and destroy the country.

Social Democracy

No ideology would work on a large scale anyways. Overpopulation is the reason some places have no resources. Social Democracy actually works really well. Think about it: the Nordic Model says they are a social democracy, and countries like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are all developed, free, and safe countries.

Not only does it support the needs of human nature, but it also betters the lives of unfortunate citizens, which is really good. We don't overly support capitalism, but we also don't overly support socialism either because we are a mixture of the two.

Think about it: instead of abandoning capitalism thinking it has no advantages, why don't you fix it to improve capitalism?

Classical Liberalism

The best liberalism, much better than SJW-style liberalism. The people that believe your gay neighbors can be married, have guns, smoke weed, and basically are the coolest people ever.

Laissez-faire economy makes plenty of wealth and development, but it would be better if it was a leftist ideology.

Classical liberalism is the Enlightenment Era ideology comprised of John Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Hobbes, and many more in the 1700s. It ultimately influenced (mostly by Locke) our Founding Fathers and inspired them to fight the American Revolution.

It is the idea of natural law theory and the social contract: laws of nature in which nature's God entitled them and the natural rights derived from those laws, which are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, property, and privacy. It is the job of the government to protect those rights, and when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right and duty of the people to throw off such government and establish a new one. These ideas, written in our Declaration of Independence, had a huge impact on the actual document.

Many of our Founding Fathers, like Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Samuel Adams, were undoubtedly Classical Liberals. Even Libertarians, like Milton Friedman, will tell you that our government is a Classical Liberal form of government. Both libertarians and conservatives claim to be Classical Liberals (like Paul Ryan and Milton Friedman).

Classical Liberalism is the ultimate ideology of liberty, which is the right to live our lives the way we see fit and the confidence that this freedom cannot be taken away from us. Libertarianism is just the grandchild of Classical Liberalism, and the three main ideologies of Conservatism, Modern Liberalism, and Libertarianism are all derivatives of this grandfather ideology.

Classical Liberalism is a revolutionary ideology and is responsible for countless revolutions in the Spanish colonies and in Europe throughout the 1700s and 1800s. It has ultimately changed our modern world, starting with the United States. This alone is the reason why I believe that Classical Liberalism is the best ideology by far. It has had too much of an impact on our modern world and too much influence on so many... more


A mix between right-wing classical liberalism and social liberalism with capitalism and secularism that's opposed to Islam and Islamism takes the top spot. That's how you develop a country for good.

I agree with some liberal things such as gay marriage and marijuana legalization. However, I think they usually go too far for the sake of being "politically correct."

Small government, regulated economy, medium social safety net, liberal use of tax revenue, social changes happen fast.

Libertarian Socialism

Personal freedom as long as no one is harmed, with big government geared mainly towards public welfare.

Liberation from the rulers and from the bosses.

Right Wing Populism
Democratic Socialism

It's just like libertarianism, only the economy is regulated, and V8 engines and twin turbos are banned.

A capitalistic economy as well as protection of the environment is top.

The Newcomers

? Syndicalism
? Democratism
The Contenders

Very big and robust social safety net. Everyone pays 49% in taxes. All industry is run and owned by labor. Classless - no poor or rich, just workers.

United forever in friendship and labor.


A king and his subject should have the same relationship as a father to his son.


State run by the one with the most resources or wealth. Absolutely anything goes, including selling people or selling organs.

Free the people. Free the market.

National Socialism

Wait, what about Russia and China, two nations that were poor before the revolution and became the world's most important countries besides the US? The US had developed for more than 100 years more than they did and won against the US in the space race with second-hand scientists.

Unfortunately, this cannot exist. This ideology would be amazing if it could work, but it assumes that people are morally good. In doing so, it is extremely vulnerable to corruption, censorship, and large-scale dictatorships.


All matters of state have been set with precedent. Only the most senior get to lead. No social changes except by act of God.


The problem with empires is that you have to travel far to get to work. Also, there are logistical issues in empires.


Progress is good but requires standardization.


Only laws protect personhood and personal property. Tiny government, no borders, everything is run by collective will.

Individualist Anarchism

An ideology represents what almost everybody wants.


A philosophy that takes us away from shallow moralizing and utopianism, but which made communism credible, acknowledging the non-linearity of progress and how different systems will be right for different places at different points in their development.

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